OMG Embarrassing Moments!

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OMG Embarrassing Moments!

Post by Monkeyguy »

So, since I just had one of these and I haven't made a post in a while I figure why not share with you all my most recent embarrassing moment and give you the opportunity to post one of your own.

So, this really cute guy came into work today to pick up some cushions that his mother had on hold. I noticed that one of the cushions had a rip in it and offered to have it repaired by our seamstress. I get all of his info and then he wants to order something from one of our online kiosks, so I help him do that as well. Anyway, I was thinking to myself, "That guy is not just cute, he's pretty neat." So when I got home, and I know this sounds very stalker-like, I tried finding him on facebook/myspace through his email (pretty easy to remember hisname+school). I wasn't sure if I was going to contact him or whatever, but Facebook took matters into it's own hand and sent him an email saying I invited him to join!!! Now I feel like a creep and I'm pretty sure he'll think I'm a creep. I wouldn't mind that much, but I will probably have to call him/ see him again when his cushion is repaired so, the full embarrassment won't hit until that time, but the awkwardness will be crushing I'm sure.

Anyone else care to share an embarrassing moment or two?
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Re: OMG Embarrassing Moments!

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Agh, yes, cute guys are the main culprit for my embarrassing moments too. Thankfully I finally lucked out several years ago and found one who liked me too, married him, so I don't have to worry anymore about humiliating myself in front of someone I'm trying so hard to impress. :P

One was back in high school, there was a guy I had a huge (and somewhat inappropriate but still unavoidable) crush on. We were both on the cross country/track events team. I have been known during summer to suddenly lose all energy when I get too hot. Well, it happened during an indoor track practice one day too. We were stair-climbing in one of the local university sports domes, and on the third round, halfway up, my legs couldn't move anymore. I stopped and full-body-grabbed the handrail so I didn't fall backward...which would have been right into him. I felt SO pitiful and humiliated seeing him have to go around me. After about 5 minutes (by then having been passed by again), I let go and shakily walked down to the coach, and he said to walk it off on the flat and jog there if I regained the ability. I quit track because of it, even though my main focus was going to be on shot and maybe discus. :(

There were other embarrassing and confusing moments concerning said crush, and we were kind-of friends, but I had graduated and I gave up on him a few months before I met the one I married...who of course is even better. And I had tons better sports memories with him in college, haha.
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Re: OMG Embarrassing Moments!

Post by WisteriaLynx »

That is why I hate Facebook. (Sadly, it's just about the only convenient way to communicate with my friends in different time zones since no one tells me their email.) Be calm; if he's really that neat, he won't think you're a creep. :)

Mine's not one moment so much as a long series of moments that just built up into Incredibly-Awkwardness.

Short background info: in tenth grade, when I was getting used to the fact that I actually wasn't that asexual after all, I had an enormous crush on a certain girl who would sit with me at lunch. This was a relatively big deal; the fact that I liked reading more than fashion made me my small private school's Token Weirdo Outsider, and I was used to six years of being ignored by everyone. In really short: infatuated unpopular kid who has absolutely no experience with crushes.

I have no idea why she sat with me for the first, oh, year and a half. We literally said NOTHING to each other except "hi" (when she sat down) and "bye" (when I left). Oh, and once we said one sentence each about how the soup was too salty. It was just so... infuriating. I had no idea how to communicate with someone I was attracted to (seeing as I'd spent the past four years insisting that I was never attracted to anyone at all and repressing the slightest romantic impulse), I knew she was Nice, Smart, AND has common sense (three things I like. A lot), I knew I was incredibly socially awkward, and so every time I'd ask myself, why the heck is she sitting with me? Oddly enough, she seemed content to not talk, which was nice (I like people who can appreciate comfortable silence), but again, why? She didn't know me at all.

I never really found out. But hey, we wound up being really good friends after I grew a spine and actually started starting conversations with her (and still enjoying the silence at times). It also turned into a really strong motivation to get comfortable with talking to the next girl I had a big crush on early. :wink:
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