Altador Cup III

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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Spivsy »

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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by daisybell »

I just won a game of YYB 12-0 :D I did a 9-0 and 10-0 today too- this is the first day I've really been able to score highly, though I go through patches of poor play too. If I don't score straight away with a ball then it often takes me quite a while to score.

The LD goalkeeper seems to be a little slower than some others, which is a bit odd because they haven't lost any games yet and you'd think they might have done if they were easier to score against. Shenkuu are doing surprisingly badly, compared to how they did last year. Maybe all the people who joined Shenkuu last year because it was new have got bored with them and so they don't have as much support? Some people are saying they've had tougher opponents so far, which is true.

I'm glad RI are doing well so far... but I hope that no one thinks I (or anyone else, for that matter) are supporting them just because they're a good team- I played for them from the start, before anyone knew which teams would turn out to be good or not. I guess, though, that there will be some people who join teams simply because of how good they are, and that poor teams will get fewer supporters and therefore they'll keep performing badly. I feel sorry for poor Faerieland, and maybe that's what's affected them- they've done badly in previous years and will keep doing badly because of that.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Iggy »

Well, I'm rank 7 with Roo Island, at the same time last year, I was rank...4 or 5, so I'm happy.
The LD goalkeeper seems to be a little slower than some others, which is a bit odd because they haven't lost any games yet and you'd think they might have done if they were easier to score against.
In my opinion, Clutch Billaban is the easiest goaler to score against, due to his size :) And, RI hasn't lost a YYB yet.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by lavender »

Booyah! Also, I got to rank two.
When I first saw that we were playing Krawk Island today, I was like, "shit, we're going to lose all three games today!" But y'know what? That shouldn't keep me from playing. :P Actually, Krawk Island was my 3rd choice (Haunted Woods was 2nd). Their logo is badass.

If your team gets eliminated, you can switch to different teams, right? Does that affect your prize in the end?
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Cranberry »

In the past, you could choose a new team when yours got eliminated, but they're not doing that anymore.
To the delight of Yooyuball fans across Neopia, the Altador Cup Committee has announced a change to this year's format. Unlike previous years, where the top two teams squared off to determine the tournament champion (and the next two squads fought it out for third place), a seeding process has been put in place so that all four finalists now have a shot at winning the title. Under this new structure, the first and fourth place teams will play for two days to determine one finalist, while the winner between the second and third place squads settles the other. Then, the finalists will face off for another two days to determine the tournament championship.

Rather than just sticking to the finals, though, this new format will also be in play for the rest of the tournament's participants. Teams five through eight, nine through twelve, and thirteen through sixteen will now be seeded within their own brackets. "Under the old system," one committee member stated, "once the double round-robin ended, supporters were faced with a choice: they could either jump ship and choose one of the finalists to root for, or stay loyal to their team and go home. Doing things this way will now enable loyal fans to stick by their squad to the very end."
I've been so busy with my new kittens and my new job that I have barely gotten a chance to play. I think I've done 22 games.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Seerow »

Hey...look at that, I won my first game!
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Foghawk »

Whew! Between yesterday and today, I managed to go from just about nothing to Rank I, a clear symptom of 'I don't have a summer job this year'-itis. I wasn't actually around for the first tournament, having been on hiatus, and in the second I supported Terror Mountain and forgot about it, but this time around I've been a staunch supporter of the Lost Desert. Derbi Azar's 'score!' pose is just the best. <3

Edit: Does anyone know the rank structure, and how points are awarded? I'm kinda new to this. ^^;
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Kamil »

daisybell wrote:I just won a game of YYB 12-0 :D I did a 9-0 and 10-0 today too- this is the first day I've really been able to score highly, though I go through patches of poor play too. If I don't score straight away with a ball then it often takes me quite a while to score.


I'm glad RI are doing well so far... but I hope that no one thinks I (or anyone else, for that matter) are supporting them just because they're a good team- I played for them from the start, before anyone knew which teams would turn out to be good or not. I guess, though, that there will be some people who join teams simply because of how good they are, and that poor teams will get fewer supporters and therefore they'll keep performing badly. I feel sorry for poor Faerieland, and maybe that's what's affected them- they've done badly in previous years and will keep doing badly because of that.
I'm the same way, Daisy. I can either score almost immediately, or it takes me almost forever to do so. Don't know what's up with that. But overall it's gotten much easier for me to play the game. I adore the new faerie balls; it's the one ball I absolutely know how to score with, each and every time. Darigan balls are much simplier this year too, in my opinion.

Mind, if I hadn't changed the game speed to medium I'd not be scoring a single point. x.x

And I too hope no one thinks I play with Darigan because they've won both years, I picked them first year because I liked the players, and I've stuck with them ever since. I entertained changing this year, but only until the first time I played with darigan against the practice team. I so loved the new representations of the players I'd become attached to that I had to go sign up immediately. =D

We do seem to be doing quite poorly this year - ah well, hopefully we'll improve as the week goes along. ^^
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Wingsrising »

I picked Roo Island for two reasons:

One, the little Blumaroo and Eyrie are cute.

Two, because they've done so well the past two years. I admit it. It's more fun when you're on a winning team.

That said, I've only played a few games the last two evenings. Either I pinched a nerve hauling heavy luggage this weekend or I have a dread disease (most likely the former) but my right hand and arm is quite weak and numb at the moment, making it hard to mouse (worse to type!)
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Erstin »

I picked Krawk Island, always loved that goalkeeper design and never got around to join them, Darigan always attracted my atention better. But I'm glad with my choice, KI is doing great so far. :D
And I got that elusive avatar (for me) at 37 wins, and now I totally don't feel like playing yooyuball again but I have to get a nice number number like 50 or even 100 :?
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by mellaka »

I picked Darigan again this year because I've been with them from the start, so I didn't really think of joining anyone else. Krawk Island and Shenkuu are the others I would've considered joining.

It's a little annoying to see that Darigan is doing so bad this year, but there's still a lot of time left. I'm up to rank 9 and am hoping to get to all-star this year (last year I ended up rank 11). I played 166 games yesterday in the hopes of helping beat KI but, oh well, we got swept anyway. I doubt I will be playing that many games in a day again but I'm still trying to play 50 on weeknights and 100 on weekends.

And I had my first 15-0 game yesterday. :)
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by moonsyne »

I'm third year; Krawk Island. I'm hoping that this is our year!
I've made it to 800 wins so far, so I'm on schedule.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by adi_gallia »

I don't know why, but I haven't been into the contest this year. I don't even have the 50 wins for the avatar yet. I know I should get playing but I'm just not motivated enough.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Alecko »

I've managed to work my way up to 25 wins so far. 15 of those were from today which has been where I finally got to grips with the game- I've gone from swearing inwardly during the entire thing to scoring goals reasonably well. I think I'm averaging about 5/6-0 at the moment although my best was 9-0 which I'm pleased with. I'm going to try and get to 50 wins either tomorrow or Saturday after which I'll see if I want to continue actively participating.

I've also done 8 games of Slushie Slinger and 40 of Make Some Noise. Might get them to 10 and 50 before I drop them.
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Re: Altador Cup III

Post by Wingsrising »

I'm annoyed because for some reason I actually am enjoying Yooyuball this year -- enough that I'd be willing to sit through 50 games for the avatar, anyway. But because of some neurological issues with my right arm, I haven't been able to sit and play much.

Somehow for me seeing the individual players makes it more interesting. Also, this year I'm on a decent team!
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