Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

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Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by TCStarwind »


The priggle is cute, though it looks a bit more like it's floating than sitting. Maybe it's just me. Otherwise, I like it. The lain is really nice. I can't see anything about it that bothers me, and I like that it's holding a matter in its claw (and the little matter in its antennae feathers). I has really nice shading, too.

This one's a revamp. I remember the old one was really old, so this one is probably a great improvement. Its neck looks a little thick, but otherwise I see nothing to complain about.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Kari »

The Priggle is cute but I always forget they exist...
The Lain is REALLY pretty, I've always loved them but none of my pets fit their colors. If the DM Serpenth doesn't get a revamp (does it not have an artist or something now?) I think I've found a new color for Sialeeds...
The way the neck lines look on the Velosotor looks like a mane, kinda, but I can see that it's muscle. Looks evil, it's good enough.

Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Pyrostatic »

The only thing I like about the Priggle is the fact that it's eating a Dark Matter orb. Immediately thought, "OMNOMNOM..." xD

The Lain looks like it's got too puffy of a cheek, cause the eye looks too squinty. And it's right leg blends in too much with the orb. I'm not a fan of Lains, sorry. =/

The Velosotor looks too small for the box, yet again. This is another one of those, "a new pose would have done better" thing, especially if the size wasn't shrunken down. The proportions look too small due to it's size. But, I do love the expression. Very sinister and fitting for the species.

But, I'm glad it was just these 3 and not a revamped DM Montre. My Senna will survive untouched for another year! =D
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Aisu »

Hmm. The Priggle is cute, the Lain's face looks... awkward, somehow, and the Velosotor doesn't fit right in the box and its lines seem almost too thin. xD /my opinions
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Seerow »

I rather like the Priggle. He's all sorts of adorable eating the Dark Matter. His limbs look a bit strange but I think that's because I'm used to seeing them far stumpier then they appear here. The Lain is also nice though suffers a bit thanks to the general poor anatomy of the Lain. I like the DM in the talon though and the coloring is really pretty.

Here's the old DM Velosotor.
I do kind of miss the punky teen attitude the old one had, but the new is a nice update. To be fair, I think it would be a bit challenging to fit the rather tall Velosotor into the square and still make the pose interesting and natural so I think the artist did a pretty good job here. Where the neck joins the chest does seem really thick though. Still, a rather good (and needed) revamp in my opinion.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by AngharadTy »

I actually think the velosotor fills the box very nicely, but you have to see the image on a white background to see it that way. The lain, too. It's a great pose.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by ZomgethMew »

Hehe, Priggle is cute <3 I've got no strong feelings of the Velosotor (it's nice, but they're not.. exactly my type of pet x'D), and.. the Lain looks like it's got a tiny darkmatter in it's mouth o_o; Maybe it's just me?
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Jessi »

ZomgethMew, I think it does! i think it's supposed to be eating it like a bird eats seed xD I think it's rather adorable, rofl, which is strange.

This Velosotor looks very awkward to me, like it's jutting out its chest - I'm not sure. Something about it looks awkward.

The Priggle nomming the darkmatter is absolutely adorable though xD If i were to get another Priggle this is the one I'd want, for sure <3
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by ZomgethMew »

|D Hee. Glad to see it's not just me. It's kind of cute, in a strange way.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Alicorn »

I knew they come out with more darkmatter as soon as I painted Taigia. XD But I think she's perfect as she is so it don't matter.
I really like the velosotor! It's a great update that keeps to the old one quiet well. It's just so cool looking! If only I had a character that would fit it, hmmmm.
The priggle is so cute. I just love how its chewing on the darkmatter. Another great priggle redraw!
The lain is nice. The head looks a bit odd to me, can't point out why. It eating the tiny darkmatter is a nice touch.
In all, a good way to end.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by lar »

I really like the velosotor. I can't explain it, it's just badass and a raptor and yes. xD
The priggle is very cute, all sittin up and nomming a DM.
The lain, however... I don't know. I really don't. Maybe it's just me, but it looks terribly awkward. The beak seems too small, even for a lain, the cheek looks swollen and the eye likewise almost swollen shut, and the wings and tail don't seem to have much continuity with the body. Kinda like they stuck 'em on Mr. Potato-Head style. I mean, I've never been a huge fan of lains, but...
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by Kamil »

I really like that Velosotor. I love how all of the matters look almost afraid of it, like they've just realized that perhaps they've started something they can't finish. And the Velosotor looks like it's trying to decide if it wants to launch the matter it's holding into orbit, or instead try putting it though the nearest window. Excellent color I wish I had a pet for.

I like the Lain too, but then I usually like Lains, and this one is no different.

I usually forget Priggles exist, and this one will be no exception to that rule either. I do wonder why the matter it's eating is making it drool - although I suppose if I ate a matter I'd drool too. xD

Love that Velosotor.
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Re: Darkmatter Priggle, Lain, and (revamped) Velosotor

Post by firost-the-dragon »

the priggle is an EPIC WIN! i mean, its so cute!!! and not just that, but its eating a... well the dark matter here looks like a cookie. XD thats a big cookie.

i like the Lain a lot... not that i would own one though. I am not exactly a fan of it (screw me)

and the Velosotor makes for a good revamp, though it is a tad chubby.
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