Crisis Averted! :D --- And yay, paint brushes!

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Crisis Averted! :D --- And yay, paint brushes!

Post by TCStarwind »

At least I think I did; I can't find it anywhere.

I keep all my account info in a word doc somewhere. I only ever log into two daily, and all of them have different birthdays, which is what I used the doc for. But now I can't find it, and so I can't log into my account with the desert and maraquan lupes. D: I was going to transfer either the uni or hissi that were also on the account to my lab, but now I can't get into it because I can't remember the birthday.

I'm in the process of using undeletion software to scour my harddrive and find and hopefully recreate the file, but if it doesn't work, I'm screwed. D:


In slightly happier news, someone has decided to buy both of my yooyu celebration stamps off me for full asking price. Whatever shall I do with the money... :twisted:
Last edited by TCStarwind on 02 Sep 2008 03:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I can't believe I deleted THAT file! D:

Post by Usul_Princess »

I *hate* that freaking birthday thing! I remember when people were giving out little warnings about when it would take effect, and I was pissed that I couldn't get into 2 accounts that had dead e-mail addresses because I didn't remember those passwords.

......1 1/2 years later I randomly remembered the password to one of them while idly driving Heather's house. :P

The other one has two well-named poogles on it, and I just gave up on that one and made another side account with a similar name. -_-

The birthday security thing is a half-baked way to provide safer lockdown. One reason is because if you have a vindictive acquaintance, and they know your password, they probably know when your birthday is.

Second, if you typed in a BS birthdate, you'll never remember it, and MILLIONS of people have done the latter instead of the former to get an older age-range account. I hope you find your file. :\

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: I can't believe I deleted THAT file! D:

Post by TCStarwind »

I used BS birthdays for all but 2 of my accounts. I had them and SDB items typed out in case anything happened so that I could prove the account was mine. And then I go and merge all my folders together to move to my external harddrive and I accidentally delete it with the rest of the 1000 or so things I tossed (all my folders are full of crap). D:

Although, I was whining about it on the boards, and someone said that if you log onto that account with Neopets Mobile, it doesn't ask for the b-day, and then you'll be able to log back in like normal. So I'm hoping that my friend still has it (we're going to see each other at work later). If she does, maybe I'll be able to get a few older accounts back, too. XD

My downloaded undelete software hasn't been finding it; I'm still trying but I don't have much hope left in that reguard. I'm going to have remake the doc in the end, and I'm going to be saving it in at least 50 different places, including my email and jump drive. 8) I absolutely refuse to let this happen again.

Here's hoping.
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Re: I can't believe I deleted THAT file! D:

Post by Madge »

I know it won't help you now, but this is what I do - I make neofriends with my side accounts, and on the neofriends list there is a little place for notes. You can write the date of birth in that section. As long as you're on your main (you can repeat this with your other accounts too, though, if you want to spend time on it) you can see your birthdays everywhere :).

As for remembering passwords, no way to help you there; I just have all my accounts on the same email.
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Re: I can't believe I deleted THAT file! D:

Post by TCStarwind »

That's also a great idea. I never thought of that one before. Another procaution that will be taken. :D Thanks.
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Re: Crisis Averted! :D --- And yay, paint brushes!

Post by TCStarwind »

After much searching, I finally found my file and got back into my account. The doc ended up being in my recycle bin but not actually deleted, which is why it wouldn't come up on undelete searches.

But hey, feeling like a complete idiot is better than losing two of my favorite lupes. :D

I'm still remaking my doc, and taking extra-extra precautionary measures so that my stupidity no longer comes back to bite me in the butt. XD


Anyways, the money I made off my stamps is going to buy two royal paint brushes for my kyrii pair. I'm useing the 100k or so that's leftover to start my desert paint brush fund to make Exorea another one of my dream pets. I figure if I can make 25k or so a day from Key Quest, I'll be able to buy one of those in about 40 or do days if the prices stay where they are now.

I'm also going to start investing in the stock market. I figure that I've been coming on at least once a day for several years now, buying stocks won't take that much more time, and I won't be able to whine about how I don't make any NPs. XD
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Re: Crisis Averted! :D --- And yay, paint brushes!

Post by mellaka »

Congrats on finding the info. I have a password saver/generator program, so I put the birthdates of my various accounts in the notes section there.
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