Forced V2 profile change?

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Forced V2 profile change?

Post by bonecrivain »

I don't know if I'm the only one affected...but when I popped on Subeta just now, my profile wasn't visible. Since another V1 profile that I checked had the same issue of not displaying anything (and the V2 profiles I checked seemed to be okay), I figured maybe I needed to update to V2. I did so, and now there's all this horrible muddle on my profile, and I haven't the slightest idea what I'm doing. I'm not SUPER irritated at having to upgrade my profile, since I never had a pretty custom profile, but I AM irritated if it's a site-wide forced update, and there's nothing in the news about it to warn anyone. Also, my profile is HIDEOUS right now, and I'm having trouble sorting boxes into a reasonably appealing order. Ugh. I was already in a bad mood to begin with tonight, sigh. Anyway, is anyone else having this problem, or is it just me? Everyone else probably converted ages ago...
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Alicorn »

Nope Bon, doesn't seem to be just you. I have (or had?) a V1 profile and just checked it to find nothing but a bit of an ugly mess. Now I'm hopeing it's just a glitch and not a forced update. If it's a forced update, what a rude way to do it. They could of warned us. **grumbles** It was working for me earlier today so I don't know. I refuse to touch it till I hear something new. Truth be told I have a V2 profile being made for me (by a super nice someone XD) cause of the recent no stocking showing up on V1 profiles thing. But I was hopeing to have my V1 till my V2 was ready for me. Hmph. **eyes profile**
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by bonecrivain »

Well, with the fantastic Ty's help, I just spent the last ... two and a half hours (? good lord!) fiddling with my new profile. I'm reasonably content with it now, although I still have a lot of fiddling left to do.

I submitted a ticket on Subeta before I posted here, because I didn't see anything about it in the bug forum, and I didn't know if it was just my profile that was missing. Although I got a reasonably quick response, it wasn't exactly helpful.
I believe it was announced in the news several months ago. I have seen other users with the old profiles that didn't have problems. Do you clear the cache and cookies regularly? That could be the source of the problem if it hasn't been done in a while.
Er...really? Obviously that person couldn't do anything about it, and once I realized what had actually happened to my profile, I felt sort of stupid about submitting the ticket. But it's still frustrating that there's no explanation in the news. At the very least, there should be something about the new profile-to-profile feature. I just don't like not knowing what's going on, and I was completely freaked out when my profile disappeared and I suddenly had to change EVERYTHING. Maybe I'm weird, but I used my profile to navigate everywhere. I used it as a sort of Subeta home page. So now I have to adjust pretty much everything about how I use the site.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by AngharadTy »

My suspicion is that the release of the profile-to-profile feature broke the existing V1 profiles. And maybe that's not in the news, because clearly, it's not worked out yet. (It only works if you click from your view-all-comments page, even though the link shows up on profiles, even ones other than yours. I'd rather it not show up on profiles at all. I don't think it's something you can turn off, either.)

They've done that before--release part of a feature, wait until it's all fixed up just right before saying anything to the confused masses. Last time it made me panic because stuff was happenin' to my profile and it was weird and out of nowhere and was it intentional and was it permanent and... y'know, talking to your members is a good idea. ;)
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Alicorn »

That does make sense. And they have done that in the past, I remember. I didn't even know there was a new feature, see how in the loop I am. ^_^" I just wonder if I should break down and update to V2 or wait to see if my V1 appears again. Hmmmm. And Bon, you're not weird, well atleast to me. I used my profile as a homepage as well. Hell, I usually had one tab open to my profile all the time. Now I can't bear to look at it right now, bah. XP
What is this profile-to-profile thing anyway?
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Tom »

I guess the profile-to-profile is simply like a 'conversation', as in, you can see what you've commented, and then what they've commented, and then what you've commented, etc., chronologically. If you're familiar with the time-sucking beast that is Facebook at all, I suppose it'd be equivalent to the 'wall-to-wall' feature on comments there.

The changes are okay, I think, so long as they're condensed, because they're far too awkward at the moment.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Kamil »

This was just posted in the News:
Posted by Keith at 07:40 pm
Profile Changes

Right now the old style profiles are broken, but should be fixed before the end of the night.

However, for those of you still using the old style profiles, they are going to be removed from the site on January 21st. That gives you a few days to save the content on your profiles, and maybe try to start working on a new profile.

On January 21st, all users will be moved to the v2 style of profiles.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Ierosbats »

If you will, a brief timeline:

Last night: text from Bon, my beautiful V1 profile Ty made for me has been removed.
Later that night: whiny freakout to Ty and Bon about losing beautiful profile.
Even later that night: Fall asleep at computer before I can fiddle with forced V2 profile.
Next morning: text from Bon, beautiful profile is back! Relieved I fell asleep before I messed with the code
This afternoon: Return to Subeta, message about beautiful profile being removed for good on the 21st.
Currently: Looking for things to kick.

There's a reason I've resisted the V2 profiles for so long. I LOVE my V1. Ty did an amazing job, it's one of my absolute favourite things about subeta. I know amazing things can be done with the V2s (see: Ty's, Huggles') but... damn. It won't be the same. I'm really going to miss it.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by AngharadTy »

UGH. I like Tophy's profile. It has BONES.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Huggles »

M profile been messed up since the change, and I haven't bothered to fix it. I fixed the pet links, but they link to .net instead of .ws and I'm not logged/don't stay logged in there. Meh. I'm much to lazy to bother with it for a good long while. D'oh, I just noticed Enri's and Aquadestiny's are also borked. Woo.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by AngharadTy »

if you just take out the part of the URL you link to, it links to whatever subeta you're on by default. I mean, my Deschain link is

Code: Select all

<a href=/petinfo.php?petid=139701>
and it goes to .ws from .ws visitors, and .net from .net visitors.
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Re: Forced V2 profile change?

Post by Alicorn »

Well, here is the warning I wanted. ^_^" I must say, I shall also miss the look up Ty made me. It was the reason I kept the V1 profile. Just for her lookup. I loved it so much. Oh well, I knew this day was coming so I was ready. It'll definitely take some getting use to. But I know I'm going to love my new profile I have on the way so I'm not worried. I'm just really glad they gave a heads up.
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