Ice and Speckled Lupes

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Ice and Speckled Lupes

Post by Illuen »

Found in the news =D


I'm sort of disappointed in this Lupe. The blue is a nice enough colour, but there are too few rigid lines, and for some reason, the nose/muzzle look somewhat unusual. I think if they worked to make it look more icelike, it would work better for me.


Speckled looks good on the Lupe, I think. I like the green shadows on the white tip of the tail, and the chest. I also like how the spots are a good size for speckles on pets; not too small, but not too large. It'd be nice to see, perhaps, fur markings based on a real animal, but i cannot think of a wolf/dog that has spotty markings that would work, honestly.
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Yeah, the Spotted (EDIT: yes, on the Gelert, thanks for pointing that out bonecrivain) already had the Dalmatian covered. Despite being a "boring" color to me (I'm not fond of white or lighter greens), I agree it looks fairly good on the Lupe. The faint green shadows on the white parts looks nice and keeps it from being garish.

Ice, I also agree. I was expecting something more crystalline-looking. I think the color, despite the shape, is good though. This one makes me wonder why they got rid of Glass and later created Ice, as this is more glass-like to me.
Last edited by Fjorab_Teke on 02 May 2007 12:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EofS »

*Shakes fist and abandons post she was writing*

The ice is... icy? I must admit I was never the least bit interested in ice pets, and this one doesn't really change anything. It has vaguely angular markings on it, it's a bit hard to tell from this 80x80 image. Contrary to Illuen, I like the muzzle.

I'm liking speckled though. The new lupe is very nice (I much prefer it to the last lupe revamp) and speckled looks nicely natural here. Or as natural as green and white was ever going to look. They could have made it look like a spotted dog, but not without abandoning the speckled colourscheme (unless there's a breed I've never heard of ;0) The tail tip is nice.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I like how most of the new Lupe art turned out in the latest pet revamps so I can happily comment on these. :D

I like the Speckled Lupe, something about a speckled green dog creature makes me happy. I especially like the shades of green used on this and most speckled pets.

I agree with Will that the Ice Lupe isn't very ice-like, it's reminiscant of the old Glass pets, but not in a good way. If only we had the emotion poses, I'd have liked to have seen some ice breath or a melting Lupe, but there's no point wishing, we'll have to adapt to the future one pose pets.

EDIT: It looks like I copied the opinions of the two posters above me xD!
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Post by Ava »

Quick question: is this the size that all the pets are forever? Because honestly, and this may seem sarcastic because I'm so mad about the site right now--but it's not, I can't really SEE the pet that well. My knee-jerk reaction is of course to just hate everything on principle, but in all fairness I can't even tell what I'm looking The ice looks like light blue which is something I've noticed with most of the revamped ice colors and the speckled is very speckly? It seems kinda of non-3 dimensional for some reason to me, but then again, I can't really see it :P
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Post by Jessi »

I also like the speckled one, for what it's worth, even though I'm never fond of speckled pets save the Krawk. It seems to work nicely on the lupe, and even though its the same shades they use on all speckled pets, the green is lovely on this one in particular.

I agree with everyone else though - ice FAILS. Adi's right, it looks more like the old glass pets ,and that's not a compliment.
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Post by adi_gallia »

Yes Ava, as far as we know the pets are like this for good. They show up bigger on your pet lookups and when you dress them up though.

Does this new system use vector graphics?

Fjorab bought up the glass thing first, but I think we started our posts at similar times, we both thought the same thing.
Last edited by adi_gallia on 01 May 2007 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bonecrivain »

You know...if they are going to continue with only making one pet pose from now on, I wonder if they'll ever begin to put some of the emotion poses back in? Adi's comment made me think of that. For example, the ice lupe: what if they did give it some sort of ice-cloud breath or icicles or something along those lines? I know they're avoiding reposes now because that would throw the clothing system off, but would things like scorched fire pets or electric pets crackling with sparks mess up the clothing that much?

So yeah, the ice lupe isn't terribly exciting, but I've never been that excited by ice pets before anyway.

The spotted lupe isn't half-bad. As Fjorab said, the dalmation's already been taken care of with the gelert, and I can't really think of a wolf-like creature that has spots. Of course, I'd prefer if "spotted" became "looks like real-life creature that has some sort of spotty pattern," in which case I'd make the lupe into a hyena, perhaps, or an african wild dog. But this isn't bad for sticking with the green and white pattern (which I never quite understood to begin with).
Last edited by bonecrivain on 01 May 2007 11:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Rainbow Daydreamer »

I actually rather like Ice. My real problem with that colour has always been its unnatural angular-ness (isn't ice generally smooth?) Pets like the Ice Zafara have generally been a turn-off for me, just because they look so downright bizarre in their angularity. Whereas this... So smooth and elegant. I could enjoy owning something like this, like a beautiful living statue. *looks thoughtfully at Maddie*

Speckled? Nothing new.
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Post by adi_gallia »

I don't know if this is what you meant bon, but I just thought that colour specific items could be released into the 'delxue PB set' for ice. Such as 'Icy Breath' or maybe 'Icy Mist'. An item like Icy Mist could make a blueish white mist form around your pet to make it look more ice like. Custard pets could have a bowl or something, so they look like they're in a bowl. I don't know, it's a silly idea maybe, but it might work for some of the colours that didn't do so well in the revamp.
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Post by Aaron »

I do quite like the speckled, it seems to work well. however i am extremely tired right now and my eyes are blurring, so with the mini pets it isn't exaclty helping heh..

As for ice.. I've always thought ice pets SHOULD be nice and angular.. I'm not a fan of them in general, but i always liked the old ice aisha. This to me could just as easily pass as a light blue jelly pet, generic colourfill..

meh. Like others have said, the tiny size combined with one pose.. I just really don't care tbh.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Speckled is speckled. I really have nothing to say about it. :P It's nice? I'm glad the speckles arn't all the same size. But the bright yellow eye's annoying.

Ice is a dissapointment, though. The very least they could've done was make the lupe's whisker-things icickles. That seems like the most obvious thing they could possibly do. And I can't see any jagged icy lines at all with exception to its right arm. Eh. I'm sure it could be a lot worse.

It's really a shame. Lupes are one of the few pets I don't hate.
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Post by Silverevilchao »

Ugh. I really miss the old poses - there would be wiggle room to make the Ice Lupe look, y'know, ICY. But nooo, they have to look ALL the same...

And Speckled just made me notice the huge lines around the front two paws.
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Post by Kamil »

I do wish there were more poses; I so miss the best ice pets melting beaten pose.

Ah well, what's gone is gone, I suppose.

This one though, I doubt it would've been classed in with the best ice pets anyway; as almost all have said already, it's too glassy and, well, glass like. Don't know why they don't just turn those old brushes back on and be done with it.

Speckled is nice, for what it is. Not too many white polka-dots and a pleasing shade of green. If I could see it better (I'm not sure about what seems to be the smirk on its face, but it's too small for me to be sure of my opinion) I think I'd like this Lupe better than the old one - for the base colors anyway, so this is a nice color that I wish I could see properly.

*adjusts specs and peers at monitor*
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Post by EofS »

Ava wrote:Quick question: is this the size that all the pets are forever? Because honestly, and this may seem sarcastic because I'm so mad about the site right now--but it's not, I can't really SEE the pet that well.
What we're basically looking at here is the 80x80 pose.

<img src=" ... _happy.gif"> is the equivalent of <img src=" ... _happy.gif"> - ie, it's a fair bit bigger. And the poses on lookups are much bigger than the old 150x150 ones we saw. So in actual fact, all pets have increased in size, not decreased.

Unfortunately the bigger ones presently only exist in flash, so we're stuck comparing the 80x80 equivalent.
bonecrivain wrote:Of course, I'd prefer if "spotted" became "looks like real-life creature that has some sort of spotty pattern," in which case I'd make the lupe into a hyena, perhaps, or an african wild dog.
This is speckled not spotted ;0) It was always spotted which got the natural colours, every single speckled pet has been green and white with the bizarre exception of the usul. There is not yet a spotted lupe. Maybe we'll get lucky with it, I'd like to hope so.
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