KeyQuest Now Open!

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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Seerow »

So you can actually get in to play Keyquest now.

I was winning (3 keys to their 0) and they ended the freaking game. I didn't get anything for playing and getting keys and wasting my time. Just because you aren't in the lead, doesn't mean you just close the game.

I didn't know you could just leave a game half way through like that. I can't see me playing much of Keyquest in the future if people are just going to withdraw when they can't win. Same way with two player BD.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

Well, if any of you ever spot me online I'm up for learning how to play with you. And I promise not to be a bad loser.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

It seems to be working now, but it's hard to tell because I can't get a game started on account of people quitting/freezing right before we reach the game board. :/

ETA: I take that back. It's just locking up now.

ETA 2: What a rip! I finally got into a game that I was actually able to play, and all three other players quit on me, but then I was asked to collect my prize and when I clicked on the button it just took me to the main page. -_- Incidentally, I am absolutely horrid at that mini spyder game. :P
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Veo »

Finally got in. Amazing what happens when you shut off programs that block . . . >_>

Anyway, my thoughts.

1. Music. needs. to die. *starts stabbing and doesn't stop for a while*

2. Why do I need to roll the die again after I just used a loaded die? *blinks*


4. ?????

5. It works, but it was overhyped. Meh. Might play it to kill time, but I doubt it. :<
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Tom »

For all the hype that surrounded it... there really doesn't seem like a lot there. I had a totally different and somewhat epic idea in my head of how the game would be (which was probably a little too close to Neoquest...) but erm, I can envisage getting bored of this rather quickly. I did when attempting to play my third game, though the second and third failed rather quickly, so I didn't get far. It's just so very slow. I did win the first game I played, and got a nice selection of prizes, but there only seem to be 3 mini-games, of which one made very little sense (I was rather hopeless at circling the petpets, it kept telling me I was doing it incorrectly, though my opponents seemed to face the same problem and I miraculously won twice). The chat system is very annoying. And I got a Red Meerca. That can only dampen the experience.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Veo »

Tom wrote:And I got a Red Meerca. That can only dampen the experience.
*Starts Laughing* I got a blue Bruce . . . *stabs*
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

I won my first game legitimately (i.e., no dropouts) and still didn't get any prizes out of it. I kept clicking that stupid button and it finally kicked me back to the main page. I think it may have given me some NP, but I don't understand where these supposed codestones and stamps are supposed to come from. :/

ETA: ...Oh! There's a vault page! That's where the prizes are. *facepalm*
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Bif »

If the 'claim your prizes' link doesn't work. Try going to the main page of KeyQuest (not the one where you pick your game, but the one with all the ads and your total number of keys - it's linked from above). And link on the link from there. Hopefully that works!

EDIT: It's under 'To Get Started' - click on 'Vault'
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Fury »

Aw, I'm actually having a lot of fun with this game! It's a bit of a shame that there's only one board layout available; I can imagine it's going to get stale pretty fast but as this is only the BETA version, perhaps the final version will have more boards for us to play on.

The game runs nice and smoothly for me on my new computer but I can imagine it being really laggy for lots of other people. I adore the little animated tokens, they're really rather cute - I got a yellow Poogle who I'm growing rather fond of. 8)

I also think the prizes are very generous. I've redeemed two second place keys and one first place to be rewarded with books that my nerdy pet hasn't read yet, stamps for my album and codestones. Wahey!

If anyone fancies a game, I'd be glad to play against you!

EDIT: (click to show image of tokens)
Spoiler: open/close

Hahahaha, the meerca and kacheek look so demented!
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I think it's great fun! My new favourite waste of time. I can tell it's going to be a big hit.

My only gripes:
- The minigames could be explained a little better. The instructions don't always adequately explain what you're meant to be doing.
- What the heck is this "17 seconds to go" business? People need time to get drinks and scan the board and go to the bathroom. Even professional chess games aren't this strict.
- The chat. Seriously, I have the same problem with the new mail system in my Pokémon games, and anyone who's even remotely familiar with that would know that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA to just give people the phrases you think they'll need. All I wanted to do was ask for some help last night, and there is no darn' phrase for "Teach me to play this game." I had to come up with some bizarre mangling of syntax on the lines of "Do you know what you're doing? Me! No! Help, please?"
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by Seerow »

Rainbow Daydreamer and I played a couple games yesterday, it was nice to play one where people didn't drop out!

Like I mentioned earlier, it most certainly doesn't live up to anything near the hype it got, but it is something new while it lasts. Hopefully more boards get introduced once Beta is done, or make the map layout random!

For the Petpetpet minigame, I just found the key to it last night. On the top right corner there will be a type or petpetpet shown. Your goal is to circle all the petpetpets of that type first, then it will change and you just rinse and repeat. That seems like something that should be told in the directions @@
Last edited by Seerow on 01 Aug 2008 05:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by mellaka »

I just hope they change up the prizes regularly. While I don't look forward to them devaluing any more 10k+ stamps in my shop, the current prizes are going to get stale quick (except the codestones, neggs and paint brushes of course).

I think it's somewhat boring but I can see myself playing regularly to help with training costs since my pet is at 8 codies per session now. (And of course hoping to win a paint brush.)
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by zebru »

It's rather glitchy at the moment. Some of the power ups don't work and it's really hard to enter the game from the pick your colour/house page.

I'm rather good at the strategic part of the game (take any house but the cottage and don't go after the blue key, much better it's to pick it up via a mini game; also know all the power ups well and make a clever use of them). That said, the slowness of my computer really shows at mini games. Unless the other party has a slow computer/doesn't understand the game very well I lose them by default.

Prices are.. too good? Give it a few days and all the books, furniture and stamps will be cheap as hell. It'll probably have the same effect vending machines had on clothes and other lower rarity items on subeta. It's great to see codestones handed out though. If prices of them fall down enough I might return to training Ocy again.
Last edited by zebru on 01 Aug 2008 03:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by KauKrazy »

Yeah, the petpetpet mini game is something I just don't seem to get either. What makes the loop "incorrect"?

I have played two games so far and it seems to me that it is more useful to choose the ones with 2 players, and not with 3 or 4 players. They finish quicker with just 2 rounds each time, and not 4, and you get better prizes because it seems to be dependent on your place when you finish - so even if you lose a 2-player game, you still get prizes for the 2nd place. Does it seem to be like that to you too? I got a codestone, a background and a book.
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Re: KeyQuest Now Open!

Post by zebru »

Yeah, definitely - 2 player is much easier and quicker and more profitable way to go about it. I just won a 220k lab map piece as one of the prizes for the gold key. Very nice!
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