Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Beta)

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Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Beta)

Post by Kinesthesia »

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Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium was a game that was a premium beta for a while now but is now a beta version that's open to everyone.

It's sort of like an art farm simulation much like farmville on facebook. You have a little community of petpetpets and a space where they live. To get the community going and be sufficient on their own you tell them to harvest certain resources such as wood, grass, water, build different buildings, lay eggs, ect. Soon you can leave them to do their thing and check in on them every now and then to see how they're doing and do a maintenance if needed. Like in farmville the habitarium have levels and when yours levels up you get NP

I'm currently getting a error saying it's offline for maintenance so when it goes back up I'll add more info about it. It seems that everyone is having issues. One of the programmers posted on the boards and say they'll working on it and trying to get it up for everyone by tomorrow morning.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Kamil »

I've become totally enamored of this silly thing, and I really am spending far too much time watching my bugs walk around in circles. =D

But they're such cute bugs. ♥
Spoiler: open/close
Obviously, it's back up now, and has been for a week or so now -- long enough that most of the bugs I started with have passed on - and I think they live seven days or so. It's impossible to keep track of specific bugs, but I think it was a week when they first started dying off.

If anyone wants to try the game, I do have some few things I've found useful:

First, I don't waste time gathering any water, pollen, or grass - at least not at first. You'll be given some of each to start, and you'll end up with more, even if you don't want it, because from time to time bugs will wander away from where you put them and start gathering on their own. Like mine are doing in the screencap up there. =D Anyway, the reason I don't bother gathering those items is they can't be traded for buildings, and buildings are what you need.

As soon as you can, build enough huts to keep all your bugs in when you're offline. That way when you come back, you don't have to waste time feeding your bugs things to keep them from starving and to keep them awake - because of course you need different foods for each problem. Nor will you have to heal them when they are injured. Sticking them in a house will feed/rest/heal - and you can take care of three bugs per house - five, once you've upgraded it to a level two house.

Hospitals heal injuries faster, but soldiers are the only ones who are injured, usually, so I got a barracks instead. A level one hospital holds two and a level one barracks holds three - so I did the barracks. Once we have more room, I'll probably get a hospital too (I like their looks =), but I don't have room right now.

If anyone's interested in playing, say so and I'll happily rattle on about tricks and stuff, but in case I'd be talking to myself, I'll shut now. But you should all play! It's fun! And you can have cute ickle pirate soldier bugs! *prods the lot of you*

Edit: And! I forgot to say that you can make a nice amount of np by just letting the game do its thing. You get np every time you level up - although once you max (level 25) you get less than before. But I've been maxed for a few days now, and my on-hand total is still rising, despite my spending for stocks and such each day.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Usul_Princess »

It's sort of like an art farm simulation much like farmvil----
*flees in mid-sentence*

Oh, God please, no! Every time I try to run away from Farmville there it is, reincarnated into something that looks worthwhile.
I'm so glad I quit after AC V because this would probably be my new vice.

*thinks about all the money she wasted on pixel farming that has now been deleted*

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Cranberry »

I'm bored tonight, so I started one. It's kind of fun watching the little bugs walk around. I'm glad you can move buildings, because I put them in stupid places at first. :P I'm tempted to buy some of those pretty NC things, but I'm refraining until I figure out if I want to spend any actual time on this, haha. Right now I'm just waiting for my P3s to collect more mud and wood so I can buy more things!

I'd definitely appreciate any tips, Kamil. :)

Edit: One of my eggs went from being almost ready to hatch to being tiny again. Is it because one of the blue "pest" bugs attacked the nest and ate the big egg and then the nester laid a new one, or something? I couldn't get my soldiers to attack the pest... it seems like sometimes they refuse to acknowledge a pest exists.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by mellaka »

I've been playing but I've been at level 25 for a couple weeks now, so I'm losing interest. Plus even when I do open it, it lags so bad that I don't leave it open for long. Also, I can only see 5 friends, A-C.

Cranberry, I think the baddies can damage the nest and make it take longer for the eggs to incubate, so maybe it kind of went back in time? Also, you can just refresh to get rid of the pests if you don't feel like fighting them at the time.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Kamil »

We pushed a new build and Habitarium is now live and out of beta! Take a look at the features you will now see when you load your Habitarium:

•Levels 26-50 have been added, so get your P3s harvesting again!
•NC Snowy items have been added. You can purchase ink droppers and bottles to paint your P3s and buildings.
•You can now purchase two new NC functional items: Tar Pit and Magical Seeds!
•You can now get a preview of which P3's are in your structures.
•Plus bug fixes, new animations, and more!
Yay!! I got 10,000 np for leveling up to 26, so that was nice. Also got a Pinchit nester egg, which was doubly nice, since I'd stupidly let mine die out.

I'm very happy about the np returning. There's not a lot on neo that you can set and forget, and then have it earn cash for you (well, stocks), and I'm always glad to have extra cash. Especially if I don't have to do much besides sit and collect.

And occasionally stuff them into their houses so they don't die off from hunger. =D
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Goldenchaos »

I got the pinchit too! xD as my habitarium was filled with only mootix.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Cranberry »

I had knocked my population down to 12 bugs because I was tired of having tons of them running around collecting resources I didn't need, but now that we have new levels and things to buy, I've gone back up to the max, yay! I also leveled up to 26 almost immediately. I'm glad they didn't send us all back to the start with the game's official release.

I wish there was a snow item to cover all the grass (I know it wouldn't make sense because we need to harvest grass, but I think it's kind of silly to have the snow background and houses and such while it's still obviously summertime, heh). I like the new snow stuff anyway, though.

I can finally see a bunch of neofriends along the bottom that I wasn't able to see before!

Also, someone on the neoboards says you can put full storages into your backpack and the resources in them are still available for you to use, which is great... I don't want my place too cluttered.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by thelonetiel »

I'm terrible at remembering my habitarium, but when I do, I like poking at my friend's habitariums and doing nice things for them. I unblocked my Neofriend requests if that's of interest to anyone. :) My main account is thelonetiel like my name here.

I'm a bit disappointed. I was hoping when it came out of beta they'd add more species and give us the option to reset our habitariums. Oh well, maybe later.

I'm trying to eliminate larnikens from my population, they are ugly bugs. Would much prefer lots of pinchits and mootix instead! Funny though, how the larnikens seem to be the ones I always have a lot of. =P
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Cranberry »

Ugh, ever since the game went out of beta a few days ago, it's lagging Firefox. My Habitarium only grew in size a bit and I only have three more p3s than I did before, so it shouldn't be this laggy. Is this happening to anyone else? I am running a good gaming computer and very little else lags it!

I learned something new today... that if you fence off your storages (or block them on all sides with items), it gets rid of the animation of your p3s carrying food into them. I don't think they actually harvest more, but it's nice that they stay in one place instead of running all over.

Also, apparently there was a glitch the other day where the rainbow fountain turned into a mushroom house, which was pretty neat-looking (you may still be able to see it in the Habitarium section on this person's profile). New stuff coming soon, maybe? I hope so!
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Rakumel »

The Habitarium's always been laggy in Firefox for me, but I thought it was just because my computer was fairly old and didn't have enough processing speed. I have better luck with Camino, but no matter what browser I use it always lags after a while.

I'd love some new styles of buildings. Maybe now that the game's gone live we'll see some! ^^ I'd also like the ability to rotate the buildings, like you can with furniture in the Neohomes. Most of all though, I wish there was a way to lock the background in place, ideally a toggle button on the right like there is for the music and sound. I can't tell you all how many times I've tried to nab a moving P3 only to miss and shift the background around instead. Drives me crazy.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by TCStarwind »

Well shit. I started this last week and everything was going swimmingly. Then I put all my bugs in their houses and left them for a week. Now most of them are dead and I only have one nester, who is relatively close to death. Do you only get eggs with level ups? What happens if all my bugs die?
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by Cranberry »

This Habitarium guide has some strategies for when you have to restart. :)

Lots of glitches right now. XP won't update unless you refresh every few minutes, same with building or repairing houses... pests won't come at all. It's irritating. I have been sticking everyone in houses and taking them out just to repair damage to buildings.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by TCStarwind »

Thanks for the guide, Cranberry. It will prove helpful (and makes me feel as if all is not lost).

I've noticed that too. I'm doing my best to work around it because I need to breed more nesters before the only one I have dies.
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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Post by thelonetiel »

TCStarwind - If nothing else, if all your nesters die, you are randomly given one. So you will be okay. :)
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