Five pet slots!

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Re: Five pet slots!

Post by ZomgethMew »

Eee, this is so exciting! I haven't got any pet ideas yet, but as has been said, it's nice to know the option's there, as it were ^_^

Now I've just got to decide if I want to redeem the mystical plushie I bought a while ago by accident (long story) |D On the one hand, I liked having it in Glowstick's treasure, but on the other hand, CSC.. >_> I'll think about it, lol. (Knowing me I'll probably decide right after the redeeming thing runs out, lol)
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Re: Five pet slots!

Post by Tom »

I would redeem them sooner rather than later. I've seen a few things mentioned about how the plushies are going to return (somehow) so they're not impossible for collectors to obtain - so they're probably going to be worth a fraction of the price (and CSC) they currently are. So if you want the plushie back, I imagine you could buy it again for much less in the future.
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Re: Five pet slots!

Post by Usul_Princess »

This is news! :) My problem right now is thinking of new names that don't suck. The ones I want don't look like they're going anywhere. Plus, I have to change Tayamee and Vaylynne's awful name.

I have 18 pets, so if I bought two donadak plushies, I could get it up to 22 slots right now? Plus one extra when September 29th rolls around?

Also, has the avatar thing been fixed? I haven't been able to access wardrobe for weeks.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Re: Five pet slots!

Post by AngharadTy »

Like if you bought the plushies from other users...? You can't buy them from the cash shop right now, and they don't give slots at all; they give csc equivalent to what it was worth in the cash shop. And pet slot prices have been halved. A montre plushie gives enough csc for two slots.

And I have no idea what wardrobe problem you mean. Have you tried in other browsers and/or with customcss off?
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Re: Five pet slots!

Post by Usul_Princess »

AngharadTy wrote:Like if you bought the plushies from other users...? You can't buy them from the cash shop right now, and they don't give slots at all; they give csc equivalent to what it was worth in the cash shop. And pet slot prices have been halved. A montre plushie gives enough csc for two slots.
Found this out on Subeta. I had two Enchanted Hypnosis wands that I bought for 1,500 CSC eons ago. To know that they're "retired", and the fact that I can only redeem it with with only 500 CSC is disappointing.
And I have no idea what wardrobe problem you mean. Have you tried in other browsers and/or with customcss off?
Fixed that. I did have a question about the hair. They seem to have changed it to charge 10K per custom style. If you just want the standard black/brown/blonde/red will it be free of charge?

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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