Daily Dare 2008

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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Oh what the fuck?!

How can the game tell me I have a score of 400 and then when I'm given my Neopoints it turns around and tells me my score is 399?! >_<
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by EofS »

Officer 1BDI wrote:Oh what the fuck?!

How can the game tell me I have a score of 400 and then when I'm given my Neopoints it turns around and tells me my score is 399?! >_<
If it's any comfort you have to *beat* the score, not just equal it. I found that out after a long struggle on Ultimate Bullseye. I sent 85, exactly what he had, and it didn't count.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I was wondering about that. :/ I managed about 420 during my next play so was able to beat him, but I thought it was odd that the score suddenly switched like that.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Cranberry »

I was just away for a week and didn't get a chance to play any games (my friends all had laptops without mice, ugh), so I guess I'm getting the lowest of the final prizes. Oh well, though, I had fun. Now I'm off to catch up on the week of games I missed...
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Wingsrising »

Well, fuck.

Yesterday I totally FORGOT about Daily Dare, and didn't play it. And it was an easy one, where I beat AAA in 60 seconds. Now I'm stuck with the lowest prize too, dammit. All because I was absent-minded yesterday.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by EofS »

Cranberry wrote:I was just away for a week and didn't get a chance to play any games (my friends all had laptops without mice, ugh),
If it's any consolation, that how I've had to do every Daily Dare game in all three competitions ;0) Sometimes it's fine, but some of the games are really, really hard on laptops. Whack-a-Ghost being the really obvious one (numpad being at an angle, not being able to turn your screen round). But also games which require you to move the cursor around quickly, or even worse to use the mouse and keyboard at the same time.

I was thinking the other day that it would be interesting for Neopets to do a poll on whether people play on desktops or laptops. The latter are getting so ubiquitous these days...

By the way, has anybody managed to do 700 on Kiko Match II? I'm struggling to work out how it is even *possible* given the insanely low points given per level (10 plus one point for each second remaining) - last year it was 400, so this is a HUGE jump. Especially because you only need 200 to get 1000np!
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Cranberry »

The girl I stayed with for a week had a laptop without a numpad, even... and it had the touchpad, which I'm okay with but not nearly fast enough for any games. I never use laptops. I have trouble typing on their little keyboards, too, especially if they have black keys (I'm used to light keys). I decided to forget about Neo entirely and just enjoy my vacation, which I did! :)

I just caught up on everything... not too bad. Crisis Courier is actually kind of fun. I could have beaten AAA in Sophie's Stew and Goparokko (was very close to his score in both), but I couldn't bear to play them again.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I think this is the first time I won't have missed it or messed up somewhere. I'm seriously trying for my very first Daily Dare award. I'm going for beating one of them each day the game comes out for a challenge and making sure I do it the smart way (as in, not challenging one until I know the score I'm going to send, until I give up on or beat AAA). I can beat Abigail at everything if the scores versus my playing continue as they have been. The ones I KNOW I can beat AAA at pretty easily, I play until I do so and send the score after I properly challenge him. I didn't do it in that order for Kass Basher though since I'm pretty darned good at it and get a daily 3K from it. :P
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by EofS »

Maths Nightmare today. I believe my precise reaction was "oh hell!" I was always terrible at the old game, a source of some embarrassment because my mental arithmetic used to be really good. But it turns out the new game is much easier (to me at least) so yay. Once I had found a tactic to use from a guide, I got it on about my third or fourth game. Having got stuck at 2360 points three times, I then managed 5640!

The advice I saw, and I definitely would second, is to play on division, medium (potato counter) with graphics on low, the screen as small as you can whilst still able to read the numbers. You get fewer points than random, but your brain knows that it will always be dividing. And they're always easy sums this way - probably a third of the answers will be 2, another third will be 3, 4 or 5 and the rest are 6, 8, 10, 15, 20 or 25. (This is on potato counter only - I had one go on braintree and received division far too revolting to be doing against the clock ;0)

Time is of the essence (hence the small screen size, low quality) - you have to beat three rounds in 60 seconds.

Oh and despite my fears, it was totally possible to do it on a laptop without using a numpad. Which makes a nice change for Neopets games :0P Thanks to most answers being 2, 3, 4 or 5 you can just rest your fingers there. In fact it's possibly easier using that row of numbers than a numpad on a traditional keyboard - at least, assuming I'm not the only one who was only fast at numpading with their right hand, which is also their mouse hand.
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AAA has awarded you Sleeping Imiya Plushie.

That might just be the cutest item in existence.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Officer 1BDI »

Darn. I got 1900 in the game, decided I didn't want to replay it and just choose Abigail as my opponent for today.

...And then the score was calculated and I realized they actually multiply the score by 2, so I really had 3800 points. >_<

But I really like Abi's prize, so it's all good.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by mellaka »

i've been really sick all week, and for several days the only thing i did was sign online to play daily dare. last year i forgot to play one game on launch day, very close to the end of the month, so i'm hoping i can make it through the month this year completing them all on launch day.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by gomababe »

Finally caught up on everything. My worst was Maths Nightmare though, 6 attempts to get to 200 points for Abbi's prize... I'm so embarassed ><. Doesn't help when there's a bunch of kids nearby who would laugh their heads off if they knew how rusty my mental maths skills were >_>. Ah well, I'm trying too finish them all off this year, if only for the trophy at the end of the month.
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Wingsrising »

Even with EofS's advice (good advice!), I got stuck on the dreaded 2360 points again and again and finally gave up and went for Abigail. I bought the plushie, though.

How on earth are people getting 70k points in this game!?!
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by EofS »

Wingsrising wrote:How on earth are people getting 70k points in this game!?!
I can only assume it's because it goes on and on without getting significantly harder. Also, if your mental arithmetic is good enough then I should think that playing on random and brain tree mode would make the points rack up pretty quickly. I suspect when I was 14 I could have managed that, but it's now 8 years later and my mental arithmetic is shamefully rusty.

Incidentally for anyone still trying, there is a time code. letimiyasleep or something like that. Apparently you can use it between every single round? I dunno. I didn't try using it because I assumed I'd have to type it during the round and would lose too much time doing so ;0)
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Re: Daily Dare 2008

Post by Bif »

I was able to beat AAA in Cooty Wars today, but instead of being able to claim my prize, I keep getting redirected to the main Daily Dare page again.

I went to submit a bug report, but apparently my main account isn't attached to my email address. (I made my main a LONG time ago, so I probablly put in some email address that I stopped using years ago) However, I already have five accounts attached to my email address. (I know that this is against the rules, and I created them before I played like I do now and was aware of the rules, I haven't touched at least one of the accounts in years and am going to keep it that way so that it is deleted soon.)

So, long story short, is anyone else having this problem, or could someone else please submit the bug report for me? (is that legal?:S)
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