General Kass! (2.7 MB of pictures. No joke.)

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Post by Happy »

Wow! Thats amazing! I love all the datails.
Set by Maniac (PPT) // Wooble by MM
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »


Wow. I don't remember seeing this in it's earlier stages, but the wings and beefed up head definitely finish it off properly. And here I thought four months was a long time to spend on a project. :wink:

Post by Guest »

A friend linked me here! I remember seeing the in-progress photos way back when. Your sculpture is just fantastic, it's really exciting to see him brought to life in 3D. And I was tickled to see you'd used his "uniform" costume rather than the later one, since I am partial to it *ahem* :)

I hope he's ruling the roost in your house now!

-Snowbunny, without an account here :oops:
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Post by oogabooga »

Wow, nice job! I also remember when you started :) It's great to see it finally finished. He looks absolutely amazing.
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Post by CallyKariShokka »

Woah. O_O Just.. Woah. Wow. Holy pooey. It.. Just.. :shock:

Sister says thus: "Is she keeping it or selling it? If she sells it, I want to know how much it goes for."

Silly sister.
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Post by Zap »

You finished it! Wow, he looks so much better with hair and mane. I can't believe how much work you put into it... but it shows, it really shows in all the details. Good job!
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Post by Rivka »

Wow... that is absolutely incredible.

Fantastic job. =D
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Post by chickvw »

CallyKariShokka wrote:Woah. O_O Just.. Woah. Wow. Holy pooey. It.. Just.. :shock:

Sister says thus: "Is she keeping it or selling it? If she sells it, I want to know how much it goes for."

Silly sister.
:P Hey now, I thought something similar... (It was, "Wow, wonder how long it'd take me to save up the amount of money she'd be willing to sell That for!") He Would look nice next to my nearly completed Lord Kass Plushie.

That is Absolutely fantastic and I love it completely and totally. *bows before you*
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Post by Wingsrising »

A few remarks:

Ziggy -- I could say almost the same thing about drawing. I can't do it, but then again I also don't practice. :-)

Cheshire Dragon -- He's about 11 inches tall including the base. Just the figure is about 9.5 inches tall.

Umbreonmog - Yep, I submitted him to the AG just before I posted here. :-) Of course, the 600x600 pixel limit and 80kb size limit meant it wasn't all that nice a picture of him (there are definitely compression artifacts...)

Aurinona - Yeah, the wings were a pain in the butt but I'm pleased with how they came out. He'll be interesting to pack up next time I move, though, as even baked the wings aren't really rigid. It will be an adventure.

No one seems to use Elfwood anymore, but there are some pictures of the paper mache gryphon in my not-updated-for-years Elfwood gallery.

Come to think of, that was interesting to move, too. (When I moved to NC and my bf stayed in NJ I got custody.) I sort of laid it on its back on top of a bunch og moving boxes.

Strawberry Limeade - Four months is a long time to spend on a project. :-) Actually, ignoring the 1.5 year haitus, I probably spent less than 5 months working on Kass on a regular basis.

Snowbunny - Yeah, there are a lot of things I don't like about the Meridell War art of Kass. His "Lord Kass" uniform frankly makes him look like a facist dictator to me (it was presumably intended to.) I like the more swashbuckling look of his "General Kass" uniform, although after looking at a lot of pictures of pirate frock coats I ended up modeling it mainly after a British Redcoat uniform.

Also, the grey unform can't really exist. The little flap hanging down like a skirt in the front just doesn't fit into the structure of the jacket at all: it's like it's just stuffed in under the belt. Presumably the sole purpose of its existance is to cover Kass' crotch. I actually worried about that problem, too, and finally settled on a combination of a slightly long waistcoat and reasoning that Kass was fluffy enough down there to hide his balls. (Which actually may not work, because of course the whole purpose of testicles is to keep the sperm cool. Artistic licence, I guess.)

I also think Kass is just TOO big in a lot of the Meridell war art. I mean, my Kass is actually pretty ripped. This was more obvious before I did the jacket:


but (especially in person) you can still sort of tell: you can see the muscles of his upper arms through the jacket, and his stomach is quite flat compared to his upper body, for example.

But my Kass is sort of heroic nude ripped, wheras in many pictures Meridell War Kass seems to have a He-Man sized upper body. It's like he's a great hulking brute. I don't think it looks good.

Other comments: Nope, not for sale. :-)

Thanks for all the wonderful comments. :-) :preens:
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Post by Settingshadow »

*checks out the Elfwood link*

Your art is absolutely amazing. I didn't frequent the art thread at the old forum, so I didn't see the in-progress versions, but this is awesome.

I'm particularly in awe of your attention to details, with the feathers, especially. And I love your plushie gryphon in your Elfwood gallery.!
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Post by Huggles »

Squee! He's amazing! I clearly remember your old thread and then searching for images of the final sculpture. I thought you had posted it on the old forum and I missed it. My favorite photo of his is the back view because the detail on the wings looks wonderful. I'm almost inspired enough to try making a MSPP. They're hardly comparable, but the last time I sewed was in junior high and the pillow I made looked like an H instead of an M.
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Post by Monkeyguy »

Huggles wrote:Squee! He's amazing! I clearly remember your old thread and then searching for images of the final sculpture. I thought you had posted it on the old forum and I missed it.
I thought the same thing and I pm'd her bugging to see the finished project (at the time she wasn't finished)!

I can't stop coming back to look at the pictures lol. 8)
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Post by TCD »

Wow, that's pretty big.

Though, I gotta say, pre-hair implants, Kass looks a little bit like a Skeksi.

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Post by PharaonicQuiche »

Absolutely gosh-dangit amazing. Wow. Yeah, just wow fits. The details are so nice. The folds in the clothing, the details in the textures, that scabbard, the buttons. Wow. Wow. Wow again. Good luck getting in the AG- I will be waiting to see it in there. :)
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Post by thelonetiel »


Words are not enough...

I love the outfit, everything is gorgeous. I remember when you first posted him, he came along so nicely!
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