Glade Clawsion and Tutani

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Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Heilos »

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Don't think this has been started yet so I'll give it a go c:

I LOVE BOTH OF THEM, especially the Tutani =D The poses are very adorable AND LOOK AT THOSE LITTLE FISH <333
AND THERE'S CORAL ON ITS BODY(I think it's coral lol and some other sea plants), I wish that could have been done with the torrent too but I digress, it looks wonderful ^^

If I had room for another pet I think that i'd have to get the Clawsion, I was kinda meh about the revamp but THIS, this looks amazing,
the face doesn't look flat at all which makes me very happy <3 the pose again is incredible cute X3
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Cranberry »

The torrent was supposed to have freshwater plants/fish around it though, right, while the tutani appears to be a saltwater creature... that's probably why it has coral and angelfish-looking fishies around it. Very cute. I like the expression on its face.

The clawsion is also very nice! I like how it looks like it's listening to the butterfly.

Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Pyrostatic »

Maybe it's just me, but the Clawsion's head looks really big in this pose. I didn't even notice it's paw was up in the air. It's pretty cute though. I'm just not a fan of Glade, so I'm biased.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Zekumi »

I *adore* the Clawsion.
I think it does look a little big, but that's the only thing I can see that would be considered a flaw.

I love it. I'm totally getting one.

The Tutani is very nice. The lineart struck me as a little soft when I first saw it, but it's probably just in comparison to the Clawsion.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by hebdenhippy »

The Clawsion is very nicely drawn, the wings look especially good. I agree with Pyrostatic that the head does look rather big, but perhaps that's just the perspective, or maybe Clawsions just have big heads. Either way it looks lovely, and I like how its holding the butterfly to its ear.

I love Tutanis and this one is no exception. The little fish swimming around its head are completely adorable, and I love the barnacle "freckles". It's expression is really sweet, and the use of coral and seaweed really works well. I wish I had room for one of these.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by AngharadTy »

I think the whole clawsion looks big, really. But it's okay, because I love it! The legs and the wings and the tail, eee, the tail. And the pretty pretty eyes! Wow, I really love it. I didn't expect to love it so much.

I like the peekaboo pose on the tutani. Not too sure about the tail, but it's not bad, just a little odd, to me.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Eh, I'm not a fan of either of them. The points you all bring up are really good (like the clawsion's butterfly, adorable).

But I can't get over the huge-looking head and general cramped feeling, though in a way I'm glad the artist maximized the usable space.

Although the ornamentation is neat-looking and glade-appropriate, it all looks WAY too "parasitic" to me. The yellow coral/anemone especially creeps me out. It reminds me of a SUPER-gross "parasitic worm" picture that may or may not have been for real.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Huggles »

I love the tutani! It made me squee with glee. It is like it can't decide which tasty fishy to eat first. I love it.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Jessi »

I... am utterly in love with the Clawsion. It is -gorgeous-.

Seriously. I love the pose, I love how it has its paw raised up and like someone else said (I forget xD) that it's listening to the butterfly. I love how serene and yet how playful it looks. I want one so badly ;_; What a wonderful pet. The only thing I dislike is the vine going over the bangs looks like veins to me xD But I could always edit that out for an overlay, haha. Absolutely gorgeous <3
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by TCStarwind »

These are both awesome. :D The tutani is absolutely adorable, which is odd because I'm generally not a fan of tutanis. It's so cute, almost like it's playing peek-a-boo or something. And the clawsion is pure love. It looks so playful and docile, which are not words that are probably meant to be together but whatever. And for some reason I really had to look at it before it registered as a clawsion, even though, you know, it looks like the rest of them. The wings must have thrown me off. XD I love it, it's adorable. I wish I could get one.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by ZomgethMew »

Oh, if only I wasn't waiting for the Glade Feli. That Glade Clawsion is adorable! =D I agree with Jessi, though, the vines do look like veins.. but it's small enough for me to not care. If the Glade Feli is 'meh' for me, I'll definitely be getting a Clawsion. It's just.. amazing =D.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Seerow »

Ditto the vines = veins comment about the Clawison. Other then that though, it is a really lovely pet with the most adorable pose!

I am getting a Tutani as soon as I settle on a name! It just screams "OWN ME NOW!" at me and I can't not get one. *Goes back to searching for names*
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by C. Dagger »

D'aww I love love love both of these.

I'm so impressed by the artists who did these, these are not easy pets to tackle and they both came out ADORABLE.

I am so so so tempted by that Clawsion it isn't even funny. XD
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by bonecrivain »

These are pretty good glade pets; I like both of them, but don't love either. That seems to be how I'm responding to the color in general, though. I don't know what it is, but I'm still not at all excited by glade (although I'm looking forward to the popoko and hope that one's coming soon). The tutani is adorable--I really like the tangled seaweed, the expression and pose, and the pretty coral. It's sort of a more friendly hydrus, with planty things growing on the tutani instead of seeming to be just decoratively stuck there, and I like that about it. The tail seems a little small to me, but I don't know if my perspective is just off. It uses all the available space nicely, and the fish are a nice touch. Actually, I wouldn't mind having one of these, but I'm not dying to run off and make one. I just think it's really cute and one of the nicer glades so far.

The clawsion is a little disappointing. It's super cute, especially the face, with its big ears and pretty purple eyes, and the uplifted butterfly paw. But it suffers from the glade-clutter-syndrome. There are just too many flowers and butterflies and vines. I don't see the need for the tail-to-head line of butterflies and flowers, or for the blue one tucked behind the clawsion's head. I'm also not fond of the excessively hairy grass. I think if about half of the flowers had been left off, it'd be a lot nicer -- and I'd be able to focus more on the pretty art underneath. That seems to be the idea behind glade pets, though. Draw something pretty. Then add wayyyy too many cluttery details.
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Re: Glade Clawsion and Tutani

Post by Usul_Princess »

Wow, the Clawsion might actually be the first glade pet I dislike. The purple makes the eyes seem magnified, and it's very busy.

...but the Tutani is adorable. That's a lot coming from me. I can't get over the fact that the species looks like an inverted sock filled with wet sand. Sometimes they remind me of dolphin amputees if there were such a thing. This one is drawn in a "head on" joyful pose, that looks almost like a Little Mermaid fish. I love the little school in it's face, especially. Everything about it says "cuddle me!"

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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