The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by daisybell »

I haven't gone to the battledome yet (I've only just got online- time to morph my lab pet back to a lenny and hold off the labbing, I guess). The split grundo is very funny though- finally a good use for the split colour! Though I guess the cheap split lenny morphing potion is also a good thing...

EDIT: well, I've now been to the BD and fought all three opponents. The first two have been one hit and win battles, so I haven't really noticed much about them, but the third guy... well, he's using Korbat special abilities, but he looks like a Blumaroo. Also, he's using Life Drain multiple times. And his Jade Scorchstone isn't healing him fully. There's some really weird AI going on there- at least he isn't especially clever, I suppose.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by gomababe »

Finally, I've been waiting for a battle portion to the plot for ages. I think I'll only be able to handle the first guys though by the looks of it, my attle pet isn't trained up enough to go after the other opponents yet, though I'll give them a fair go.

The comic was pretty goood actually, the split grundoo thing was very welll-played and it's making me wonder what hhis relationship to Gorix is. Hopefully there'll be another puzzle to do with the mines shortly, I don't mind fighting but a nice balance between puzzles and battling would be fantastic.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

My poor battle pet isn't exactly high tier, so I only managed ten wins against the middle opponents. I could possibly get more, but I think I'm at the point where a single, well-placed hit could completely wipe all 99 of Capi's hit points.

As for win limits, the only win limits I hit for the ToW plot were for the Mayor (199 loses... urk) and one of the trees at 31. I battled all other opponents less than 15 times, so based on that and things I vaguely remember, I think the win cap for ToW was 25-30 wins.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Wingsrising »

I really wish that they'd clarify in advance whether there were win limits or not. Not knowing if my wins count for anything is discouraging and decreasing my motivation, but I know I'll be kicking myself for not fighting more if there are NO win limits...

I still really wish we'd have an old-fashoned war with no win limits and points (at least the points for the fighting portion) updated as we go along.

If the win cap was 25-30 wins in the past, maybe I should try to work up the motivation to squeeze a few more wins from the 3rd-level guy... I guess there's no real reason I have to end on a nice round number like 20. :-)

At least we haven't had one of those annoying "100 people competing for the same slot trying to do a task" a la bone-testing or furniture-moving. Yet. Perhaps I'm speaking too soon.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by mellaka »

i've actually gotten the 3rd opponent up to 50 wins using diamond dust and withdrawing if it doesn't take the first round or if he freezes me too.

and i've only used the other two to heal between fights so far, currently at 76/111/50 wins.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Feathercircle »

I just wanted to give a big thank you to everyone who gave me weapon/items advice earlier in this thread- I've never done better than about a dozen victories in any war before, but I managed to get up to 142/22/1 on this one, even without a healing item. (At 225 hp and disproportionately low defense, most of the healing items don't seem to heal enough of a percentage to be worth the tempo loss of not using a weapon or shield.)

...also, I've seen both the third AND second guys using Korbat abilities. Do 1-player opponents normally get to cheat on stuff like that?
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I'm not a big battledome player, but from what I've heard; 1-player opponents do get to cheat on stuff like that. To be fair, it's sometimes unintentional and TNT fixes it when it's brought to their attention (I think, for example, 1p enemies used to be able to use single-use weapons multiple times during a match) . Someone who's more invovled in battling can probably give you a more acccurate answer, though.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

That used to be the case, yes. Multiple freezings and multiple full-healings = nearly impossible to beat. I think they've fixed that part of it though. :-)

YAY Space Faerie!!

Is there anything else going on besides the new comic yet? *anticipates*
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Kantark »

New comic is up! (complete with an animated comic panel... shiny!)

I get the feeling more puzzling is imminent...
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Vertalus »

holy crud I hate math!
I'm totaly syumped on this one. the Neopets team must be having a great laugh.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Alecko »

I'm very glad that I randomly decided to check this topic. :D I gave up on the mod puzzle and haven't been following things since then so I didn't realise that battledome opponents had been released or (more importantly) they were available to everyone. So far I've just been 1 hit KO-ing the first one with Zen to get some wins; I might try to take on the second one later. I like that it's possible up your points a little even if you got stuck earlier on.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Cranberry »

No... if you didn't finish the decoding, none of this will count (unfortunately). From the editorial:
The new plot is really awesome, but isn't it sort of unfair that those of us who are stuck on the decoding can't continue on with the plot? It's only the second step, and if I have to finish the decoding to do the rest of the plot, it will make me sad. *sad face* ~cheeseworld101

That step came out weeks ago. We try to make sure there is plenty of time for you to figure out the puzzles so that you can continue on with the plot. We understand that some steps are difficult, but we have to make sure there is something in the plots for all levels of people. We are sorry, but everyone must pass that plot step, though, to continue on with the plot.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by EofS »

I didn't take that to mean though that the fighting won't count. Just that you couldn't do any further puzzle steps. Otherwise it would be a bit unfair that the fighting is available without having finished the codes.

I certainly hope that's what they mean. It's rather ambiguous.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Cranberry »

I'm pretty sure plot opponents are always there for everyone, because TNT completely removes all regular BD challengers and changes the BD coding when plot fighting's on. I don't know if fighting will get people extra points to add to whatever they had before they failed the decoding, but I wouldn't chance it.
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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth (Plot)

Post by Alecko »

Drat. I must have missed that Editorial question. I guess I'll go back to not caring.
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