Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by zebru »

Cranberry wrote: It's just a crappy Sony Cybershot, a 4.1 megapixel one (DSC-P73). It takes nice pics outside, but it's really inconsistent in artificial light -- just moving the camera an inch to either side can result in the same light looking yellowish, orange or bluish in the photo, and I hate how the flash makes everything too bright, so I never use it and a lot of my lower-light pictures turn out blurry or too dark (see the below pic of Scout for an example). I want to get a better camera sometime soon.
Ah, shame about artificial light because outdoors ones are fantastic. Horses too (I've never seen a baby horse in RL). I've been toying with the idea of getting my own camera for months now but I'm yet to decide what to get.

And Wingsrising, those are adorable! It looks like your having so much fun when both are around.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fury »

My darling, Harley:


I absolutely love my dog to pieces - he's about 10 now but he's still completely nuts and he makes me laugh! His face and big ears make me smile all the time, so I end up talking to him in the sort of fashion that annoys the hell out of everyone:

"Ooooh, you gorgeous little poochie poo, you want your din-dins? Yes? Yeeees!"
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by FaerieInGrey »

I don't have lotsa recent pictures of my kitty on the laptop. So these will have to suffice.

This is my Bailey. She's orange and I got her from the animal shelter that I used to do volunteer and fostering work for.

Bailey when she was a baby:

When she was kept in my room for her first few days, we had way too much stuff for such a small place. She was lost in a forest of cat objects.

Nom nom nom (part one)

Nom nom nom! (part two)

And she's about twice this size now. Yes, that's the same basket. She doesn't fit in it any more, but she insists on sleeping in it anyways. Her kittyfluff spills over the edges.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Ziggy »

Every single one of my rats can be seen here:

Except for Springer, so here is a pic of him:
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Jamie »

The only thing I wanted to really say was, 'ZOMG a Ziggy!!!'
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Ziggy »

Jessibean wrote: This is one of our two new, recently-adopted little babies! This is Zygs, although we call her Ziggy - which has no relation what-so-ever to NC Ziggy (in fact, we almost didn't name her Zygs because of Ziggy, and I knew I'd pretty much only ever call her that xD)
Im guessing she is the smartest, and no doubt most beautiful of your ratties? :wink:
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Jessi »

Ziggy wrote:
Jessibean wrote: This is one of our two new, recently-adopted little babies! This is Zygs, although we call her Ziggy - which has no relation what-so-ever to NC Ziggy (in fact, we almost didn't name her Zygs because of Ziggy, and I knew I'd pretty much only ever call her that xD)
Im guessing she is the smartest, and no doubt most beautiful of your ratties? :wink:
*laughs* I hate to disappoint you, Ziggy, but she's actually rather dumb xD Of course, she's just a kit, only about 4 months old, so hopefully she'll grow some brains. She is a hyper little thing though, always jumping on the other girls - and she's a terrible flirt when she's in heat! She'll flirt with the other girls, the cats, us, a sock... you name it ^_~

Most Beautiful might be correct, however xD I was wrong on her initial color guessing - she's actually a pearl merle, and very pretty!

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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

I committed to buying a dog today! I'm actually bringing her home on Tuesday, or on the weekend if the promised snowstorm dumps so much snow that I can't get down to the breeder's house before then. She's a one-year-old papillon that the breeder was going to keep as a show dog before she had a growth spurt and got exactly three-quarters of an inch too tall. She got four points toward her championship before that happened. She's spayed, housetrained, crate-trained, good on the leash, quiet, sweet... the perfect dog for me, pretty much. I don't have any good pics of how she looks right now (she has the same color hair as me -- red, almost exactly the same shade!), but here's a baby pic:


And a big pic of her as a little puppy. The coloring changes a lot as they age; she has black only on the tips of her ears now (and her ears stand up now, of course, to look like butterfly wings).

So, whee! Unless something goes horribly wrong, I will soon have a sweet little dog! I've never had a small indoor dog before, and I'm excited.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Alecko »

That is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time. You didn't mention her name but I assume it's Crystal going by the file names?
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fever »

Well, I finally figured out this thread existed, and I love these things, so I thought I should post up some pictures of the boyfriend and my pets =)

First, our youngest, Oreo

He was the boyfriends cat which he got just shortly before we started dating. He's adorable and very affectionate.

Oreo says, don't touch my feet!


Then, when Jordan and I bought our house together, and I could take my cat back from my mom, Oreo got to meet... Switch!


Switch is a year older than oreo, shy at first but absolutely loving after she's met you. She loves giving headbutts. As soon as she's in your lap shes butting her forehead into your face and purring.

Though Oreo was a little scared at first of moving to a new place, him and Switch soon fell in love..

Then, theres our old geezer cat. I believe he's around 15 now. He was born in our house from one of our older cats when I was younger. He used to be an indoor/outdoor cat, but now we keep him inside. He saw his share of cat fights and always won. He's a tough old man, but really he just wants to sit in your lap and drool.


Then finally, our two turtles, Cuff, the Peninsula Cooter, and Link, the red eared slider.

Cuff, when we first got him

Link, when we first got him:

And them now, together:
They quite enjoy sitting and basking like this..

We also have a tank of fish, but no pics. We have a couple T-barbs, some various tetras, a sailfin molly, just a community tank.

Im trying to convince Jordan that we should get a dog. We're dogsitting one right now, and Im not sure if he's helping or hurting my case lol He's never had a dog before.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Cranberry »

Alecko wrote:That is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time. You didn't mention her name but I assume it's Crystal going by the file names?
Yeah, her name's Crystal, which I don't really like as a dog name... but she of course knows her name after a year, so I probably can't change it (and I can't think of anything else, anyway). I could call her Chris, I guess! I should be bringing her home tomorrow, so I'll post pics of what she looks like now... she's such a different color from when she was a baby.
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fever »

Cranberry wrote:
Alecko wrote:That is one of the cutest things I've seen in a long time. You didn't mention her name but I assume it's Crystal going by the file names?
Yeah, her name's Crystal, which I don't really like as a dog name... but she of course knows her name after a year, so I probably can't change it (and I can't think of anything else, anyway). I could call her Chris, I guess! I should be bringing her home tomorrow, so I'll post pics of what she looks like now... she's such a different color from when she was a baby.

Congrats on the new puppy! :) She's adorable! You must be so excited :)
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Cranberry wrote:She's a one-year-old papillon that the breeder was going to keep as a show dog before she had a growth spurt and got exactly three-quarters of an inch too tall.
I will never, for the life of me, understand these sorts of show restrictions.

She looks like she was an adorable puppy, Cranberry; I can't wait to see what she looks like now. Congratulations!
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Joey »

Fever, your Oreo looks so much like my Oreo it's creepy :D Especially the foot picture, it's the same glare o_o
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Re: Pet Pics! [very image heavy!]

Post by Fever »

Joey wrote:Fever, your Oreo looks so much like my Oreo it's creepy :D Especially the foot picture, it's the same glare o_o

I don't know how I missed that the first time I looked through this thread! lol That is creepy, even the little white patch on the nose/mouth area. Its like the female version of our Oreo! :D
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