Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

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Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by Silverevilchao »


IIRC, the Antlephore is a revamp. Not sure if the Chelon is. I like the ticked-off Dark Matter on the Antlephore's foot, and the gems on the Chelon. Not a huge Antlephore fan in general, however, but I can imagine fans of the species being happy.
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Re: Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by Seerow »

There's the old Antlephore. Such a huge huge improvement on this! I love the pose he's in and especially the shading/coloring of it. Very nicely done.

And I actually kinda like this Chelon. I like the little hoard of DMs he has between the flippers, like he's going to do one of those video game moves and throw them all at you with a "DARK MATTER ATTACK" cry. Or something like that.
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Re: Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by TCStarwind »

Another vamp that got rid of old art, so yay! I like the antlephore; it's adorable. And not at all freaked out by the little blobs surrounding it. The chelon is nice. Its gems are beautiful, but I think I'd like it more if its face didn't look so chubby and large-ish in general compared to the body.
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Re: Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by Jessi »

I... don't understand why the Antlephore is standing on Darkmatter ;_; gotta be honest, I think the pose is kind of awkward xD Antlephores are a pet I have trouble taking seriously though; their o_O face always kind of ruins the pet for me (which is probably why the only one I like is Glacier). But still, why is it trying to balance on dark matter? ;_; It looks like it'd fall over.

The Chelon is nice for what it is, though the shell looks a bit dark (but that might be my screen) - it's kind of hard to see the gems. I agree with TCStarwind, actually - the face does look rather chubby. It might just be the angle its at, but compared to the very sleek looking shell and even the fins, the face looks rather fat xD

Re: Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by Pyrostatic »

I'm pretty neutral on the new DM Antlephore. It's nicely done. However, the legs are pretty dark so some details are lost until you hit the hooves. The face looks kind of flat, or at least, the muzzle does. Again, I would have preferred much fluffier.

The Chelon, I have nothing to write about cause I just don't care for the species.
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Re: Darkmatter Antlephore and Chelon

Post by Kamil »

I really like both of these. The Antlephore cracks me up, with the whole cluelessly perching on the pissed off matters thing. And I've been wanting a Chelon that showed off its gems, and this one fits that bill nicely. Plus, it reminds me of Ty's pet Deschain, the way he seems to be jealously guarding his round-faced matters. xD

Two nice solid additions, in my opinion.
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