Signature thread about gun control and gun violence

Non-neopets general discussion.

What should my new sig say?

Molon labe, bitch.
Pwushie killer. In more ways than one.
In Soviet Russia, pwushie gets you!
Reply to this post or the pwushie gets you.
Cute. Cuddly. Deadly.
Walk softly and carry a killer pwushie.
No votes
My name is Pwushie. You killed my tiger. Prepare to die.
Are these things edible? No?! Then why'd you give them to me?!?
Reply to this post or Commander Pwushie will find out it was your fault that Mr. Tiger died.
No votes
He wasn't called Two-Gun Pwushie because he carried two guns...
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Signature thread about gun control and gun violence

Post by syldssuf » ... sigbig.gif

Here's the current version, which'll be resized by 50% when finalized.

Whaddaya think it should say?
  • Molon labe, bitch.

    Pwushie killer. In more ways than one.

    In Soviet Russia, pwushie gets you!

    Reply to this post or the pwushie gets you.

    Cute. Cuddly. Deadly.

    Walk softly and carry a killer pwushie.

    My name is Pwushie. You killed my tiger. Prepare to die.

    Are these things edible? No?! Then why'd you give them to me?!?

    Reply to this post or Commander Pwushie will find out it was your fault that Mr. Tiger died.

    He wasn't called Two-Gun Pwushie because he carried two guns...
Anyway, pick one and otherwise comment, or the pwushie gets it!

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Post by syldssuf »

You people must like seeing pwushies get it. Sickos.

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Post by Usul_Princess »

Now I love any reference to Princess Bride, but that Soviet Russian one had me laughing for at least 3 minutes straight XD! Though, of all of them Molon Labe is the most powerful, so I would pick that as a close second.

EDIT: On second thought, go with 'Molon Labe' because the few individuals that *do* get the reference, will enjoy seeing this in your sig. :)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by chickvw »

Princess Bride!!!! *huggles* Though "Reply to this post or the pwushie gets you." was runnerup ^_^
Image Image
Thank you MM for the Woobles!
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Post by syldssuf »

Decided to compromise. "You know what the Englishman's idea of compromise is? He says, Some people say there is a God. Some people say there is no God. The truth probably lies somewhere between these two statements." -William Butler Yeats.

New sig should be working now. Yay!
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Post by Spivsy »

I... really don't like your signature. It's big and bulky and detracts attention away from the post
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Post by Deku »

Spivsy wrote:I... really don't like your signature. It's big and bulky and detracts attention away from the post
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Post by Figment »

Spivsy wrote:I... really don't like your signature. It's big and bulky and detracts attention away from the post
The weird glowing orb of whatever in your sig always distracts me from your posts.

But I do agree. It's the font, for me. Obnoxious. Any reason why you couldn't size it down?
Dead Webby
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Post by Dead Webby »

Could you not size it down a bit? I also find it distracts from the actual post.
Thanks VanillaCoke for the Set.
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Post by syldssuf »

Just trying to make use of the white space. And keep the sig right at the size limit. Keep in mind, I keep my screen set at 1152 x 864 pixels, and it's only a 17" screen. So everything always looks tiny.

But, I guess I could try. Maybe make the frame length 10 seconds instead of 5, too.

Clear your browser cache and refresh.
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Post by Jazzy »

The thing is...the sig limit is just that, a limit. We didn't honestly expect people to then say "oh, our sigs have to be 500x150, no more or less!"

I also find pro-gun slogans utterly repulsive, and the idea of a shoyru with guns implausible. I'd say laughably so, but it isn't even vaguely funny.
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Post by Figment »

I'm very anti-gun myself, so that does make me a little uncomfortable. But, whatever, it doesn't matter much.

Thanks for the resize, I really appreciate it. Looks loads better now on my screen.
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Post by syldssuf »

That's your fault then. You can be anti-car, anti-pwushie, anti-any-other-object for all I care. But denying people the right to own what they want on "moral" grounds, personal preference, or other baseless reasons is wrong. That is the meaning behind molon labe.

I could say that gays are disgusting and amoral (for no reason in particular other than indoctrination and misguided personal preference) and try to back those beliefs with leviticus (while simultaneously eating pork and shellfish and beating up my menstruating wife, and refusing to shit in a hole in the ground and cover it over with a paddle, or to shut myself away for 2 weeks every time I get sick), but bigoted views don't make it objectively "right" to ban gay marriage.

I could say cars are deadly and cause untold amounts of pollution and kill thousands of people (actually, my biological father was killed in a car accident, and I absolutely hate driving, so I personally have a good reason for that one). But that doesn't mean responsible car ownership should be illegal.

I suggest reading this guy's page on the real origins of gun control in America. ... =140000845 (browse through here while you're at it ... Screen.pdf )

Though the origins of gun control in Britain are less complex. They ran out of colonies to oppress, and so turned on themselves.

England: No more guns for colonists!
George Washington: GET OUT!

England: Brown people are not permitted to own guns!
Mahatma Gandhi: I don't like food anymore! ("Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." - Mahatma Gandhi)


Oh, well. I really hope both me and my boyfriend can find a job in Vermont. There really ain't anywhere else worth livin' for gun-toting gays.
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Post by Figment »

Are you comparing gay marriage legislation with gun legislation? Seem to be. What a logical fallacy. No one here would speak out against gay marriage. Because gay marriage doesn't kill anyone.

The statistics on gun-related deaths in the united states compared with other similar countries is sickening and shocking and certainly points to something wrong, either with our culture or with our gun legislation. I would be tempted to believe the former, especially when you consider Canada's comparatively low number of deaths by firearms per year (in the hundreds rather than the 20K-30K range you get from the U.S.). Even if it is our culture at fault, this simply suggests to me that for some reason most Americans are not to be trusted with deadly weapons. And so they shouldn't be allowed them.

In 2003 there were over thirty thousand deaths by firearms in America. The only countries that come close are in the midst of civil uprisings and wars. How can you look at those numbers and say that there is not a problem?
Last edited by Figment on 22 Jun 2006 11:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Jazzy »

Though the origins of gun control in Britain are less complex. They ran out of colonies to oppress, and so turned on themselves.
Yeah, British society has been severely impeded by the fact that, oh no, I cannot carry a gun. We've denied ourselves the pleasure of owning killing implements because we are self-deprecating masochists who just don't know how to have a good time. We would have guns, but we're too busy hating ourselves and bemoaning our lost empire. Or, we're too busy marrying off our gays and lesbians. Your pick.

Oh, and what was your empire? Cuba? The one you stole from the Spanish in 1898 which turned on you and got used as a pawn in the Cold War?

Please. Put your second amendment away; you've no use for it here.
Last edited by Jazzy on 22 Jun 2006 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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