Dragon Name Change and Capital Lettered Pet Names Thread

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Re: Dragon Name Change and Capital Lettered Pet Names Thread

Post by TCStarwind »

klaatu99 wrote:*sigh*

I don't know if this has been noticed and not mentioned, or if I just noticed it, but the minion Red Dragon, is now the Red Rreignling. So, are all the other minions that have the word 'dragon' in their name and/or description gonna get changed to this ridiculous looking name?
Rreignling? Rreignling?! D: *cries*

It doesn't even sound good, nor does it look like it has any kind of relation to the dragon/rreign. Do not want.
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Re: Dragon Name Change and Capital Lettered Pet Names Thread

Post by Sunwolf »

The Red Dragon looks much more like a Mahar or Paralix than a Rreign, what with the lack of wings and long, thin body. It's certainly a bizarre change. :?
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Re: Dragon Name Change and Capital Lettered Pet Names Thread

Post by Huggles »

So, this means that blob kitties will now be blob archans...celinoxes, darkonites, demis, felis, keetos, kerubis, or tigreans? I am...bemused.
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Re: Dragon Name Change and Capital Lettered Pet Names Thread

Post by shaelyn76 »

well, I am late to the party, but here is my opinion for whatever it is worth. I don't care for the new name as it is clumsy and looks like a typo instead of a name. It doesn't flow off the tongue in a pleasing way. I do however feel that it is better than the generic Dragon name.

After reading this entire thread, I feel that I understand why the capitalization has been changed and I hope it will end up being for the best when all is said and done. For this particular pet, it really does look lazy though.

I walked away from the Dragon pet after the infamous revamp and have tried my best to ignore its existence since that point. But I still agree that the new name is awkward and that something better could have been found. I dislike the species immensely but I still am allowed to have an opinion on a change that I feel abused the poor thing even more.

As for staff and the way they have handled this and many other criticisms as of late...I am less than impressed with the majority and how they have chosen to express themselves in public towards the user base. I too work in customer service. I too deal with assholes and idiots on a daily basis. And I too plaster a smile on my face (or a look of concern if warranted) and do my damnedest to find a resolution to the problem that will keep the customer happy and keep my company in good shape as well. I have been called every name in the book by customers over the years. I have been personally insulted, belittled, talked down to, had my family drug into the mess and yet never...let me repeat that for you NEVER have I cursed at a customer, called them names in return, belittled a customer or made them feel like they were stupid by being snarky and/or sarcastic. They may have been so wrong they were almost right and yet I did my JOB and resolved the situation without alienating a consumer who would then turn around and tell 10 or more people about that awful experience. So far in this thread alone I have seen staff treat us like children(even going so far as to compare us to children), call us names and treat us like we are a big bunch of whiners who expect to have everything our way all the time.

This has just reaffirmed for me why I don't enjoy spending nearly as much time (and money for that matter) on Subeta anymore.

I don't expect them to change the name or the capitalization of the Rreign to suit us here at NC, but it sure would have been nice for at least one staff member who posted here to be honest and accept/acknowledge that it wasn't just NCers complaining about it and in fact it was more non-NCers than members here vocalizing their unhappy feelings in the news comments on Subeta itself. I really wish that NC would stop being a scapegoat in this situation. People bitch in the forums on Subeta about how SD takes all the heat, well guess what? Looks like NC gets its fair share of crap too.
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