Series of pictures based on my Halloween NT story

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Series of pictures based on my Halloween NT story

Post by Yuka » kind! Please! :P I'm very new to computer art; I'm still learning to use paintshop. At the moment my favourite tool is the Oil Paint brush. These are more for practice than anything. I'm not sure the NT will accept images in the stories - I could always add a note to the editor, but still. :?

These are from the halloween story I'm going to submit at the end of this month. It's a two-part series about werelupes. xD If you're curious, I posted it in the entertainment forum here, but it's been edited since that post.

There will be more of these if I decide to run with it, but I may just scrap the idea and send it in as it is...


This is the main character, Fyreth, who is setting out on a journey at the start of the story. I don't know if I like this image. I spent hours and hours on it, but the face still looks really off to me. Faces aren't my strong point... actually, I don't HAVE a strong point. :oops: That's what practice is for, though, right?


This is the view from his window on the morning before he sets out. I think this one worked better than the first.

"A sea of white covered everything, masking the world and making it beautiful at the same time. A flurry of flakes melted on my grey-black fur, leaving icy dew-drops behind."


This is my favourite of the bunch. It's far from perfect, but it doesn't make me cringe with abject horror. :lol: The other wing ruined it, so I rubbed it out. >.<;

"At the far end of the wooden pier sat a proud ship--big enough to ferry five hundred, at least—the <i>SS Golden Eyrie</i>. True to the name, the figurehead was a gold-painted Eyrie, wings spread as if preparing for flight. Its twin, the <i>Silver Eyrie</i>, had set off for Mystery Island the previous day."


Another horrible one. I used soft focus at the end to improve the texture, but in the end I don't know if I did the right thing. :oops:

“Welcome aboard, son.” I whipped around, ears pricked, to the sight of an elderly white Lupe in a blue-and-gold uniform and tri-point cap of similar colours. “Is this your first trip on the <i>S.S. Golden Eyrie</i>?”


Any comments greatly appreciated. Thanks. Sorry for burning your eyes out. :P

EDIT: Half the post was eaten.... >_<; don't know what happened there.

EDIT AGAIN: 118 replies 0 posts... :P
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