Woodland and Camouflage Bori

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Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by RNA »

Woodland is quite pretty!


Woodland - I like the stone back plates. I wish that the leaves were a little more expansive. The lumps of green mud on the Bori would have looked better if they were bigger and had roots hanging from them...

Camouflage - the colors clash really badly, given one is much lighter than the others. Definitely doesn't look good when put next to the woodland.
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Cool, i like the HUGE previews you posted, plenty of detail to hunt through. :-)

I noticed the mossy-colored stone back plates too, nice touch! And the mossy-shaded "wood" is nice too. I do like the sparse leaves, though i wish they (at least the tail) went more in the way of the usual hair because it looks a little stumpy.

I scratched my head over camouflage but could easily see (or not see) it in a field of purple flowers.
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by Jamie »

Agreed, kudos on the huge pics!!

I like Woodland now that I've seen it in such detail. The back plates are the highlight, a very nice touch. Everything else about it is nice enough, I just wish the leaf-bunches were all leaves... and not sporadic leaves attached to green sponge.

Camouflage... I don't know where it's hiding and I don't want to either, because it's ugly.
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by Kantark »

Wow... Huuuge previews! Where did you get these?

Camouflage appears to have been caught up in an industrial accident at a paint factory. The colours picked will guarantee it stands out against virtually any background rather than the intended effect. It certainly doesn't qualify as camouflage and the colours clash to hell, but for some reason I kind of like it.

Not sure about the stone used on Woodland... don't we have Relic for that? I could see you getting away with the stone for the feet but on the back they look a bit weird - trees grow outof stony ground but you don't get stones halfway up trees! The leaves look very indistinct in the tiny pic but show up well in the full view. Nice and interesting shading on this one.
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by RNA »

The large previews are from Dress to Impress. I don't know if they'll expire with time, but somebody already added their Boris to the system.
I notice that the staff artists aren't above using gradients in their pets. Neopets started out being gradient-shaded, but it was being phased out when I joined the site.
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by Kantark »

Gradients have come a long way.... back then it was more likely to be one gradient-fill over the entire pet cause it was, like, new and cool. That got old very quickly ;-) Nowadays where they're used in moderation, e.g. to shade highlights on the pet (like the Woodland Bori's right knee), I think they look very effective.

I've just noticed the Camouflage Bori has differing eye colours*, cute touch.

(* 'Heterochromia', thanks Wiki)
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Color Wheel
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Re: Woodland and Camouflage Bori

Post by Color Wheel »

Woodland: Not only did I guess there would be a Woodland Bori, but I also guessed it would have the stone back plates! I love the colors used here - they’re very pleasing to the eye and look suitably woodland-like. The textures are great and I love the shading, particularly in the ears. If I had any problems with it, it would be that the mud (is that mud?) and leaves on the tail look rather awkward up close. The leaves on the head also aren’t really necessary, but I can see how they were mimicking the tuft of hair Boris normally have there.

Tl;dr - A really gorgeous woodland pet.

Camouflage: First off, the only place this could possibly blend into is Jhudora’s bluff, and even then I doubt that would work too well. And yet for some reason, I can’t help but like this. The colors should clash, but somehow they work together rather nicely. Some people have compared it to a piece of candy, and ‘disco’ jumps to my mind. It also has some decent shading, particularly on the front leg. The two-colored eyes are interesting, particularly the fact that the far eye is a blue color instead of green. I can’t help but wonder if this was done on purpose, or if something in the system glitched.

Tl;dr - Somehow appealing, though it’s not blending into anything anytime soon.
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