Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

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Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

Post by RNA »

Another Eventide pet? I guess it's an easy colorfill. It's nice to look at, if only the gradient could wrap about the Grarrl's belly :S
It looks like it has freckles.

It seems like Stealthy is going to be the Shenkuu color. Odd that a ninja Grarrl should get horns and clunky plate armor (it would make a lot of noise!), though.

I like the lady clothes more. They even match with the Royalgirl Grarrl I mean.
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Re: Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

Post by Dying_Light07 »

Interesting. As you put it, I'd say "clunky" is the best term to describe the Stealthy Grarrl. I still like that color...but it doesn't work well with Grarrls body type. I wish he had more of that sinister expression the Blumaroo seemed to have.

I can't wait until Eventide is finished. It was a great color at first but I'm so tired of it. This one looks very bright too and kinda rushed honestly.
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Re: Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

Post by Kantark »

Larger images:

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Eventide fits the usual pattern very well - it's banded from yellow at the feet, through the red and then light blue with clouds to the starry night sky on the top of the head. I've given up hope of there ever being any innovative variation between pets in this colour - it's as eternally predictable as Split or Speckled.

Stealthy I couldn't really see any details on it at all without adjusting my monitor contrast so from that point of view it is certainly living up to its name. I like the horned head decoration and generally it's a nice costume. As a base colour it's an interesting alternative to Shadow for a darker pet. Getting rid of the Grarrl's irritating cheesy grin is definitely an improvement.
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Color Wheel
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Re: Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

Post by Color Wheel »

Stealthy Base: Image

Stealthy: I agree that it’s a bit clunky - it actually looks more like a warrior outfit than a ninja one. (Though to be fair, it’s also a lot more interesting than a plain ninja outfit.) However, it’s nicely designed with a good color scheme, and I like the horns on the top. The only thing that bothers me is that the head mask covers the back of the eye slightly, and this almost makes it look sad.
The base color’s really nice; I prefer this dark purple to the dark blue of the stealthy Blumaroo, as there are fewer purple base colors and almost none that are this shade. I love the shape of the eye too - it makes it look vicious instead of awkwardly happy like most Grarrls.

Tl;dr - A nice addition to the stealthy color with a lovely base color.

Eventide: I wish there was more of the black starry section on this, as that tends to be the nicest looking part of an eventide pet. As usual, the colors don’t really bend at all with the body, and, while it isn’t as noticeable as on other pets, the colors flow straight onto other parts of the body, such as the arms. The shading also bugs me - I think it might be a smidge too dark. I do love the eye colors, however.

Tl;dr - Pretty bland overall.
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Re: Stealthy and Eventide Grarrl

Post by Jamie »

stealthy looks much more menacing with it's teeth showing. i'd love to play around with that base, could get some scary dinosaurs happening!
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