RL Achievements and ToW-split 2/16/09

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

Well, but if he loves having something to do, that's a major plus. ;D At least you're not both sitting at home sulking.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

... I'm supposed to be taking a final exam right now. Except I'm not.

I panicked and left before I could even get up to the front and take the paper, which means I have to actually BE READY for the nighttime seating of the exam. (At least I have four hours to study....)

Whyyyy did I let myself fall so far behind? Dx *gets off the internet to study*
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Two events that are unrelated in an Achievawoe:

Achievement: Got that dreaded speech grade back.....3.5! (85%), math didn't turn out so lucky (2.0, 73%). My Cum Laude I earned last semester is hanging on by a threshold after the math grade trashed it. (Like .05%) But that's the least of my worries.

Woe: I've been having the strangest irrational grieving, little things (Like hardly enjoying Neo anymore, having an MSN fight with an internet friend, etc.) Are consuming me, and at first I thought it was me being whiny or melodramatic. But pulling my hair out over the little things has been lingering for about 7 weeks now, and I think I know why: I haven't had any face to face contact with my friends/Andrew in several months, and I'm losing my best friend after 6 years. I noticed we started dropping off about 6 months ago, but I had been in extreme denial about it. It hurts to even write it out and admit I've lost one of the best friends I've ever had. There's a maturity problem with us. She hasn't grown up since college, and now that I'm moving on with my life and become a real adult, she's withdrawing from me. Both of us already resent each other for not-so-mature reasons. I resent the fact that she's avoiding me and won't face me about what's wrong, and for not getting her life together when she had the chance. She resents me because I'm critical of her; I'm doing something with my life, and she wants to be where I'm at now. (Which isn't very far at all, mind you.) I so wanna believe I'm overanalyzing it, but too much distance is the number one destroyer of my own friendships. It happens all the time to people, I just hate re-opening doors for new friends.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Aurinona »

James made me open one of my Christmas presents early (We're going to see relatives for Christmas and didn't want to load up the car with big boxes of things that won't be useful there and will just have to come back.)

I now have a great big plush gryphon puppet. Yay! It's currently perched on my yarn cubby, guarding the stash.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Slugawoo »

Woe: I got my grades today. I did a great job... in everything but my Animation classes, AKA my major. Oops. I got a D in one class and an F in the other. Haha, it's alright though. I got A's in everything else.

I'm going to go back next semester because I have a contract on my dorm that it's too late to get out of. I'll use next semester to up my GPA a little more.

But I'm not finishing my degree. I'm going to transfer this fall and switch majors to something I actually have a talent for. I hate Animation. So I guess it all works out.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jamie »

Achievement: My OP (Overall Position) came yesterday, which pretty much sums up my 12 years of schooling into one number which universities go by when selecting people for courses. I got a 7, which I am ecstatic about. Since 7 was the exact number I needed to get into my Law/International Relations course.

I just have to wait until January 15th for my university offer round, which will hopefully be for the Law/International Relations course!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yay Jamie, best of luck!

I know I post here too much. :P

I'm not spending much time online now, so I keep missing site events and stuff. But I'm making up for that with purchases and real-life fun times.

We went midnight bowling with a bunch of friends, and there's not much that is more entertaining than my husband and some of our friends bowling, not kidding. :D I didn't get to bowl, but I still had great fun. I was very pleased that there's a fancy new jukebox that has a huge selection of tunes, and I forced my musical taste upon everyone there though I was polite and picked stuff I thought that more than two people would like.

For those of you who play Magic: the Gathering, you'll appreciate that I have a new official type two deck (yay Kithkin cheesiness!) and was pleasantly surprised that it was very easy and relatively painless to make my old beloved black deck extended-legal again.

I'll be gone for a few days over Christmas. Visiting my in-laws is an achieveawoe every time. :P There are reasons my husband feels more at home in my hometown than with his folks, and there have been times when they expect us to visit but we call it off mostly because he doesn't want to deal with them. I am certain Obama's new status will come up in very negative chatter. We always leave with some reminders why we don't want kids even though everyone in his family expects us to contribute to the massive clan.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

Fjorab_Teke wrote:I was very pleased that there's a fancy new jukebox that has a huge selection of tunes, and I forced my musical taste upon everyone there though I was polite and picked stuff I thought that more than two people would like.
Hehe I have to do this when I play pool with my friends. Not really for my their sake, but the other patrons of the bar. We live in a pretty "country" area and my musical tastes are anything but!

Also: Despite it being Christmas my manager is cutting loose all of the slackers in preparation for the new year where hours available for employees will be very slim. This means I'm working my ass off! It also means overtime!! Yay!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Pillow »

Achievement: My marks for this semester came out today. Got an A in Math, which was kind of expected as I had 81% before going into the exam. B+ in both Chem and Bio, which I think is with thanks to my lectures mark, though my labs weren't bad (but the final lab exams were. I didn't finish either of them >.<).

Mild Woe: Got a C+ in English. Don't completely mind though. English is one of the subjects I do well in at the beginning, then don't give a crap at the end. Least I don't have to take it next semester. ^^
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Usul_Princess »

Woe: Me and my mom went to see my grandmother for Christmas yesterday. (about 1 hour 15 minute drive) that took almost 2 1/2 because my windshield wiper fluid wires crapped out on me in the middle of an oncoming blizzard. (2,000 miles over the warranty too. -_-) No one else could show up because the weather ended up getting so bad. We forgot half the extended family members presents too.

....Then, her lovely neighbors, who don't understand the concept of taking the trash out had about a months worth of rotting garbage in their house, and their roaches made their way on in!....crawling over the Christmas ham left out in the kitchen.

I had a very sleepless (and hungry) night. We're getting her 'Orkin' for Christmas, because she's not getting the hint no one will want to come sleepover there again if she won't do it herself.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Seerow »

My turn for a pet woe.

My tortie, Tober, has been throwing up for the past 40ish minutes. Each time its just been bile, but I would almost prefer it to have food so I could at least maybe see what it is she'd gotten into. Hopefully it's nothing serious. The only thing I can think of that she could have gotten into would be some limeaway we had in the sink while soaking our shower heads yesterday. But I would think it would have affected her much sooner, and I really don't think she'd get into that anyway.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

I hope your kitty is feeling a bit better today, Seerow. ;_; Sometimes its just the stress of holiday commotion catching up with our pets like it does with us.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Tom »

Rejected by Cambridge. Haha, I'm feeling oddly happy about it. I guess its nice, the wait being over and all. Ah well. Despite it being my first choice, all is not lost! I was expecting it anyway after floundering in my interviews and whatnot. At least some places want me. xD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Webby »

Cambridge are ridiculous, seriously o-o I knew someone who got 16 A* GCSEs, 6 As at A-level and top 5 in the country for English, and they rejected her too.

And i'm happy because I just found out that I don't in fact need to urgently finish 3 art sketchpads for tomorrow after all. So I can be a lazy bugger all day today 8D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by WisteriaLynx »

Woe that will probably turn into a bigger woe: I get my grades today. Three of my classes I'm not too worried about (I'd have had to have screwed up really, REALLY badly to get anything below a B-minus), but for the fourth, anything passing will thrill me (I'm probably exaggerating a little, but I've never accidentally skipped a quiz/night class before and it's Freaking Me Out).

The worst part? The anxiety of waiting. :( I just wish I knew NOW instead of this agonising "is it THERE yet??" process. One of my classes had us analysing a play containing the quote "Not knowing is better... then, there's hope..." I'm inclined to disagree. I just wish I KNEW so that I could plan what I'm going to do from here!

EDIT like a minute later: All but one of my grades are in, including That Class.

Holy shit, I GOT A B. I was gonna be happy if I got a C, but I forgot he grades on a curve so that three-quarters of the class doesn't fail or almost-fail everything. And it is my lowest grade so far. <3 (Including an A in my wonderful, wonderful and fascinating political philosophy course from which I am keeping all my texts because I love them~, yay!!)

I'm so freaking happy that I'm shaking as I type this, and trying not to start sniffling. T__T

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