RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by AngharadTy »

I don't understand how people can be so petty. Lame. =(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I now have a nifty little blue DSi and now never have reason again to give money to GameStop, unless they have some crazy irresistable thing going on. :D I believe I'm going to like this. Hopefully some more downloadable games will be available soon to make up for the "no GB Advance games for you!" - that and the music playback format are the only downsides I can see to this little piece of technology. I still have my little Advance SP (in retro Nintendo controller color scheme) for those games and the REALLY retro GB games if not. They fit together OK in my garrying case. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Rah »


Everyone I've met on my trip so far has been awesome. I was worried that it might be awkward or something and there would be all these uncomfortable silences, which is silly because I talk to these people with no problems over on subeta - but thankfully everyone has been great and fun to talk to and hang out with and it's so sad when I have to leave them at the end of the few days I'm spending with them!

I'm at Jessibean and FMD's house right now, I've been shopping all morning and spent over $100 on Uglydolls xD OMG THEY ARE SO CUTE THOUGH. I should not be let loose alone with holiday money. I can't wait till I can post pictures or something so you guys can see if you want to! (Not of the Uglydolls. I mean of my trip xD Although there is a good chance I might take a pic of my new hoard of uglies)

Jessi is making me fried chicken for dinner xD And Lindsey (FMD) made me grilled cheese for lunch! (I've never had it before, it's not something the English seem to do!) I am really loving going to all these really American places and trying all these foods I've heard about on TV but never tried!

WOE: I'm going to have to go on a diet when I get back home!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alicorn »

Rah wrote:I am really loving going to all these really American places and trying all these foods I've heard about on TV but never tried!
That reminds me of my wife so much when she came down from Canada to visit me in the states. I was so surprise to hear they didn't have some of the things the states had, seeing as they are our neighbors. My favorite time was when she tried a malt for the first time. She only ever herd of it in Archie books and wasn't really sure what it was. So I took her to Steak n Shake and treated her to a malt. She loved it of course and had a few more with in the week of her stay. Ah, good times. I've also tried new things in Canada that the states never had. It's always fun trying new foods, I find. Anywho, enough of my yammering. Glad to hear you're having such a good time! XD
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Alecko »

Woe: I moved into a shared house last week. It's a nice place, but unfortunately it's one of those tiny roads with cars lining each side (and no designated spaces for each house). Seeing as I only passed my test a couple of months ago, I guess you could the inevitable happened this morning; while trying to get my car out of the tiny gap I'd ended up in, I mis-judged how far out I'd gone while manouvering around the car in front, began to straighten up and bumped into its side. It left only a couple of scrapes, but the owner came round after I left my contact details under the windscreen wiper and the cheapest quote he's got is £190. :-/ Buggery.

(Though he was very complimentary about the fact that I owned up to it.)

Additional woe: My laptop has taken to randomly locking up for no apparent reason. It's taken me about ten minutes to get this post written.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Super woe: We had to bring Rah to the airport this morning ;__; We hugged a million times and I tried to sneak into her luggage but I wouldn't fit.

The Achievement is we had an absolutely amazing time with her, and she's so lovely and I miss her so much and I will post pictures hopefully tomorrow night ;_;
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by varii »

I don't normally post here, but I am feeling major woe right now. I don't know if anyone here lives near or has family around the Monterey Bay Area in California, but this morning vandals broke in through a manhole and cut a number of fiber optic cables and now anyone with Verizon or AT&T does not have cell phone or land line phone service, if either one is your internet provider you have not internet, ATMs don't work and banks are shut down, credit cards of all types don't work and everything is cash only and there is no 911. It is quite scary how quickly everything you are accustomed to can shut down so absolutely just because 4 wires were cut.

On the upside my lab class was canceled. But that is pretty much it. :/
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Iggy »

Our local hockey team 9By local, I mean the ones four hours away from home) made the playoffs
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Woe: I guess it was Tuesday night, some funky burning odor was in my apartment, and I never did really track it down. I ended up unplugging a lot of things, including the main suspects: the computer monitor and the whole power strip. The odor didn't fade for a while, and I went into full panic attack, not fun. But I figured if it was the computer, maybe it just needed cleaned, and my husband was coming over for the weekend and could take a look while cleaning it.

We were hoping that the burnt offender was just dust.
Nope, the power supply is fried, just wear and tear since the muttly computer is already about 3 years old, with the power supply being one of the things that was given to us in a box of useful parts. Since it's going to take a little more time to get a good new power supply and then install it, I'm out a computer for a little while. I have alternate internet access points, but my bookmarks and settings and general security - ergh.
With a trip to Arizona coming up soon, and a wedding trip taking up next weekend, it might be a month before I'm back on my own computer. :P But chances are, hopefully, the wedding weekend can wing a little fixit time.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Monkeyguy »

Woe: I went to a lake yesterday and went tubing for the first time and this morning I feel like I got hit by a bus.

The good part is I didn't fall off at all!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Joey »

Woe: Got a load of computer trouble. My monitor broke a few days ago, so I got a new one. Except my computer's too old and the video card isn't powerful enough to run at a decent resolution, so it kinda sucks. Coupled with a poor amount of memory to begin with and both CD drives being broken, I'm probably going to need a new computer :(
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

*pats my computer* So nice to have it back... :) My husband is made of awesome.

EDIT (because I was the last one to post here): I am now among the lucky several who are beta-testing Trillian Astra. I love it!!

But the main thing that's updatey is that I'll be gone for a little over a week to Arizona, going with my mom to visit my grandparents! Yay! And I'll probably get to see the Grand Canyon while I'm there. But it also means you all won't see me posting prolifically for over a week, hah. :-P
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

My 6 year old computer finally died, after spending about 3 months in its death throes.

But the good news is, later on today, my friend and I are going to put my brand spankin' new computer together :D. It's gonna be awesome sauce.

Also, I FINALLY started my stargate RPG campaign. Character generation was a week ago and the first "real" session is tomorrow. I know very little about D20 combat but hopefully I will be able to fake it with the help of my very D20-savvy players. This is going to be exciting! I haven't GMed since forever :D
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Cranberry »

Lots of computer problems on this thread lately! I'm having some, too -- I managed to pick up a trojan somewhere and it infected my computer pretty badly (I'm on my mom's comp right now). I'm getting it cleaned up, though, with some good tools and help from the guys at the SpywareInfo forums (they're great). The trojan has a backdoor component that collects saved passwords and whatnot, so I spent a while last night on this computer changing a bunch of passwords, ugh.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

I picked up a nasty trojan a month ago, from the pioneer woman's site. I ended up resorting to cleaning with fire - ie completely wiping my computer. Which was pretty painful. (I backed up first, we'll go through the backup with a fine toothed comb before letting it anywhere near my laptop again.)

Boo to trojans! (On the plus side, being so empty has put a new lease of life into my 5-year-old laptop.)

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