The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

Life, the Universe, and Everything We've wanted a botanical pet color from Neo and Subeta for ages, and it was Misiticpets that delivered. Even though I'd like it better if the limbs were left looking functional like the nokwi, instead of looking imobile like the cheran and the rest so far, they're fantastic!

My idea concerns how to turn your pet into a plant. The item that does it is a shiny gem called a heartstone. You feed it to your pet and it transforms at a special location. You obtain a heartstone by either defeating a sentient plant creature in battle or completing a quest for it. The stone is embedded in its chest. If you defeat it without destroying the heartstone, the creature's body shrivels and turns to dust, leaving just the stone. The botanicals, for lack of a better name for now, resemble something like a cross between Botanica from Transformers Beast Machines and the experiment 810 from Subeta. I cannot draw nor express the exact awesomeness of how they'd look, so you'll just have to imagine the most awesome thing in the world—they'd be 10 times awesomer.

There would be two main races of botanicals. One would be very agrressive, territorial, and not too bright. The other would be highly intelligent, arrogant, narcissistic, and refined. The heartstone functions as a seed and their life force in the way a human heart does. If a botanical dies with their heartstone intact, they can be ressurrected by planting the seed in their sacred garden and watering it with magical water. So why would they willingly give them away? Once your pet ingests the seed and drinks their magical water, they become a hybridized botanical and their unique genetic information is fused with the heartstone.

The fancy botanicals would have a secret eden like world/land of their own, one they would keep closed to outsiders for one hundred years at a time. No one would know why they'd suddenly allow outsiders in, but no one would ask why. They'd be haughty and snooty, but still world renowned for their hospitality. They'd have all sorts of exotic and tasty fruits, medicinal plants, pretty flowers, and cute fauna found only in their garden world. However, there'd be a secret temple located deep within their land that outsiders are never allowed to visit.

They're seemingly quite friendly, but something about them is unsettling and ominous. There are rumors of familiars, pets, and even people going missing near or in their land. They aren't at all fond of questions about themselves and callously dismiss the disappearances, but they still crave knowledge about the outside world. The big surprise is that they love vegetarians and vegans, to eat! Whee! They're carnivorous plant people! Go meat! This is somehow revealed to the public later on, but the abduction rumors are never proven true.

The botanicals you see are incapable of reproduction. If your pet should die, ( not for reals in game, but for flavor text), they can retrieve the heartstone that is now carrying new genetic material. They can then take the stone back to their secret temple, where they feed them to a gigantic voracious venus flytrap. Their barely sentient progenitor, we'll call it Seymour for now, can then ingest the heartstones and use the new genetic material to reproduce more seeds which can then be planted to create new botanicals. Once every hundred years or so, after they have gathered enough material and replaced any dead botanicals, Seymour creates a special new seed and dies. The new seed grows into a another giant plant glutton and life begins again. So the pseudo evolutionary reasons for the botanicals are to bring the progenitors food and new genetic material. They'd require huge amounts of meat, and need someone to obtain it for them since they cannot themselves. Most animals would tend not to climb into the mouth of a hungry plant creature of their own volition. The more savage and less evolved botanicals would be clones, while the others would be individuals with unique looks and personalities.

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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by hebdenhippy »

I only just noticed this thread, but I think there are some great ideas!

Restocking, money making etc - I like the idea that there is a more "Animal Crossing" method of making money and I think we could abolish restocking and stock markets. Instead, I think we could enhance the idea of jobs for your pet. When you create a pet, as well as a name, stats etc, you can also choose its job, but the starting jobs could be not that good, and poorly paid. But as you progress through the game, doing actual tasks for your job, not just item collecting, but also talking to certain onsite characters, battling etc. you can get promotions, meaning you start making more money. I just think it would be something a bit different from the usual "play games, restock". Shops instead have a constant stock (much like the Hidden Tower in Neopets)

Pets and colours - when it comes to pet colours, we're faced with the fact that so many have already been used, so we can't avoid using the same colour ideas, but the designs and names can be different. I think good colours are something Aquatic, Firey, Electric, Baby, Ghostly and Plant-like. But then it faces the problem that these colours have all been done before, on what petsite or another. Therefore, we'd have to make sure ours had different designs for there's, as well as different names. For example, for Firey colours, Neopets has Fire, Subeta has Reborn and Misticpets has Inferno. These all have quite different designs, and ours will need to be different still.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Madge »

Restocking, money making, etc - For someone like me who has precious little time to spend on pet sites but still wants to have lots of money to spend when I do get time, some sort of long-term high-yield investment like the Neopets stockmarket is needed. That's not to the exclusion of other methods, but the neopets stockmarket is just that awesome at making money provided you do it long enough, any site made by Neocolours members honestly needs to have something of that nature. Or I'll be sad :(.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Sparrow »

Pets and colors: I don't have much to suggest at the moment, except to say that Huggles' botanical pet color and backstory kicks serious ass. More creative than anything I've seen on any petsite... in fact, most of these suggestions are way more creative in general. I just want to suggest one thing: there needs to be a crustacean pet. I have wanted a proper crustacean virtual pet ever since I started playing these games, and for whatever reason Neopets' Maraquan Buzz or Ruki never appealed to me. If it looked like a Triops or some kind of colorful stomatopod, that would rock my socks. Or a eurypterid... which is a chelicerate, not a crustacean, but still. Yessss. :D

Also, for the Life, Universe and Everything category: last night I watched a demo of the game Spore, which is due sometime in the future (who knows when). Spore was conceived as a massive multiplayer game, and you start out by evolving a creature from the single-celled stage, to a multi-cellular aquatic organism, and so on. You can make it look like whatever you want, and you can change it as you gain more "evolution points." Eventually you gain enough intelligence to go into space and meet other players' creatures, etc. This is just an idle suggestion, but it would be neat if, as players explore the site, their pets gain enough intelligence points or whatever to access closed parts of the site. This experience could only be gained by playing the site, and maybe through random events. And maybe only certain pets would be capable of visiting specific places (like, only aquatic pets could spend time indefinitely in an underwater world, fire pets in a volcano world, or something). I'm not sure if that's a good idea, but I just thought I'd throw it out there.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

First off... all of this sounds brilliant.

Pets, Petpets/Minions
35-40 sounds like a good number of pet species. I wish I had color ideas, but I'm drawing a blank right now. Maybe something'll come to me while I'm doing HW.

I much prefer Subeta's system of 1 account/high number of pets to what I personally consider to be one of the greatest clusterf@#ks of the Neopets "system; I hardly ever log onto my side accounts, and I feel like any pets I keep on them are ignored or wasted as a result because I just can't do anything on those accounts without running the risk of getting frozen. I also think it's just easier to maintain a single account, but that's personal preference. If a single account system was established, I agree the pet limit should be higher (I was thinking closer to 20, but 30 would be great), and that users should have to somehow "work" for the privelege to use those higher petslots. Keith often quotes server strain as a reason why the last 5 pet slots are sold through the cash shop (to make them harder to get); I wonder how big of an issue X number of pets on a given account would be. I think that's something to consider before we settle on a pet limit.

May I request right now that we forbid REs that can change your pet's color/species/gender/whatever? I feel like I'm tiptoeing whereever I go in Neopets (fucking Boochi...), and I never have my favorite pets selected as my active pet because I'm too afraid that something beyond my control will alter them. And that's just it: why should I stress over potentially watching thousands or millions of site money get sucked down the drain because of something that I have absolutely no control over? It's not "cute" or "funny"; it's annoying, it hinders my interaction with my pets, and I wish I could punch whoever came up with the idea.

Games and Moneymaking
99% of the time, I suck at RSing. My savings on Neopets are dismal at best, and there are only two reasons why I even have as much money on Subeta as I do now: trivia prizes and quests. And I haven't been keeping up with my quests as of late because they've gotten extremely tedious for the payout I'm given. Sagg is... ok (although I don't understand how so many of you seem to get 300-400k from him a day; I have trouble breaking 200k most of the time), but I especially hate wizard quests now that he doesn't give you sP in return: I hoarde my tokens for the token shop, rather than resell them, so until I actually spend them, I feel like I'm losing money on him every day. That, combined with how much token prices seem to fluctuate, make me very unwilling to drag myself to his corner of Subeta now; it no longer seems worth my time. Also, quests get very boring after the first 10-15 minutes of constant clicking and shop searching (though I'm not sure how one could change that).

The Neopets games are entertaining, don't get me wrong, but as a means of making cash, they're absolutely horrid. I hate the 3k-a-day cap on all of the flash games; I'd much rather play a handful of games that I enjoy and am good at for an extended period of time and receive an appropriate payment than force myself to quit rounds early and jump from game-to-game-to-game-to-game-to-game to make money. The magnificent Mr. Black seems to have already covered this, but just to reitterate: The amount of pay is simply too small on a site like Neopets, where paintbrushes and weapons run into the hundreds of thousands of NP, if not millions. It takes too much time and too much site cash to make a decent earning on Neo nowadays, and I'm dumbstruck by the current economy. I agree that really good items should take some work to obtain, but one of the reasons I love Subeta is because, at least a year ago, it was much more fun to work towards those goals. Yeah, it took me two or three months to earn the sP for my Angelic Potion, but I had fun doing it and I didn't feel like I was climbing towards some unobtainable goal the entire time. A few months of saving is one thing, but it should not take me over a year to earn the site money to buy a highly desired color changing item or a standard battle set.

Life, The Universe, And Everything
What age group are we aiming towards? I assume we're looking at an older crowd of users, but how toned down would the site be? Is it going to be toned down at all? I don't have any suggestions in this area (but I'd much prefer we were closer to Subeta's PG-13 than Neopet's G rating), but I was wondering what other people thought.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by oogabooga »

Games and Moneymaking: What if, instead of 3 plays per game daily, we had an overall limit? You can play one game 40 times, or 40 games one time each, or whatever combination you like (not necessarily 40, I just picked that number from KoL). I suppose there's a risk then of everybody playing whichever game is easiest and fastest - maybe that's the reason for the Neopets system - but it seems to me that there's ways to work around that. Rebalancing the ratios, of course, or changing the games themselves.

I'd also like to see games that are more involved - not Neoquest level, but something that takes a bit longer for a proportionate reward, including items. Exploring a cave, solving a puzzle, something like that.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project

Post by Elfwoman99 »

I personally dislike being a human with pets that have to be owned/taken care of. Why not make the "pets"/eidolons/avatars to be your characters on your account? You have a party of characters, all controlled by you, which can be any of several non-human species. When you create your account, you start with one character, and after a certain amount of time on the site, other character slots are opened up so you can increase your "party." You can acquire smaller, less intelligent familiars/peons/minions to serve your party of characters. What I'm thinking of is something that would be halfway between an MMORPG and a petsite, but not necessarily with as much battling as an MMORPG. And unlike an MMORPG, you can have multiple characters ("pets") at once. Whichever is your active character at one time leads the others as a group as they travel, or if you have a home you can leave some or all there while you travel around with just one or a few characters at a time.

For species, I would love to see a large number of mythical creatures included. There are some really neat but obscure mythical beasts which could make very fun species, for example: The Tuba, a myth from Mongolia, which is a giant sentient snail with the head of a goat. I really like those things. I agree that umpteen dogs and umpteen other cats would be boring. My thought is that there could be maybe 2 or 3 distinct types of dragons, a unicorn or ki-rin species, a gryphon species, maybe 2 canine and 2 feline species, at least 2 insect or crustacean or arachnid species, 1 or 2 dinosaur species. And some others of various kinds.

Huggles' Botanicals idea rocks. For other colors, I think that having a "theme" to go with the culture/clothing of each world would be cool. One possibility would be to have some themes based on places in the real world. For example, there could be an aquatic world, an East Asian world, an Ancient Greek world, an Ancient Egyptian world. Your wingless dragon species can be turned into an Aquatic sea surpent, an Asian dragon, a wingless European Wyrm, or one of those multi-headed Egyptian dragons from the Book of the Dead. Your unicorn pet could be turned into a European unicorn, or a ki-rin, etc.

Another possibility for colorfill or redraw colors would be to have a set that adapt your pet to a specific region. For example, Generic Canine Species becomes a white wolf if you make it Arctic, it becomes a fox-type creature if you make it Forest, it becomes a gray wolf or an African wild dog or something else if you make it Plains colored. If you make it Desert, it becomes a coyote or fennec or something. (If you made it East Asian, you could get a tanuki/raccoon-dog). Generic Hooved Species can be made into a Forest deer, a Plains antelope, a Desert pronghorn, or an Arctic caribou. Bear Species can be a black bear, a grizzly, a polar bear, an imaginary desert bear, etc.

I think that the basic colorfills could be done with the alchemy/dyeing idea, that is a good idea. Also, the colorfills could include single colors, but it would be neat to also have a few multi-color schemes available as well. For example, a green and purple scheme would require x green objects and y purple objects in your Mortar, etc.
The redraw colors could each have a unique type of quest for them, so for example to become a plant (Topiary?) color, you need to obtain a Botanical seed. To become a fire creature, you need some totally different quest that first makes you immune to the terrible heat, and then maybe you have to enter a lava pool to be imbued with elemental fire. Or here's a different idea: to color your pet fire (which could be called Solar) you have to get on a spaceship and travel to the sun. After preparing yourself magically for the incredible heat (using something obtained from a phoenix?), you jump out the airlock into the sun! Your body is transformed into red-orange plasma, surrounded by golden flames and sunlight.
To become Undead your pet/eidolon/character has to die (which usually couldn't happen?) after paying some creepy necromancer who promises to resurrect you as a zombie/skeleton/ghost/whatever. The payment would be horrible things that must be obtained by ethically questionable means.
If people want a Robot color but don't want to copy Neopets directly, you could turn your pet into a cyborg by hiring a mad scientist, or something.

I agree with what others have said, that pets should not suddenly be changed in appearance without the player's control. Boochi is a terrible thing. If there are redraws of entire species, they should be polled so people have a real say in what happens to their pets.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Cranberry »

This thread is just full of excellent ideas. I would love to play this petsite, I really would. I'd also like to be on the customer service team, because I bitch about bad customer service at various other petsites, and I'd like to put my money where my mouth is, so to speak, and do it better. ;)

PETS/PETPETS: I'm with Elfwoman; I'd like to scrap the human/avatar/eidolon (I also have an aversion to that name because I know an annoying person who uses it as their online handle) thing altogether and just have a party of creatures. I do not want to dress up the creatures. I also do not want anthro creatures.

I like the idea of about 30-40 species to start, some based on mythical creatures, some completely invented and some more real-looking (I like how Subeta's done this). No cartoony pets, though -- I like more of a Subeta/Misticpets style than a Neo one. I also like the idea of allowing many pets on one account, like Subeta does. I hate my Neo side account; I'm always worried about doing something wrong on it, and I feel like my pets are neglected. We should allow one account, but many pets.

COLO(U)RS: I also love the idea of Generic Canine Pet being a wolf/fox/coyote/dingo/whatever depending on how you paint it. I always enjoyed how the Neopets Lenny looked like different birds, but I wished they could take it farther and actually change the pet's shape. Wouldn't it be awesome to have Generic Bird Pet become a falcon, owl, crow, chicken (hee), parrot, phoenix or swan? The artists could be so much more creative with a system like that, and it would help us avoid the traditional boring colorfills (and really set us apart from other sites). Personally, I would not miss garish pink, purple or gold-colored pets; I'm always much fonder of the realistic-looking ones.

I also agree with everyone who said we should have no color/gender/whatever-changing REs. I hate Boochi with a passion.

BATTLING/TRAINING: I absolutely love Huggles' idea of having a party of fighting pets with each trained in a different skill or class. I'd also like more of a focus on training than on weapons -- both Neo and Subeta have WAY too many completely useless weapons. I say we should make every weapon useful, but only if you've trained -- I don't want our site's version of n00binators tossing on a SoS equivalent and winning battles they shouldn't be able to just because they're rich. Whether that means stat requirements to even use a weapon, or increased number of icons once you hit certain stat boosts, or special features if you've trained a certain stat up (think Neo's Crisp Blue Tunic), I'm not sure. I'll think about it some more.

For training, I would NOT like a system like Neo's. Codestones are mega-expensive now, and it turns people off from training. Subeta's is much better, albeit a little boring. I'll try to think of something better.

MONEYMAKING: I don't mind devoting a lot of time to a petsite -- I've been playing Neo since 2000, after all -- but I don't want to have to be on there for hours and hours every day to make enough money to buy the stuff I want. I'm with Madge -- there has to be some sort of stockmarket-type investment thing. I'd also like some quests -- I don't mind slogging away at a repetitive task for an hour or so if it'll be worth my while (and quests should give out money and items, because it's exciting to get a good item every once in a while). I also agree that game winnings should be capped, but not at three plays per game like Neo's -- it should be a much higher limit. I like the idea of all shops being Hidden Tower/Mil Center-esque, but I also like Madge's idea of rare items restocking in unlimited quantities for just a minute or two per hour. We should also have weekly contests like Subeta's trivia/Neo's Lenny C and Mystery Pic, with good, unique prizes, because that's a challenging, yet fun, way to make money.

Basically: I'd rather it be too easy to make money than too hard. When I joined Subeta, it did not bother me that it was easy to make millions quickly, because it was easy to spend millions quickly, too. If we make sure there are enough cool things to buy, people won't get bored, even if they are filthy rich.

WORLD: I like the way Neo and Misticpets have set up their worlds. Really, I just agree with everything Huggles said about the world in her first post. Each area should have a very distinct style with fitting NPCs and themed petpets and everything. Each area should also have a pet color (or two) associated with it.

I was thinking about how the stockmarket could fit into a seemingly more fantasy-themed site like this one, and I decided that we should have an area that's like one huge city -- like Subeta's Centropolis, but on crack. I'm thinking a combination of New York's financial district and Vegas, with gambling games, the financial centers (bank, deposit box, stockmarket, auctions, trades) and whatnot housed in there. It would be such a contrast to the (awesome) botanical temple Huggles described.

(And by the way, trades should be for actually trading items for items, and usershops should have no price limit.)

I also think we should skew more PG-13 than G... the whole site should be in the spirit of these forums. I want to be able to swear. ;)
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Elzaim »

This thread has soo many creative and neat ideas in it. It would be amazing if something like this came full-circle for all of us. :)

I really like the idea of having normal real-life-like animal pets and then some mythological pets. I also agree with Cranberry that I DO NOT want anthro pets. If people want to draw their own to put on petpages and whatnot, that's cool, but I personally want a fluffy non-humanistic pet. I also vote with people of having a large amount of pets on your account - but I also like the idea of allowing a couple side accounts too, if users want one (like 3 accounts total).

Someone earlier came up with a rough pet outline, and I added to it. :P Here's what I'd love to see as a roster (of 35-40ish pets)

Dog *2 (maybe a regular dog and a wolf/coyote type?)
Cat *2 (again, a dometic cat and a larger predator-like cat... but maybe NOT tiger or lion.)
Bird * 3-4 (there are so many birds out there! I'd love a hummingbird pet, raptor, songbird and maybe albatross?)
Lizard or Croc
Ocean pet *2 (Octopus or shark?)
Dinosaur of some sort?

Mythical (includes a few human-like pets):
Cereberos (three-headed dog)


I LOVE Huggles idea for botanical pets, and I also like the idea of having different colors for different regions of the world. I also thumbs-up the idea of having elemental-colors for pets (I've always wanted a foliage color!).

Here are some names/ideas I've come up with quickly in my head for colors/names:

Rage/Fury - Our version of 'Reborn' or Fire.
Tornado - Maybe the pets could be that storm-grey color with white souless eyes with a tornado swirling around them, or them holding little tornadoes in their hands?
Forsaken - Kind of a combo of graveyard and nightmare. I invision black, menacing pets with red eyes and whispy bits floating off them (with little skull-like or ghoul images in the whisps) with some protruding bones or skulls and maybe chains?
Featherlite - The 'air' type pet. Perhaps they can be sitting on a clod and be semi-transparant with other 'cloud' accessories, such as cloud hair and whispy-cloud bits (like they're floating way?)
Deepsea - The water type pet. I'd love to see some really pretty blues/greens and even corals used - like they lived in a coral reef. :)
Evergreen/Botanical - Basically Huggles idea for our 'Earth' pet.
Thunderstruck - Our version of misticpets 'Storm'. Love the idea of pets having lighting bolts around them or weilding lightning in a menacing way.
Frozen/Snowfall - Our 'arctic' pet. It'd be neat to have both snow and ice incorporated in their design - and maybe make them really fluffy like a lot of arctic animals are.
Savannah - One of the 'region' colors. Perhaps they can be nice shades of brown and creams and have tribal-like markings?

Personally, I LOVED Wiz and Saggi quests when I first started out on Subeta over a year ago. The reason I liked them was because I could actually make a great profit (I was making 700+k from Saggi and 100-200k on Wiz... but I don't play now because it's not worth it anymore. I think if we had these two quests incorporated somehow, with some games as well, it would make things good for people who like to quests and not play games, or people who like games and not quests. I don't mind the neo-games, but I found they just took forever to play and I just don't have the time to spend hours playing all these games. Give me an hour to do my 2 quests and I'll be happy as a clam. :)

Ummm....that's all I have to input for now I guess. I'll probably come back with more later. :P
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

Life, the Universe, and Everything The reasoning behind having human avatars is that we are crazy nuts for them on Subeta. How many people stick around solely for that feature, despite how we fought about it in the begining? I love being able to be me in a world in any game. That's one thing I really hated about Neo was being forced not to exist. Like for plots and things, it wouldn't be a case of a Pokemon trainer going on an adeventure with their pets tagging along. It'd be done more in Neo's style, with pets and nonhuman species as the main characters, with a few human characters sprinkled in. To make a long story short, there'd be lots of pets without owners in the world.

Maybe when you could choose whether or not to tag along with your pet in the exploration parts of the site or in battles? Like in battles, say you could have a party of four, including yourself and three pets, or just four pets? Basically, I'm just wondering how you incorporate not existing into the practical parts of a site, like Subeta? Who would I be speaking to if I sent you a message? Is there something on Subeta and Neo in particular that you feel impedes with your nonexistence? Because I'm honestly confused as to how it would be an issue any more than picking your pets personalities and relationships to one another.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Cranberry »

Yeah, actually, that's a good point. I'd rather have an avatar of some sort than have people corresponding as their pets or whatever (I'm not big on fursonas/roleplaying/whatever). I do also love the HA system. I'm unclear on how this proposed site's HA system would work, though, especially if people want to be different "races" of nonhuman peoples. Can you elaborate?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Huggles »

I took out that part because I changed my mind and thought it overly complicated and dumb. So, ignore it altogether! :P After reading the first part Elfwoman99's post again, I'm a bit less confused. For the most part you'd be able to choose whether or not you participate or focus mainly on your pets completing tasks. I'd like the option to be there for either style, and for the site fiction to support either one as I hope I explained in the post above.

So, maybe you could choose to have your human avatar appear when you post, or an image of your pets. If you play certain games, your avatar could appear in the game, think cellblock or cheat, or your pet. Basically there'd be an option somewhere that would say "Travel the site as your human avatar" or "Travel the site as one of your pets". When characters on the site would interact with you, they'd either refer to you by your username(avatar) or one of your pets. Like, remember in the Haunted Woods plot where you viewed the site through the point of view of Gilly the usul and had to talk to various Haunted woods residents? Little things like that, where you could switch back and fourth between the two povs as easily as you could change your sidebar/site theme. You could always be in human avatar mode, or always in pet mode. Does that make any sense?
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Cranberry »

That does make sense, and I like that idea. :)

I've thought about weapons a little more, and I've decided that the best thing would be to have many useful "main attackers" and dual-duty/defence items that deal and/or block various types of icons (elemental-based ones like Neo's), but just a couple of each type of specialty weapon (bomb, freezer, healer, etc.). Instead of having, say, 20%, 50% and 100% healers, there could be a special healing stone, and it would heal a different percentage based on how much you'd trained a specific stat. There could be another healing item that drains health from your enemy and gives it to you, but the amount of health could vary based on your stat and your opponent's stats (sort of like Neo's drain life mixed with that Crisp Blue Tunic). Same for freezers -- perhaps there could be a frozen bow that "shoots an ice-cold arrow into your enemy's heart, paralyzing him for a short time," but you'd need to train agility or something like that before you could use it to its full potential. Maybe if your stat is low, you miss more often and you end up freezing about a quarter of the time, and as you train up the stat, you hit 50% of the time, then 75%, then finally "master the bow" and hit 100% of the time. I just really want stats to matter more than weapons, or at least as much as weapons -- someone who puts the time into training their pet should be rewarded for it.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Arviragus »

What about doing something like what used to be Grundo's Gym for training? I, personally, would love to see something more than a "click, click, wait, rinse, repeat" cycle for training, which is an issue I have with both Subeta's and Neo's style of training. My little sister plays Webkinz, and they have a pet training centre there where you actually have to help your pet lift weights, jump hurdles, train on a treadmill, etc, to get stronger/more agile/faster as you deem necessary.
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Re: The Neocolours Virtual Pet Project (Lots of words)

Post by Gumdrops »

One thing I've always disliked about pet sites, is how for the most part, a certain color is always done in the same way. Like, for example, the Split color on Neopets. All of those pets are done in orange and purple. There are so many different color combinations that can be used. I always thought a Koi would look nice in maybe, blue and green. A Uni could be rust and tan or something.

Basically, what I'm saying is that I'd just like a lot more variation. Neo actually did this with some of the spotted pets (Tuskanniny, Uni, etc.) and it looked really good.

I love all of the ideas put for thus far. Esp. the idea of a NeoQuest type training/battling system.
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