Rank changes? NP ratio changes?

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Rank changes? NP ratio changes?

Post by rebelheart »

Site Update! - If you notice your high score ranking or favourite game's NP ratio fluctuating day by day, not to worry! Each is now updated regularly based on site activity. Since there's not enough room here to explain all the details, check out the Rank changes and NP Ratio changes articles in the FAQ section for more information.
Hooray. Not. I guess this will mostly mean a lower payout. Has anyone noticed any changes yet? It majorly sucks if this means I'll have to figure out which score to reach for 1000NP everyday again. I know I'll be lazy and forget and then end up with a score sent and not the max payout reached.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Ew. This NP Ratio thing does NOT sound like a fun idea, games were hard enough to make NP from, now it sounds like the games with the best NP ratio will be sorted out. So games like I don't know, Ultimate Bullseye will probably give out less.
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Post by Wingsrising »

I have not yet noticed any changes in my favorite games but this development does not please me.
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Post by nanabobo567 »

Take money out of the economy, don't put less in!!!
Seerow wrote:Aww Nana, I didn't think you meant you were literally dead last night :(
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Post by uberstav »

great!! this is just great! :x

this sucks!! now i wont get any quick 'n' easy nps from games like ultimate bullseye!

ugh cant TNT actually try to make things BETTER for once!
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Greaaaat. If I was still on Neopets, this would've made my quest for a Faerie PB MUCH harder. Absolutely WONDERFUL. *rolls eyes*
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Post by Officer 1BDI »


TNT, why do you hate us?
Take money out of the economy, don't put less in!!!
I concur: until prices actually start deflating, the last thing we need is to make it harder for people to make NP on the site. The poor get poorer....

I didn't notice anything unusual today, but I'll certainly pay close attention tomorrow. I wonder if sponsor games will be affected. >_>

So do not be alarmed if one day you held the rank of expert and the next day you find yourself with the rank of novice. This probably meant that a handful of users got better at the game hereby raising the score required for expert.
If I were a proper gamer, I would NOT be happy about this. What's next? Raising the avatar score requirement for select games based on how high other people score in the game?
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

I am not pleased by this, either. What I don't get is why they are going to spend so much time and effort (and probably already have done so) on a feature that only serves to make the players MORE confused and angry. Geez. I could see MAYBE an occasional and announced adjustment per game, but there are already several where (unless I'm mistaken) it's impossible to even get 1000 np (like Usuki Frenzy, one of my guilty pleasures, easy quick but small NP...and I've not seen it in WC for a long time).

I keep hoping they'll return a few things to the Hidden Tower, if anything, to stabilize some of the prices on things. It's not fair to taunt us with the polls, see people's reactions, and then not even think of implementing the popular opinion.
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Post by Huggles »

Guh. Here I was hoping they'd let us add more games to our favorites list and maybe some sort of sorting function. There are some games that I can't be bothered to play daily, I know I can play them for np in a pinch, but I often forget if they're not there in my favorites. The title rankings like expert and master have no bearing whatsoever on any part of the site, so I could care less if I have a few less or no grandmaster titles. The daily fluctuation of np is not something I'm looking forward to at all, especially now that restocking is entirely random. I don't play more than half my favorites most days, that's 6 games, and now they want me to hope that I'll be able to make the same amount of np. A flat decrease or increase a couple times a year is at least manageable, this is just plain ridiculous. Do they just hope we'll wander around aimlessly in search of np?
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Post by Usul_Princess »

I can't believe this crap. I had a set plan where I earned 15K a day from games I'm most familiar with. Jubble Bubble being one where I earned 1000np each time. Now I can barely get 650 if I'm lucky. Ultimate Bullseye still has the same ratio, but I think it's slightly harder. Extreme herder has the same, but I can't even get 500 each time anymore. Neo quit giving out *real* free jobs worth 10K too. It's bad enough that they won't do anything about this murder inflation, but to decrease NP value in games? Like I said, people will ulitmately lose interest in neo if they can't earn currency in a reasonable amount of time.

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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Post by kerg »

Wonderful, as if it isn't hard enough to make np already, they go and do this. *rolls eyes* This will totally ruin those handy 50k a day guides out there, they won't be useful at all. And considering I can't restock, I guess I'll just have to rely on the stock market.
Usul_Princess wrote: Like I said, people will ulitmately lose interest in neo if they can't earn currency in a reasonable amount of time.
Which is exactly why I like Subeta: My goals actually seem reachable. I doubt I'll ever have all my neopets accounts completed, but I've painted most of my pets on Subeta within a few months. TNT seriously needs to do something about inflation.
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Post by Huggles »

I wonder if this is because of the Daily Dare. There are people playing games now who either wouldn't play games or not the particular games chosen, and discovering or becoming good at them in order to beat AAA or Abi. I know there's a few I had stopped playing ages ago and started up again, namely Faerie Cloud Racers, after realizing I could earn a decent payout. Not to mention the prizes and the 6k people are earning from beating AAA because of the featured game double payout. Or perhaps we had the Daily Dare to butter us up for this change. Or maybe it's payback to the masses for those sponsor link petpages. Or maybe I'm overthinking this entire thing and it all boils down to what TNT seems to fall back on when logic and reason fail, stupidity.
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Post by Veo »

I rarely play games (like, maybe less than half a dozen plays once a week) -because I rely on restocking and stocks to get me through, but I learned a long time ago people who have the nice painted pets are the ones who are really old before TNT screwed everything up, or the ones who have much more patience than I do.

I focus more on my artwork and stories than trying to get anything materialistic on the servers done, IE a painted pet, a gallery done, anything. I've lost my interest in trying to get anything fancy - there's always the chance of a FFQ, but other than that, I know I'll never obtain a fancy Royal or someother pet because I have better things to do with my time.

What should have been done to kill, if not reduce inflation? Yes, maybe reducing the payout for the games is a start, but those high end items need to be made cheaper or easier to get as well. Ever looked in the Hidden Tower recently? *cringe*

TNT, i must say - you guys are idiots. LOOK AROUND. THE ECONOMY BLOWS.

I just clutch on the lab ray for hope, and eye Jiro, my Mutant Gelert who I bought the potion for (took me forever, also) - and wonder where the good days went.

Thanks for reading. :D
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Post by miazilla »


What the HELL is TNT thinking? This is the WORST way POSSIBLE if their goal is to reduce the inflation and keep the players marginally intrested att the same time.

Why not just simply change supply buy adding more of the most sougt after items? Paintbrushes and good BD weapons and items like that have SUCH an insane demand that even if EVERYONE one neopets ONLY could earn a maximum of 5000np a DAY they would BARLEY go down in price.


I mean why? WHY do you keep punishing us for likeing your site? IT DOSEN'T MAKE ANY SENSE.

Don't you want us MORE intrested? To spend MORE time on the site? The Daily Dare thing was and is a nice idea. Like a plot sort of buy we have to play loads of games.


and sorr for using bad words and caps. But man, I HAVE to express my emotion some way.
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Post by Veo »

*high fives Miazilla*
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