New plot: War of the Obelisk

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New plot: War of the Obelisk

Post by thelonetiel »

(Previously titled "*HINT HINT* New Plot?")

Plot and War rumblings are afoot in Neopia! Something about Kanrik and Tyrannia. Maybe an invasion? There was always that odd link between Terror Mountain and Tyrannia... Would be fun to see explored!

The evidence is as follows:

The New Features today started off with this subtle piece of work:
Battledome Maintenance - The new Battledome will be undergoing some maintenance today and tomorrow for... reasons. *shifty eyes* During this time, the 'Dome itself may shut down for an hour or two at a time or it may be slow or unresponsive. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Maybe while it's down your Neopet could train instead... for no particular reason. *cough*
And an hidden image:
Spoiler: open/close
Also, a training Fortune Cookie (which reduces training times) was released in the NC mall, suggesting that a war might be involved and they are looking to capitalize on it.

Additionally, this past week's Editorial had a hint:
It seems Tyrannia is still stuck in the stone age (bu dum ts). Faerieland has had TWO remodels, plus there was Krawk Island and Roo Island -- not to mention the remodels that happened eons ago. Why no Tyrannian love? D: ~sdspj
Oh, don't worry. We haven't forgotten about Tyrannia. ;) Actually, there have been whispers of strange things happening there. Hopefully we'll know more soon!
Which included a hidden link to an image:
Spoiler: open/close
Another editorial from issue 577:
Hi, TNT! :) I've been playing Neopets for eight years now, and I remember that, a long time ago, I was absolutely in love with the Hannah and the Ice Caves comic about the Bringer's Curse and Kanrik and all those characters. I was wondering: does it still exist? If so, how can I get to it? THANK YOU! ~scbauer
Yep! You can read it right here. If you're a Kanrik fan, you may get a peek at him during the upcoming months. You didn't hear it from us, though! ;)
Before that, an image was posted in the Neopet's Facebook page:
Spoiler: open/close
Last edited by thelonetiel on 26 Feb 2013 12:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Kantark »

I noticed a couple of those 'hints' popping up around the site... exciting! And if that 'leaked' artwork is indicative of any comic we might be getting then I'm all over that like a bad rash, it looks awesome. And Kanrik!
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Larkspurlane »

The art is gorgeous! :D :D
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Jazzy »

Yay plot! Speaking of the new BD, my battle pet used to have Berserk at level 50, but since then has lost a lot of levels and is now down at about lvl29. Has anyone heard anything about whether it's worth training levels - whether anything like Berserk is coming back? As it stands there doesn't seem to be any advantage in the BD to having a high level but I don't know if it'll stay like that.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Bif »

PLOT!!!! :D :D

That is all.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Jamie »

30th January

ATTENTION - Now that we have your attention, here is a friendly reminder to train your Neopets on a regular basis. For no reason! Well, the reminder is for no reason. Training is for a reas-- never mind. That is all.
I've never seen them hype a battling plot... or any plot like this before. Of course, codestones are inflating crazy. I wish I was more diligent over the past couple months. Treid isn't quite ready for a battle plot... oh well!
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Larkspurlane »

I wish I'd hoarded more codestones.

Does anyone know the non-inflated price of these? Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds / Entangling Lenny Lasso / Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing?
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by thelonetiel »

Considering I haven't trained in months, I'm tempted to just sell off my codestone collection. I wonder when prices will peak...

I'm wishing I had taken the time to buy weapons when I thought about it a couple months ago. But I guess I'll just have to deal with what I have. Or hope that I have neat things lurking in my SDB.

I'm totally in love with the art, particularly the bori with the pet crokabek. Adorable!

Lark, Jellyneo has some price info that might help:
Bag of Lenny Healing Seeds
Entangling Lenny Lasso
Lenny Ray Gun of Freezing

I have no idea what they are now to compare to, or if they were accurate when they were listed, but at least something to go off of!
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Ailiel »

Well, since the new battledome was first released to beta I have been training non-stop, taking advantage of the red codestone deflation and the cheap quick courses in the ninja school. I managed to get both strength and defence to 500 on January 1 this year, I was really happy about hitting that boost. And since the codestones were so inexpensive I was also able to save up for a Ghostkerbomb, I bought one just before this war stuff started being talked about. I also have been hoarding bunches of codestones, I bought a ton of the red ones thinking they might change their minds and they might inflate again, so I have about 150 of them in my SDB.

And yet somehow I still wish I was more ready! I don't have a freezer yet, in fact that was the next thing on my list to buy, but it's going to be at an inflated price now, if I can even get there in time for the war.

But mostly I am just excited, should be fun. I love plots and I love the new battledome and I've spent all this time training my pet and building up my set, it will be fun to see how it plays out even if I'm not quite where I want to be yet.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Jazzy »

There's a 100% freezer in the Hidden Tower (Magical Marbles of Mystery) so that one won't have inflated too far :)
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Color Wheel »

I actually spurged and bought a Skarl's Hasty Mace for my BD pet; does 16 icons and is multiple use. Just in case. B)
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Bif »

New Bottled Faeries! - Aethia is almost ready to open her new Ability Academy in the Battledome, but your Neopet won't be able to train without the proper blessings. Thankfully -- or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it -- Balthazar has recently stepped up his game and come up with some new Bottled Faerie technology. If you find one of these new bottles, you can open it and start collecting blessings to prepare!



This means the old bottles' magic is fading fast, but fear not. It's said that if you somehow combine them together, there may just be enough magic left to help you train.
I am VERY interested to know what this means.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Cranberry »

I wonder if those of us who had faerie abilities before will still have them. I don't like the idea of having to re-buy my abilities when everyone else is also going after brand new items.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I'm still frustrated that, if this is going to include battling, they didn't actually streamline the Battle Dome. If anything, the pretty redesign is more cumbersome, especially for those with slower computers or internet speed. :-(

I am interested about the new faerie abilities system, too. Hopefully there won't be an insane flood for it and be the only useful thing if/by the time we have a battle plot.
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Re: *HINT HINT* New Plot?

Post by Kari »

With the dropped prices of the red codestones, is it worth speeding level training to 250 and just using the ninja school to catch back up?
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