Achievements and Tales of Woe

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Huggles »

What the heck is up with Subeta's new world "maps"? Not a single one of them is labeled. NOT ONE. Sure they're pretty, but do they not understand what a map is? These might as well be photos of random landscapes. There's no clearly defined schema to differentiate between what is a clickable link and what is background fluff. I've forgotten where the lab ray's are and I'll be damned if these are of any help.

Edit: Can't find a damned thing.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

To be fair, only the main world map is actually labeled as a map (and has regions labeled). The rest are I guess real world images, not maps, so like, why would they be labeled. We just played Neopets too long and expect everything to be maps...? I dunno--I have a hell of a time finding things, too. I forgot to set a Crypts reminder once and hell if I can find where they are now. I ended up typing it into my browser by hand. Wiz exchange... is it even anywhere? I haven't found it and I've seen a number of people complaining about it. Having the names pop up when you hover is all well and good but you still have to know where to hover. The number of times I've just opened a tab and searched the entire internet for a place rather than find it on the not-maps... haha.

Lab rays are both in Darkside now. Previously, one was on the moon.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Marah »

I know they probably don't want to look like neo too much, but that system works better. Still there might be some changes later, so who knows?

The wizard exchange can be found via the currencies in the vault btw.

Edit: Gouache is lovely, but the minions name confuses me a bit. You want to build your own Utrecht? :)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Huggles »

It's just downright confounding with all the fancy javascripting and doodads they have going on everywhere else on the site. I thought one was on the moon, and I looked all over it, finding nothing. It's not even a Neopets thing, but a simple interweb navigation thing. I'd rather have the old icon pages and text links over this.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Jessi »

They plan on revisiting the maps to add more labels and the like - after the artists take a small break to recover from the plot, haha. They thought the hovers'd be enough but the feedback on that obviously said otherwise!
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Huggles »

Apparently I picked a bad time to revisit the site "Oh No! You are trying to equip an item (Infinite, tier: 7) that is above the tier of your pet (4)! " Double You Tee Eff? Just about the only pets I really care about are those I picked special weapons for. I have a feeling pretty much all my weapons are going to give me this problem. Oh well. I'm sure you've all heard the complaints by now. I thought I had paid real money for my infinite, but I had forgotten that I bought an eternal and traded for the infinite. Oh well. And, I'm done now.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Joey »

Old thread is old: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9715
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

My achievement/tale of woe:

I found two custom wearables in the cash shop I really liked, but I dragged my feet buying them because... well, it's a lot of money for one item, and I hadn't done anything with my wardrobe for months (partially because it wasn't working in FF, partially because I just haven't been).

Then a few weeks ago I discovered one of the items had been removed from the CS and the artist's forum thread was closed. This made me sad, which made me realize I really did want the thing after all and I should have bought it when I had the chance.

Weirdly, this DIDN'T inspire me to buy the OTHER thing I wanted from the CS: I think it was sort of like, "I didn't buy the thing I liked best, so I shouldn't buy the thing I liked second-best, either." Then last week I discovered THAT wearable had been taken out of the CS, too (although that artist is still active, and says it's possible that she might re-release them on the forums eventually).

At the same time, I found two listings for the first item in Trades! Horray! I sent messages to both players, one got back to me, and I bought it for more than what I would have paid in the CS, but for what seems to be a common rate for retired CW items. So now I have one of the two items I missed, and my favorite one, too! Score!

Of course, a few days after that the other seller sent me a message offering to sell it for less than I paid the first person. :headdesk: Her offer was based on the belief that it was still for sale in the CS, though, so I would have felt kind of guilty taking her up on it. (I let her know it had been pulled from the CS.)

Even though I do have one of the items I wanted, I must say the whole thing has rather put me off CWs. Few people seem to be taking advantage of putting things in the CS. (I'm not sure why -- it seems to me that getting less money would be offset by not having the hassle of dealing with the sales and payments yourself -- but there it is.) And without the CS, buying custom wearables seems to involve knowing who all the different artists are and stalking them on the forums (particularly for people who don't have ping groups). It's impossible to keep up with all the stuff you might want -- or even to FIND the stuff you might want! -- and it would be incredibly expensive if you could. :sigh: More pretty things I'll never have. Too much like RL that way.

At least I got my item, though. Pretty cherry blossoms are pretty:

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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Jessi »

Wings, I agree with you about artists who run their own slots as opposed to putting items in the cash shop. I do it with all of my CWs just because I don't want to deal with the hassle of submitting them personally - it's a huge pain in the ass xD I tend to grab CWs I want from the cash shop right away though, just in case they get taken out and I get bummed like you did :c Glad you got one you wanted though!
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by AngharadTy »

I also decided "I'm finally going to buy that one item" and it turned out it was gone. Although the artist is very active, I have next to no interest in tracking the item down on the forums. I hate that the forums are the standard place to deal with CWs--there's a lot on my wishlist I would buy if only it were as easy as clicking a button. (Not to mention the growing number of artists who have become popular enough to charge 650 or 700 csc for new items--not only do I have to go through the damn forums, but I also have to pay more than if you'd just put it in the cash shop? Haha no. 600 is plenty crazy enough for one item.)
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Wingsrising »

I agree about the forums: at the moment I feel like it's almost impossible to keep up with what's available: the "currently released custom wearables" thread on the HA Forum is now so big it makes my FF hang and doesn't have any information about what items are available (most aren't) or where you can get them. There seems to be a ping group but I don't really want to be getting multiple pings a day.

Dunno, if there were just some easy way to see all the items that currently have slots open with a link to the relevant thread, that seems like it would make it so much easier. Presumably putting things in the CS was meant to organize everything, but that seems to have been something of a flop.

Though of course when it comes right down to it, I've found that for me at least the other big problem is my reluctance to spend that much on one item. There's been some items that I've seen that I've really liked, but I haven't been sure I liked $6 worth of like. I'd have to use something a LOT to make it worth that much and it's not always easy for me to predict what I'm going to use and what I'm not. Something can be really lovely but it if never gets used, what good is it?

Of course right now I can't look at anything because I'm a giant bug.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Huggles »

I am apparently Midna. Ooohkay. I know next to nothing about custom wearables, and every time I look at the forums to find out more, I slowly back away and go play tf2.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Seerow »


Success! I have 30,375 unique items in my gallery now. I'm rather sad there is no special item or title for these achievements though. I feel like they are one of the harder ones to obtain but you don't get anything. Next up though is 45k, wish me luck.
As a side note, I have the 6th largest gallery in Subeta, though it's 2k items below the next person.

And Ishka hit Tier 11 today! She's been sitting at the high 1980's for awhile now but I used some of my battle exp to purchase upgrades and she has got just enough to push her into the next tier. I don't believe I have any tier 11 weapons, but still exciting news. And my other battle pet Tripton is edging closer to hitting Tier 8, so I won't have to change battle sets every time I want to battle with him which will be nice.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Tom »

Thomas has abandoned their Mahar named Ragnorak
Thomas has abandoned their Popoko named Caliate
Thomas has abandoned their Kora named Norimok
Thomas has abandoned their Escalade named Starscraper
Thomas has abandoned their Demi named Lernya
Thomas has abandoned their Sheeta named Rinaa
And I renamed Pipsickle and Starscraper!

Thomas has made a Paralix named Azerbaijan
Thomas has made a Mahar named Qatar
Thomas has made a Xotl named Venezuela
Thomas has made a Chelon named Ecuador
Thomas has made a Escalade named Argentina
Thomas has made a Jollin named Ethiopia
And now I have Morocco and Economy!

For some reason I was on a massive country (and economy?) kick so spent much of yesterday evening scouring through pets to try and find some free ones! Amazed that I found Morocco. :D Not sure what I'm going to do with any of them - even pet colours - but it's nice to have them! It was sad to abandon my pets, though, as I've had most of them through all the years I've played.
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Re: Achievements and Tales of Woe

Post by Slugawoo »

Speaking of pet name changes and countries...

I noticed the account that owned Norge and Danmark was inactive, so I renamed my pet Norway to Norge and created another named Danmark. Now along with Sverige, I have the Scandinavian trio, with their names in their own languages. :D
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