NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

A general writing-based forum- stories, poetry and the like, as well as roleplays and Werewolf signups.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

*snuggles Joey* I will motivate you when I see you online later. That... sounds so wrong.

If you have a daily goal, you need to write 1,667 words a day to hit 50,000 in 30. I did that before I went to bed last night - glee! And I get so into NaNo that I take the first 5 days of November off work, so that's all I plan to do today. Pathetic, I know xD

If anyone needs a pep talk, seriously - look me up on MSN. colorblindtyedye at hotmail dot com. I'll have a big ol' "NANO DO NOT DISTURB" message on if I'm writing, but disturb me anyway. I really wanted to be a ML for the Lawrence area, but someone else got the 'job' before me ;_; So now I want to be an ML for Neocolours instead xD
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

That's so sweet Jessi, that would be a goood idea actually, I'm almost always free to bounce ideas and stuff off as well {gomababe at}. I do have a personal 'helper' if you will but I encourage her to write too when she's in the mood for it. She's currently in the middle of working on her first novel so I'm trying to get her to sign up to NanoWrimo as well, just so that she has that little bit of extra encouragement.

I've actually started writing now, my poor main character is having a very bad day right now ^_^;. I'll probably take a break after I've done 500 words or so since I have a rather short attention span >_>.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Seerow »

Started writing just a bit ago (at just under 600 words now haha). It can be a set of mini stories can't it? I briefly skimmed the site last night and its not loading on my grandpa's comp for some reason, but figured someone here would know.

I'll probably do stories based around my rp and other characters I have, currently focusing on Ishka (Glacier Tigrean from Subeta, though not set in the Subeta world as none of my pets actually live in the world heh).
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

Seerow wrote:Started writing just a bit ago (at just under 600 words now haha). It can be a set of mini stories can't it?
The people that run NaNo have said themselves that the novel can be whatever you want it to be ^_^ So a set of short stories is fine. I think the idea is that you just wrote 50,000 words that were story-based in a month, no matter the format they're in xD I never actually finish my stories by 50,000 words, haha. My goal is usually to be halfway done by the time I hit 50,000 words xD
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Enriana »

I started around 2AM last night, got up to 1,000 something words before my mind went blank. Hopefully I can squeeze in another 600 or so to meet the daily quota.

My story is being very elusive. It gives me little bits of ideas but I don't see how I can connect them all into a proper story. And my perfectionist side is taking over, I keep making sure everything is spelled correctly and the grammar is proper and I follow all the rules of writing that I know, heh.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

My characters are being elusive as is the plot for some reason. At least I know roughly what i'm supposed to be writing and the target audience. It's just hard to keep my muse on task at the moment but at least I've done more than I did yesterday. i'l need to see if I can get more written after I've had something to eat and a bath {oooh I could use my Blue Skies Bubble Bar that I got as a present last month ^_^}. I@ll rummage out my Solitudes CDs too, give my inner editor something to concentrate on rather than the state of my typing >_>.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

My characters are never elusive - the problem is, I know them way, way too well and want to write way too much about them. It doesn't help that Lindsey knows them just as well as I do, and she reads each part as I finish it. This is good and bad - she can tell me if one of the characters is way OOC, but she also can't tell me if she understands the personality I'm trying to develop, because... she already knows their personalities xD

I wrote 4,680 words yesterday, which was short of my own personal goal of 5,000 - I have the first five days of November off with a goal of having 25k words done by the end of it. I want to try and write OVER 50,000 words this year, but I'm not setting an actual goal for myself. That way I can't be disappointed if I don't reach it xD

Good luck on day two, all!
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by checkers »

I'm going to give this a shot, no doubt it will end up like some crappy Harry Potter fanfic, mhh.
I can be quite creative in stories when I want to be, I'm quite good a game plot summaries when I play Star Wars figures or Harry Potter or something ^^; I'm not too sure what my plot/characters are going to be yet an idea will hit me soon it might include Mint (My Fursona) or my Character Belle; I just created an account today, here's a link to my account I'll probably write this in my spare time (which I happen to have a lot of lately) I'll update this post with more information when it arrives.

-Does the site load really slow for anyone else?
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

I mentioned this already in the thread, but the NaNo site is always really slow the first few days of November. As people aren't swarming it quite so much to update their word count, it gets quicker.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by yvonne_l_d »

I am also taking part in NaNoWriMo, this year. This is my first year taking part, so I'm very excited. I'm not much of a regular poster here at neocolours, but I will post about my progress and my struggles here. I can do with all the nano support I can get. Except for my sister, who's also taking part, I've gotten reactions of mostly mild puzzledness from people in real life. No success in 'conanoverting' anybody else to the project.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Wow, I finally decide that cliché and short...or no...I'm going to try NaNoWriMo with my dream-induced story. I might not really have the time to devote to it, but I might as well try. This thing may end up being only 20,000 words, but you all are aware of my tendency to ramble, so...we'll see.

And wouldn't you know it? As soon as I decide to go for it, the site is down for maintenance. At least I'm not in the middle of writing, so it's not really affecting me that badly. Heck, I haven't even started yet.

EDIT: is me!!

Tomorrow I outline, give characters names, and get my words rolling. :)
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

*amused 'Hmm'* Seems like my story wants to go in a completely different direction than I'd originally planned, that's ok though, if it gets the words on the page quicker, who am I to complain? Is anyone else having the problem of their background characters wanting to be more conspicuous, or is it just me? My Valkyrie character's somehow ended up in the prologue and is now playing a major part in the story arc *shrugs* so long as the story continues down the path of being relatively easy to read I guess I shouldn't be that bothered by it {I'm trying to write a novel that's high interest for older kids with moderate Dyslexia, inspired by my work with Scotland Reads and Project Scotland weirdly enough 0-o}.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

So I went around and added everyone's profile to the first post - or at least everyone who posted an actual link to their profile. For some reason, NaNo doesn't have a search function currently, so it's near-impossible for me to find your profile via your username. If you want me to add you to the first post, post an actual link to your user info.

I can't believe it's day four already - that means I have to go back to work in two days ;__; I'm a bit behind my personal goal but either way should have a good start for the rest of the month.

My story is also tugging me in directions I didn't intend for it to go in, but I figure, I'm writing it in 30 days, I'll just go with the flow xD
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by oogabooga »

Agh, I'm way behind. I've got 3173 words at the moment, when I should have a minimum of 6667 by the end of the day. I've just been too busy. It's weird, none of the previous three years has been like this. Also, my sister is completely on track with 8k, and that's weird as well.

I'm also feeling like I should have planned a bit more. It seems to work better when I do, even though I'm not a planning sort of person in any other area.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2007 Support Thread!

Post by ladynight6 »

Well unfortunately I won't be taking part in NaNo this year. I really have to concentrate on my school work, and besides the story I wanted to use I had started before Nov 1st. Bummer. But hey good luck to each and everyone of you! *huggles* If anyone needs someone to talk to I can be reached through PM.
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