[RP; All Welcome; Limit 5 RPers] A new land?

A general writing-based forum- stories, poetry and the like, as well as roleplays and Werewolf signups.
Origami Dragon
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Post by Origami Dragon »

"Oh! 'Not'er friend! We finded 'not'er friend a'eady! Good t'ing yup yup! Hello go crazy num'er faerie. Chee an' Aqui finded you we did. But you still no can sit on Chee head. No will work sit on ghostie, e'en for faerie." The ghost twisted around to grin at Daksin where he'd landed in the water just under its head. He was a nice silly faerie! And he'd come to join them in their swim! Fun! Chee tried to splash him with absolutely no success. But it wasn't particularly bothered by this.

As Aqui spoke up as well Chee twisted around more, winding up practically on its back. Trilling noncommentaly and shrugging Chee indicated that it hadn't a clue. But more sounded neat. Maybe there were more!

Chee's ears flicked back towards Daksin. "T'ey does? Can make t'ree? Chee can count to t'ree! Un, two, t'ree...umm...four? T'at right? What next num'er draikie?"

((Debating bringing in another character as well if you don't mind. Not sure who yet though, or even which species.))
Siggy image made by EofS long ago...
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Post by thelonetiel »

((I made it a few days without joining... I need more will power.

Zolais is my Darigan Draik, with a visual reference here.
My account at DC is awaiting activation, so I've yet to actually see how typical DC roleplays go... So you'll have to put up with my style for now. ^^ ))

Zolais had been sitting on the outskirts of that forbidden territory, waiting ever so patiently for the fierce draik he had talked to to tell him if he was going to be allowed inside or not, when the Clan Territories vanished. He blinked and the land that was tantilizing in its restrictedness was suddenly dark, barren, dead.

Zolais's tail twitched. His head slumped forward in anger, dumping his hair in his eyes. Carefully, he plucked a hair, distracting himself from the loss of the life he was sure he would now never know. The tip of the strand was bright green, almost blindingly so. The rest was a darker green, except for the root, which was a small section of pure white. Zolais dropped the hair, watching it fall. He'd need to dye his hair soon, this waiting had prevented his typical upkeep of the precious mop on his head, one of the few things he still cared for in life.

The Darigan draik stared into the now dead land for a time. He had been so anxious to see what it was like to be normal. There would be creatures there like him, without wings, and yet still normal and smart, not dull Citadel servants only waiting to be told what to do. His hopes were scattered with the wind.

The wind... A breeze blew past Zolais, carrying with it the voices of others, trilling noises, happyness evident in the tinkling splashes of water and laughter.

The hell with it, Zolais thought, turning toward the source of the noise. He hadnt come this far, waited for so long, only to be shunned back into the miserable life of a failed Darigan. Perhaps these creatures could tell him what had happened to the land, and if it would come back.

He trotted quickly and reached the... draiks? More draiks? He wasn't so alone afterall. A ghost, a strangely patterned teal one, and a curious water dwelling creature he couldnt begin to describe. Had they been in the land when it had vanished?

The ghost was counting, and wanted to know the number after four.

"Five." Zolais said gruffly, his voice hoarse from lack of use. "One, two, three, four, five." He attempted to smile, but it only came out as a scowl. He hadnt talked to anyone for so long...

((Um... Cripes. I should learn to condense my writing. I'll get the hang of it in a few. I hope.))
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Post by Anaphase »

(( ZOMG! -is semi-mortuua from not RPing in so long- Anyone know when the DC's going to be back? I’ll stick one of my draiks in for now, and maybe another later. ))

A yellow blob swayed within the long sea-grass plains a short distance off from Razor Reef. Unbeknownst to the fish swimming around the blob, it was in fact a dragon and her green lower half was lazily obscured by the wide strands of sea-grass. The dragon’s eyes were closed and she was concentrating on honing her senses when she felt a shift in the energy around her.

She was suddenly pulled out of the warm waters of the reef and plunged into another pool from what seemed like a great height. She flicked her eyes open quickly, their intense blue glaring through the bubbles she’d just created. Her wing-fins beat angrily and her ears twitched, trying to pick up even the slightest sound. She stayed like that for a while, rigidly staying near the surface of the water. Sensing no threat and feeling more than a little disorientated she started swimming in the direction of the other dragons, having heard the whisper of their voices vibrating through the water.

(( Visual ref! ))
Saving to make a new draik sibling (100k/2.8mil) .. want to donate? Your name will get put on the little guy's page when he's created!
Devil's Advocate
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Post by Jazzy »

I think, Anaphase, that this RP is probably dead, because it's been quiet for a month or so. Perhaps you'd like to start a new one?
Posts: 21
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Post by Anaphase »

Jazzy wrote:I think, Anaphase, that this RP is probably dead, because it's been quiet for a month or so. Perhaps you'd like to start a new one?
-face hits the desk- Did NOT realise it was April already :oops: I blame jet lag.
Saving to make a new draik sibling (100k/2.8mil) .. want to donate? Your name will get put on the little guy's page when he's created!
Origami Dragon
Posts: 11
Joined: 21 Jan 2006 03:58 pm
Location: Here, where else?

Post by Origami Dragon »

((Yeah, seems to have died. Was waiting for Anza to reply, but she's not been around too much recently it seems. Pity; Chee'd love to get a chance to play with Uji too. But I hate to just pick it up and move on without her...))
Siggy image made by EofS long ago...
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