My kitty just had a stroke

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My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Cranberry »

...Or something (damn, it feels like all I ever post in here is bad pet news). She's 19 years old, and she'd been going downhill a bit lately -- got really picky about her food, lost a bunch of weight, lost the shininess to her fur, stuff like that. Mom and I had been planning to take her in and have her put to sleep soon, but she'd kind of bounce back anytime she started looking particularly bad. Tonight, though, she had a stroke or something; we found her a couple of minutes after it happened, lying on her side, unable to move her back half and meowing mournfully. Mom lifted her into her cat bed and she recovered a little and managed to sit up, but her movements were jerky and she seemed confused, and her heart was racing. I brought her into my room, so now she is curled in her cat bed, breathing normally and hopefully somewhat comfortable. It's almost 2:00 am, so we can't take her in to the vet's for a few more hours, but it's definitely time to let her go.

I've had her since she was born (I owned her mom), when I was just eight years old. She's a great cat and has always been the boss of all of our pets, from pit bulls to papillons and cats twice her size to playful kittens. 19 years is very old for a cat, and I know that she had a great life, but I'm going to miss her.

Here is my most recent picture of her (shortly before she lost the weight), in her favorite place on the DVD player, and one of her enjoying the sun with Crystal.



I'm supposed to write my weekly TV recap for my magazine gig overnight, and I'm supposed to go to a job interview in the afternoon. I might be able to manage the writing (I want to sit here close to her overnight anyway), but I don't see the interview happening.
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Awww, damn that sucks. I've been there and it's zero fun, even if it's the right thing to do.

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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm so sorry to hear that. :-(

It's always hard to lose a pet, but I think it's extra-hard when they've been part of your life for such a long time. It's like they've always been there... and then suddenly they're not.

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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by oogabooga »

Aw, Cranberry :( I'm so sorry. I've never had to make a call like that, but it can't be easy, even when you know it's time. *hugs*
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

:-( *HUGS* Yeah, it's really hard to see a beloved pet go through that. It doesn't get any easier even when you've been there before (which you have a lot, recently).
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Usul_Princess »

Well, at least she had a very good long life. I remember last time you weren't having much luck with your pets. BTW: How's Scout? Did he make a full recovery from the maggots?

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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Kantark »

I'm sorry, Cranberry. She has had a full and happy (and long) life, you have done all you can.
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Cranberry »

Usul_Princess wrote:Well, at least she had a very good long life. I remember last time you weren't having much luck with your pets. BTW: How's Scout? Did he make a full recovery from the maggots?
Yeah, he did, but he's getting old now, too (11, which is good for a big dog) and he has trouble getting up (he has tremors in his legs) or walking for very long... he probably won't be around much longer, either. It's hard, with Patch and with him, but it does help that both are old and that I had them both since they were babies and know that they had good long lives.

The vet put Patch to sleep at 9:30 am today. Patch lay on her side in her carrier, not moving at all, as we drove to the vet's and as I put her on the table. She did manage to weakly kick her leg when the vet tried to get the needle in! She always was a fighter. She went to sleep quickly and peacefully, though.

Thanks, everybody, for the kind words. :)
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Jessi »

*hugs* I'm so sorry, Cranberry =/ You do seem to be hitting a rough spot - I know how that feels ;_; I had the same thing happen last year. It's never easy.

I'm thinking about you and your pets <3
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Re: My kitty just had a stroke

Post by Alicorn »

Oh cranberry, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always hard looseing a family member. I'm glad she went peacefully. I am sending good thoughts and vibes your way. **hugs**
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