Canadian Seal Hunt

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Canadian Seal Hunt

Post by Yuka »

I'm interested to hear the opinions of users here on the canadian seal hunt. Personally, I find it abhorrent. It's not a viable source of income for the sealers. Research into this has shown that 96% of those who take part in the hunt get less than 15% of their income from it. Also, contrary to what some people believe, the seals don't have a major effect on the cod population. It's intensive fishing that depletes cod stocks. It's also completely impossible to regulate a hunt of this scale, and despite 'new rules' many seals are still skinned whilst still conscious.

If you feel the same way, please take a look at the IFAW website, (or, for UK residents, Otherwise, I'm open to discussion on this topic.
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Re: Canadian Seal Hunt

Post by Jazzy »

I know absolutely nothing about seal hunting, so I can't exactly comment on that. However, having just googled it, isn't it true that the main reason people get such a small percentage of their income from it is the peak period only lasts for about two weeks, or 4% of the year? 15% of their yearly income in that time is actually a noticeable increase in income.
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Re: Canadian Seal Hunt

Post by danceu4ia »

As a Canadian citizen, I am very torn about this issue.

Granted those seals are very, very, adorable, but some people's incomes are also at stake. Also, I have been told that it is a native custom? event? as well, so who am I to say what animals get to be killed and what animals don't? I have also been told that it is a manageable number that is killed. My only issue would be with the rumor of clubs being used as an instrument.

The thing that really irks me, isn't PETA, cause they disagree with all animal killings, but the "carnivores" that are only upset by the killings because the seals are cute. Lambs, and baby cows are eaten all the time without such protests, and much more regularly than the seal hunt.

And many foxes, mink, alligators, eels, and other assorted animals die for their skins as well. Also on a much more regular basis than the seal hunts.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, though I wish some people's opinions weren't always based on outward appearances.
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Re: Canadian Seal Hunt

Post by Iggy »

I'm for Seal hunting. Like I'm for hunting most animals, for biology reasons. Yes, overfishing depleted the cods, but it's no reason to have a bazillion seals eat the rest.
My only issue would be with the rumor of clubs being used as an instrument.
According to several biology studies, clubs are more humane than guns, because the damage done is localised. Of course, it has to be well-done and cleanly done (Hunters don't hit the seal 45 times everywhere on its body.)
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