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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 01:44 am
by chocolatefairy13
I love to re-arrange my room and change things up.
My brother is the total opposite. He HATES change and doesn't move a single thing in his room.

My Mom always says "Less is more" when it comes to interior design.
Right now, I have a double bed, but I would like to have a twin bed that has built-in storage drawers underneath.
Sort of like this: ... id=9920013

That would free up so much space, as I could get rid of my dresser (chest-of-drawers).

My desk is actually a small computer cart and doesn't take up much room at all.
I only have it because I enjoy sitting at my desk and using the mouse for my laptop, instead of sitting it in my lap.

The color theme for my room right now is hot pink and lime green.
I also collect monkey things, and currently have 9 stuffed monkeys on my bed.
Yes, I'm a child at heart. :D

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 02:33 am
by bonecrivain
Haha, everyone's downgrading their beds! I have a twin right now (I had to sell my full when I moved back to California), and I HATE it. So much. The mattress is 15-16 years old, incredibly hard and uncomfortable, and wayyyy too small. I like having room to move around in bed. Sigh.

But I do love cleaning my room. We should do a picture-thread of our rooms or something...but I won't actually contribute unless I figure out a way to fit all my furniture better. =P

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 03:11 am
by AngharadTy
I really ought to upgrade my bed sometime. It's just so comfy! But it's only a full. Sometimes, that's too small. ;)

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 03:37 am
by bonecrivain
I think a full's the perfect size for one person. Anything more, and you need at least a queen! But I like to move around when I sleep...or sleep diagonally.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 06:44 am
by Usul_Princess
bonecrivain wrote: But I do love cleaning my room. We should do a picture-thread of our rooms or something...but I won't actually contribute unless I figure out a way to fit all my furniture better. =P

That is a really good idea Boncrivian! My room looks like a devastation mess, and it's a running joke to call it the semi-annual voulentary cleaning day. (Maybe like 4-6 times a year I clean it up Stanly-Steemer style because I'm sick of living in my own filth for 7 weeks straight. I can't focus on homework when my room is trashed, so when I clean it, to show my style, it won't be for the hell of it :P)

The pullout-drawer beds are awesome! My best friend bought one with her stimulus check. You know my favorite style bed is still the bunkbed/full-sized mattress futon on the bottom because it's so practical. I'm still stuck in the 'College University' phase, where my favorite decor is still butterfly and mini-papazan chairs, medusa lamps, and white shag rugs. I've had a full-size bed since I was 16, and I won't dare part with it because I'm convinced I need the extra room sleeping on it. Plus, if I just get rid of one of my dressers, I should have enougn room for a second foldable desk for my laptop adjacent to my desktop.

I like full sized beds the very best. They take up less room, and they seem like the bring out the cuddly side in your spouse. We're buying a fully furnished apartment so whatever double bed comes with that is fine.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 09:50 am
by FaerieInGrey
We just redid our room, too! Well, bought new furniture. We're in the process of the actual redecorating. It's going to be peacock themed :D

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 10:00 am
by Joey
I'll have to get some pictures this weekend :D A thread for room pictures sounds fun!

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 31 Jan 2009 06:42 pm
by Wingsrising
I'm with bonecrivain. I have a queen-sized bed for one person and two cats. I sometimes suspect that if I ever develop a love life I may have to get a king to reduce disputes between the hypothetical guy and the cats.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 05:56 am
by Cranberry
I have a twin-sized bed! None of my pets sleep with me (the dog's in her crate and the cats have a bedroom), so I have plenty of room. I've never had an issue fitting another person in there, either. ;) In big beds, I always just end up curled on one side anyway.

I'd also enjoy a thread for room pictures! I like looking at peoples' stuff and how they arrange it. I'd actually enjoy sharing pics of my room now that it's all fixed up with new paint and floors and TV and stuff, too! I'm just waiting for some art that I ordered online to arrive -- I currently have a couple of blank walls.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 06:51 am
by Alicorn
I have a queen size bed, just big enough for me and my wife. It's new and quiet comfy. Before I moved in with my wife I owned a bunk bed that had a full size futon for the bottom bunk. How I loved that bed, it was just so comfortable. I miss it lots. Anywho, we are planning on getting a king size when we move out of her parents place. Our dog likes sleeping on the bed but hates having to make room for me (seeing as I'm the last to go to bed ^_^"). So he jumps off the bed just as I lay down and lays in his own doggie bed. With a king we should have enough room for the 3 of us. XD

I would also like to chime in about enjoying a room picture thread. It's great to see people's rooms, says so much about them. I also don't mine showing off my own. It's clean too so a perfect time to take pictures.

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 01 Feb 2009 03:07 pm
by AngharadTy
Okay, someone has to actually make a room picture thread. I would, but I don't plan to take a picture of my own room. ;)

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 03 Feb 2009 10:00 am
by Usul_Princess
Woe: Andrew hasn't called me in over a week. Now this wouldn't seem like such a huge deal if it weren't a long-distance relationship, and we spam each other's voicemails 3+ times a day playing phone tag. We call each other 3-4 times a day. The last time he called me his voice seemed so troubled, almost like he was contemplating suicide and he was trying to channel it in his tone. Mumbling stress on the job, but telling me next to nothing in the call. The conversation lasted 5 minutes, and he hung up abruptly. The day before that, he was extremely happy about moving out, and we talked for 2 hours about it.

I actually resorted to calling his mother on the house line 4 days in. She said something about his job overwhelming him. My guess he's taking advantage of overtime and he's sick. Swamped with hours at work (70-80/week). I can never talk him out of working himself to death. Eventually I think that he should (or if he hasn't) be hospitalized for exaustion. He won't call me when he's distressed about money or work because I'm just gonna say it's a "man thing" not to make your spouse/significant other not to disclose money/stress dilemmas to him or her. But this is in no way giving me peace of mind. I just want a brief message of some sort. Because it would be reassurance. I'm oddly tranquil that he'll be okay at times because I'm mostly cried out, and all I wanna do is pray/meditate for his well-being. but the thought of not knowing his whereabouts or how he's doing health-wise because I'm can't physically see him everyday made *me* sick. I'm eating, but all I wanna 'eat' are my diet pills, Slimfast blender smoothies/cereal, and take more xanax.

I'm a pathetic love-sick puppy, and I can't help but leave a daily message, knowing that he probably won't pick up, and will call me first....whenever that'll be. I don't care how emo this sounds because....I love him damn it. And he's done the same for me when he's worried/concerned.

*sigh* much better. (/end rant)

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 04 Feb 2009 01:58 am
by Kari
I posted a while back about my laptop having to be sent in for repairs. It turned into more of a woe because of the unreleated dents on its case, it was classified as "user damage" and I had to pay $1300 to get it repaired.

Good news is that it I got it back yesterday, and all of my files are intact. So I bought an external hard drive for it so I don't have to worry about losing my school stuff again!

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 01:16 am
by chocolatefairy13
I made the most delicious guacamole!
I used a recipe from a video game, and changed a few things up.
More lime juice, no jalepeno (I may be Texan, but I don't like extremely spicy food), and a few other adjustments.
We had fajitas for dinner and I think I ate my weight in guacamole (I'm not heavy, but food like this will change that!).

Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Posted: 05 Feb 2009 04:03 am
by WisteriaLynx
I got a room change! <3 I'm now rooming with someone I was already friends with. And she is not nocturnal, unlike my last roommate. And she actually says more than fifteen words to me per month! (Seriously, the last one just kinda stopped talking to me... and then started disappearing until 5AM... and then just DISAPPEARED for about a month....)

I have an actual ceiling light in this room!! My last room had just a random lightbulb screwed into the ceiling (if that doesn't sound depressing - it was a not-really-decorated offwhite room, the lightbulb wasn't all that bright, and we had mice by the time I left [*cough* roommate leaving uncovered food out over break *cough*]), so that's far more exciting than it should be.