NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

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NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

So I do this every year, and every year it kind of dies xD But it's always worth doing again!

The Overview: NaNoWriMo (don't be surprised if the link doesn't work, it's often down the first few days of November xD) or National Novel Writing Month, is an annual writing contest of sorts. The goal is to write a 50,000 word novel (approx 75-100 pages - 125 if you're like me and type like you did in high school and put a space between every paragraph e_e) in 30 days. You don't win anything except an awesome feeling of self-satisfaction!

This is my 6th year doing Nano, and my 5th year where I will hit the 50k word mark (so I'm assuming on November 1st at least!), and the 10th anniversary of NaNo in general. It's a huge deal to me, and I look forward to it every year - it's one of my absolute favorite things! I always take the first 5 days of November off from work, even, to get a head start and really enjoy myself. Every year I try to keep my friends doing it motivated, and like I said, I always start a topic here which fizzles, but hey, third time's a charm!

So is anyone else doing Nano this year? :3 I'm all signed up as usual and I've actually started on my novel - got started at about 12:30 (it started at midnight local time today xD) though I'm not sure I'll stay up much longer. I'd rather work on it all day tomorrow and be in good spirits than stay up late tonight and not want to work on it at all xD

So! Welcome to the Nano 2008 thread! Who else is participating?
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Joey »

I'm still waffling on whether to give it a shot this year or not. It being in November always kills me as I spend the first few days of November dead from Halloween. And I'm kinda swamped with school, and don't want to get behind on that.

I may do like a pseudo-Nano thing where I pick up the story I tried to do last year as opposed to a fresh start, and just see how far I can get with it without worrying about the goal.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

My second year doing it and this time I actually have a vague plot outline that I've been working on since last December {after seeing the Golden Compass oddly enough}. It follows the adventure of a Hippogryph shifter called Aneel after she's banished from her own society after she finds something out that the government doesn't like ^_^. This one one novel I'm hoping to finish so I can get it published since the idea is a fairly solid one and I've got the world mostly worked out by now.

I will need all the help I can get to make it to the finish line though, I'm working full-time in a call centre and I hae a wedding to attend near the end of the month {and I don't think my parents are going to let me sit and write the two days I have free afterwards >_>}.

I wish everyone from NC taking part the very best of luck ^_^.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by WisteriaLynx »

I'd like to participate, but none of my original stories are planned out enough where I can actually write for the whole month (as opposed to plan for the first half and write for the second). I think I'm going to end up writing fanfic, because I do need the practice at prose, and I'm less likely to be irritated at the fact that I have to rush a fanfic than if I had to rush/neglect attention to detail in an original story. ^^; *is a slow, perfectionist writer*
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Alecko »

I'm taking part for the first time this year, writing up the back-story for my OC griffin, Tac. I may write a bit of the introduction later tonight but I'm planning on using this weekend to finally decide whats going to be in the first part of my story. I've got from about the middle to the end all planned out, and I've got a number of plans for the 'growing up' section (learning to hunt, fly etc) at the beginning but I need some more general stories to add in. I've enjoyed doing the planning so far, so hopefully that'll continue once I start writing.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Officer 1BDI »

School prevents me from doing this every frickin' year. :( I commend everyone who's participating, though, and I wish you all luck!
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

Wysteria, for the past 5 years I've written fanfic for Nano, revolving around the MMORPG i play with FMD :3 Fanfic is always a good choice for Nano because it requires a lot less PLANNING. This is the first year I'm doing a completely original fiction and it's proved to be a challenge already xD So fanfic is always a good way to go!

I'm at 2,621 words now on my first day, after a very rough start that caused me to delete the first five pages because I hated them so much xD Every year i tell myself to just write, and if it's crap I can always go back and fix it... but Im not so good at that, I admit xD That's why I give myself the first five days or so to get a head start. More time for nitpicking!
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

WOOT! After an intense three days of writing, I am ahead of my word count target, and it loks like I'll be keeping a comfortable lead all week with the ideas going around my head right now {even if most of them havve nothing to do with the plot I did have semi planned out before November 1st}. I just hit the 7K word count this evening and am giving up for the night so I can eat my dinner {that I made at 5:45 and haven't eaten much of yet >_>}. Hope everyone else is hitting at least the daily target, and if not, I'm sure you'll catch up at some point ^_^.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Alecko »

I managed to sort everything out that I wanted to and got a 500 word introduction done yesterday that I was pleased with. Just finished some of the earlier parts (including his first flight which I was looking forward to writing) and am now up to 2722 words. Not as much as some have done by now (well done, gomababe!) but I'm happy with this. Still doubting if what I've got is really enough to hit 50K but I've got some leeway during the first half so I can always go back and insert some random adventure he and his friends can experience. :)
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

Alecko, that's why I always try to get a head start :3 That way if I run into a plot hole I can take a day or two off to figure it out and not have to play desperate catch-up!

I'm working on my novel right now (..well, typing this, then back to working on it) and I'm at 7,616 words - ahead of where I NEED to be but behind where I WANT to be. I was hoping to be closer to the 15k word count today. Luckily the day is young :D
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

Yeah the reason I'm trying to get such a head start on my novel this year is that I've got at least 3 days off from writing it {19th, 20th and 21st for wedding things} and maybe an extra two on top of that if my parents decidee to be funny about me writing when I'm 'visiting' {the only reason I'm back up in Scotland at all is for the Wedding. They can enjoy my presence at Christmas}.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by gomababe »

Double posting because it has been a while.

WOOHOO! I made it to 14K in just over an hour, not too bad for getting woken up rather rudely at half past seven this morning by an irate four year old. If I get more written later it will probably push me to 15k, which is well ahead of where I need to be by now.

I've decided I'm going to be chariatable this year for Children in Need; I'm donating £1 for every 100/200 words {depending on how much I actully do get written because while I hve extra cash this month, it isn't that much} I get written in a two hour period which I watch the live Telethon {I am so very easily distracted, as evidenced by the fact that I fell behind on Bonfire Night because I got distracted by the pretty fireworks outside my window >_>} and I am going to try to get my team mates to sponsor me to write at least 1,000 words in that time period while I have the TV on. Tht should give them a nice boost towards beating last year's total.
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Alecko »

Jessibean wrote:Alecko, that's why I always try to get a head start :3 That way if I run into a plot hole I can take a day or two off to figure it out and not have to play desperate catch-up!
Good advice! If I do this next year then I'll definitely give try that, seeing as I'm still behind the word count (though getting closer).

Anyway, I just finished typing up another portion of my story, and now have 14,229 words. I'm not working much this week so I'm going to really try and get my word count up; already done 3000 words today. I'm also amused that I'm 14k words in and have just had my *first* actual conversation between two characters. xD I'm writing it as my character remembering his early life so everything has been along the lines of 'my mother told me' or 'they asked me' without any conversation taking place, but I needed to start elaborating on this. Though it does read differently now (actually, most of todays did when I re-scanned it) so I'll have some editing to do later on, if I feel the need. I also know I've got enough to hit 50k at least, seeing as I'm barely a quarter of the way down my original list, am at 14k and the later parts will eat up the word count like it's going out of business.

Nice idea, gomababe, about the Children in Need donations and sponsorship. :)
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by Jessi »

How's everyone doing with Nano? :D

I am finally over being sick (I've been sick since the 27th of October with the absolute WORST cold I've ever had!) so I'm finally able to kick it into high gear with Nano, whoo!

I'm at 23k words, which is ahead of the game but WAY behind for me. I'm at a coffee shop right now however, playing catch up xD I hope to have between 35-40k words by Friday afternoon when I go to work at 2 - but we'll see. I might be pushing myself a LITTLE too much there!

If you guys make it through this week, you're doing an awesome job :3 Week 2 is usually the hardest week, where most people give up. I don't know how many of you pay attention to the actual Nano site, or to the pep talks that Chris posts and what not, but he wanted everyone to try and hit 15k words by today - so if you're there, awesome job :D How about a mini goal for everyone to hit 20k by the end of this weekend?
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Re: NaNoWriMo 2008 Support Thread!

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Jessibean wrote:If you guys make it through this week, you're doing an awesome job :3 Week 2 is usually the hardest week, where most people give up. I don't know how many of you pay attention to the actual Nano site, or to the pep talks that Chris posts and what not, but he wanted everyone to try and hit 15k words by today - so if you're there, awesome job :D How about a mini goal for everyone to hit 20k by the end of this weekend?
Er... that definitely won't work for me. xD; There were some wonderful technical glitches and I kind of have to start over. Oops.

At least my planning from the first few days is intact....
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