Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Mistress Morbid »

I have had quite a lot of my pets revamped at some point in time, but only 3 of them greatly affected me. The rest were very minor revamps that pretty much just updated the lineart and style but otherwise looked identical, so I won't delve into those.

The ones that really disappointed me were the Graveyard Magnus, Graveyard Fester, and Bloodred Mortiking. The Magnus was so significantly different in personality that I felt no attachment to it anymore and gave mine up for adoption.

The Mortiking really upset me. I loved the original one that looked so feral and vicious; the pose and the bloody stripes on its back were wonderful. When the species was revamped to become more bulky and muscular it really ruined the overall look. I actually morphed mine into a Bloodred Velosotor instead to preserve that vicious personality. I suppose I could have done an overlay, but this was before I really knew about overlaying. I'm undecided if I want to change him back now.
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As for the Fester, once again I was devastated about the loss of my pet. Don't get me wrong, I know the old one had to have a revamp. The artwork may have been outdated, but there was something about the attitude that I just fell in love with. The hairstyle, the cocky smirk, the blank eyes...it was the first Graveyard pet that I really fell in love with.
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The new Fester has good, detailed artwork....but the entire attitude changed so drastically. In fact, it's almost too detailed...it's hard to see what's going on at first. I am currently using the original picture as an overlay on my pet, Gallows. Someday I hope to commission someone to draw me an updated version of it so that it meets the artwork standard but keeps the same feel.

Now, as for revamps in general, my favourites are the ones that leave everything alone and just update the artwork. One of my favourite examples is the Chibi Paralix:
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In my opinion this is a wonderful, perfect revamp. It's almost identical to the original, yet the added details make it incredibly beautiful and pleasing to look at.

I can't say I like when an artist redraws a pet from the ground up. On the one hand I can totally understand wanting to update an old pet to something more exciting or different, however the downside of letting so many people down weighs more heavily than the need to try out something new, I believe.

If a pet has existed in one form for a long time, it's safe to assume that many people own that particular pet and are quite happy with it even if the artwork is old and outdated. If they didn't like it, they wouldn't own it. That's why I think you couldn't do much harm if you simply made it nearly exactly the same. Sure, it could have the potential to look amazing in a completely new way, but I think it's safer to be 'boring' and leave it how it was, thus having a greater chance of pleasing the owners.

That said, for pets like the Angelic Kora, I actually found the new one to be much more appealing, yet it seems a lot of original owners dislike it. I thought that it stayed close enough to the first one while updating it in a good way, but I understand that those small fixes were huge for some people. Perhaps it's because I didn't own one, but I know that my opinion can definitely vary from the 'norm' over some things.

As for species revamps on the whole, I do enjoy seeing an old species updated in a way that makes it more desirable. This is an extremely touchy subject though, and I do feel for the artists who have all this pressure to make a new pet while retaining the love of the owners.

Everyone's going to have a different view of revamps, but those are my basic thoughts. ^^;
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by bonecrivain »

Tiki wrote: That is why I am expressing an honest concern that if you know you are deeply attached to the image, and you have played games like this for years, and you KNOW that they will NEVER stay the same no matter how much you fight and claw your way to keep them that way... then why are you putting yourself in a position to be this upset in the first place?
That's exactly the language that bothered me in your other posts. You're expressing an honest concern that some new-angelic-kora-haters might go out and slit their wrists? You clearly HAVEN'T been on NC for long enough to realize that the posters here are (a) extremely invested in online sites, which is why this forum exists at all, and (b) generally very mature and intelligent. Of course seeing a pet that you love change so drastically is going to be devastating. Not every revamp is as awful as I think the angelic kora one is; some are quite nice, and follow what I personally feel a revamp should be. When/if I get time later today, I'd like to post again with the revamps that have impacted me--which were certainly not all negative.
But at the same time, you have to understand that once it begins to stress you to the point where you claim you want to quit after every revamp, or that you "hate" what the site has become... it's time to find a different hobby.
Who exactly are you talking about here? I don't believe I've said a thing about any revamp for months, and I can't think of any person on NC who has bitched about every revamp and threatened to quit every time. Again, you're twisting this into an insinuation that those of us who hate a particular revamp are apparently just children throwing our toys out of the pram because we can't get our way. I find that insulting.

We shouldn't have to play the site with the expectation that all of our pets will inevitably be completely ruined, which is apparently your point of view. It is definitely not mine. Your way works for you, and that's great. Maybe it does save you a little bit of heartache here and there. It's very clear that you view your pets differently, because every single one of them has an overlay. I'm never going to have to worry about my Thymble or Thiefly changing, because I have specific designs for them that aren't dependent on the site artists to maintain. Sure, I could do that with all of my pets, but I play Subeta because I like the art. I don't like the idea of changing all of my pets; it feels a little bit like cheating. Obviously, though, I don't care if other people treat their pets differently, and I love looking at neat overlays. The diversity in how people view their pets, and what they do with them, is what keeps me interested in NC. (And very, very occasionally in the scary Subeta forums.)

Those who are unhappy with this revamp, or with any revamp, have a perfect right to be upset. No one's busy slitting their wrists at their computer, and you do not need to take the debate to a personal level like that. THAT is what comes across as condescending. If we post passionately about a revamp we dislike, you are perfectly free to post JUST as passionately from the opposite view. Please do! That's what has always happened on NC. The fact that you disagree with me doesn't bother me at all; it's the way you're expressing your disagreement. Intentionally or not, your phrasing is making me feel that you are saying that yours is the superior way of playing online games and that it's irrational (and potentially suicidal?) to respond to it from a different perspective. No one here needs you to tell them how to act or think online. We're all old enough to express our opinions and go on with life. Please don't treat us like children who need to be patted on the head and calmed down. I'm sure that isn't what you're intending to do. But that's how it comes across to me, and that's why I responded to your post the way I did.

This thread is getting a little off-topic, and although I'm one of the offenders, I'd like to nip that in the bud now. Sorry, MM.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by AngharadTy »

There are several pet images that we have been promised will never change. I hesitate to even speak them aloud, because it might draw the attention of God Consistency or something, I don't know. But when I have a pet that I think is 100% fantastic, I definitely don't assume that it's going to change somewhere down the line. Is the new angelic kora going to change? Do you start off by assuming that every new pet we critique on here will change? I don't.

Change, in a general sense, is inevitable. Change, in a specific sense, is not always inevitable.

Also, please don't ever either tell people what they are feeling, or tell people that what they are feeling is wrong. I don't want to see that on NC.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Kari »

I've only had two pets revamped, my Kora and my Demi. I'm more in the crowd of "I want my pets revamped" as my Angelic Torrey and Darkmatter Serpenth are horribly out of date looking compared to everyone else on my profile (and maybe my Chibi Kerubi too) The only overlay I have is on my Sheeta, but it's not revamp related.

At least I can understand where people are coming from when pets get radically changed. I didn't really like the new Demi at first, but now I really can't remember what it looked like so it grew on me. Same with the Serpenth, it was way different (but they haven't touched my pet yet and I want them to now :| )

Edit: Was rating some pets and remembered the Aerie/Irion. That's one that really changed that I didn't like, and I'm glad I didn't own one.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Sunwolf »

The Dragon. God, changing it so drastically was the worst idea EVER.

Pets that I've owned:


The things I loved about the old Angelic Keeto was the fact that it was so delicate and light, with such lovely wings and kohl around its feminine eyes. The new one looks distinctly male, has a fat belly, and changes the whole feel of the pet. I cried and potioned this one (yeah, I paid real money to the Cash Shop too. It was my first Paypal purchase ever.)


I'm not even going to try and talk about this one. I had a character who was a little boy who died in an accident, and came back as a ghost, like the boy from The Grudge. Needless to say, the old Chibi was perfect. The new one is not. (It has a skunk tail and it looks like it's balancing on its head!)

And, of course, there's this little guy:


But despite my bitching and moaning, I adore the great majority of revamps on Subeta.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by AngharadTy »

I had managed to forget about the chibi keeto. Ouch.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Mayhem »

I have an Angelic Dragon, my 2nd pet on the site ever and it was a huge deal for me, which looks like what the old dragon used to before it was completely fucked up in the Dragon Redraw catastrophe some years ago. I cringe to think of how it's going to be eventually redrawn, but I've got it saved, so I'll just overlay it when it happens, probably.

I also very much dislike the new Reborn Wyllop, I've got the old one saved to overlay it eventually, too.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Foghawk »

I've always been in the camp considering revamps a "necessary evil" - there are times when old art just is ugly or incongruous or both. (It doesn't necessarily stop it from being good; I've got nearly all the old pets saved.) The site seems better cared for when all of the art is up-to-date, and a good revamp can turn a joke pet into something people will genuinely like (Mallarchy) or an already-decent pet into a brilliant one (Paralix). On the other hand, there will always be disappointments, and unnecessarily drastic revamps can definitely ruin a pet or even a whole species (I used to want a Bloodred Mortiking); I know that if it happened to a pet I already owned and loved - I'm lucky; it hasn't - I'd be pretty damn angry.

On the whole, though, I think Subeta's revamps have been improvements, and where they haven't been, if the change is drastic enough to be impossible to get used to, the site is incredibly generous about customization. A lot of sites either aren't willing to handle real user-made lookups (some fairly important CSS declarations can be security issues, what with clickjacking and the like) or won't allow users to replace the art they "officially" own. Subeta encourages both, and makes it quite easy to replace pets whose art or concept you think could be improved on.

This thread got me thinking about overlays - everyone and their mom knows how to do them on lookups, but it isn't so easy for places like the Pets page. Sure, there's My Image Here, but if you don't have Firefox (Ty?) or don't want the plugin...
Well, "not easy" doesn't mean "impossible". CSS is crazy flexible.

CustomCSS with rambly explanations:
Spoiler: open/close

Code: Select all

.sp-cells img {} 
/*Subeta's implementation is glitchy or something. Pet options overlay won't work without this.*/
.sp-table a[href="pet.php?petid=PET_ID"] img, .sp-cells img[src="http://images.subeta.net/pets/YOUR_PET.gif"] {
/*The first of these targets the Pets page; second targets the picture on the pet options page.
 **You can use just the img[src="peturl"] bit and leave the rest out, which will fix the treasure chest order and name case pages as well
 **but that also replaces everybody else's pets of that color/species combo, which I suspect will usually be the Wrong Thing.
 **AFAICT .sp-cells isn't used anywhere but in pet options. Shouldn't mess anything up anyway. */
 padding-top: 200px;
 width: 200px; height: 0px;
 background-clip: padding; 
/*This is a fairly new specification and I dunno exactly where it's supported.
 **Safari is fine, FF is fine, IE7 should probably include "overflow: hidden;", and I'm not sure about IE8.*/
 background-image: url("YOUR_OVERLAY"); }
Clean CSS for cut-and-paste:
Spoiler: open/close

Code: Select all

.sp-cells img {}
.sp-cells img[src="http://images.subeta.net/pets/YOUR_PET.gif"], .sp-table a[href="pet.php?petid=PET_ID"] img {
 padding-top: 200px;
 width: 200px; height: 0px;
 background-clip: padding;
 background-image: url("YOUR_OVERLAY"); 
 overflow: hidden; /*(only needed for IE7)*/
My Image Here equivalent for item replacements:
Spoiler: open/close

Code: Select all

img[src="IMAGE_URL"] {
 padding-top: 64px;
 width: 64px; height: 0px;
 background-clip: padding; 
 background-image: url("YOUR_OVERLAY"); 
 overflow: hidden; /*(only needed for IE7)*/
I hope that'll be useful to somebody.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by shaelyn76 »

Let's see...if we are talking about pet revamps only, I would have to say it is a mixed bag for me. Some of them have turned out great and others not so much. The Dragon revamp stands out as a huge fuck up imo. I was very upset that my pretty Twilight Dragon was replaced with a hulking beast. On the flip side was the Demi. The revamp left the Demi looking very clean and nice. It took me a bit to get used to it, but River.Tam looks great as Bloodred and I am very pleased with that whole revamp. The Chibi Torrey needed a revamp desperately, but my Pookabeara fit better with the older and less crisp art so when the revamp went down I elixired him into a Montre and then made him Chibi all over again. It works for him and I am happy so I count the Torrey revamp as a success for art, but not so much for my personal pets personality. My Reborn Tigrean has been revamped since I potioned her and I have to say I much preferred the old art. She is still beautiful and elegant and all that she should be, but I just liked the old art better. The Chai revamp(of the whole species) was imo a huge success and very well done. It retained most of the characteristics that made a Chai a Chai while adding better line art, better shading and a more anatomical pet overall. The Angelic Warador was revamped while I was out on hiatus and I hated the new version to a point where I couldn't even look at my profile without cringing. I sucked it up and elixired her into an Antlephore(which I feel was a huge improvement when they were revamped). Oh...and the basic Kora. I actually love what Rah has done with most of the Koras and have no complaints thus far.Those are the pet revamps that have affected me personally. Like I said...some good and some horrible and some that I just shrugged and moved on.

Now as for revamps as a whole, I hate to sound wishy washy, but some are needed and some are not. Of those that are "needed" I much prefer when they clean the item up and make minimal changes so as to maintain the "feel" of the pet or item. It's almost likem there are two very different things on Subeta...there are revamps and overhauls. Revamps are the clean ups and overhauls are when we end up with an item vastly different from how it started. I would have to say that from my perspective, the vast majority of revamps for pets and items have been very well done and actually improved the pet/item and the site itself. There have been some notable exceptions (like the snowlord posted earlier...wtf happened and why?)that actually made me scratch my head and wonder who thought it was a good idea. Most of what I would call overhauls have not gone as well from where I sit.

I agree with what some others have stated here that it is really nice that Subeta lets us do the whole overlay thing(which I still haven't gotten around to), but it almost hurts when every other month you find yourself staring at a pet or item in a treasure or gallery and wondering if it is worth your time to "work around the changes" or just get rid of the item/potion the pet. I understand that the site cannot stay static and that things will evolve and change over time, but there needs to be some middle ground. Not everything needs to be constantly updated. Just because it is old art does not mean it is bad art. The Gods of Consistency as Ty called them I feel have taken too much power in Subeta over the last year or so. Consistency is fine, but it is also bland. Especially with the redrawn poses for pets, there should be more leeway given. Those potions are more expensive and in much more demand for a reason. The differences draw people to them. If Reborn was posed just like Common but had some flames on the fur, people wouldn't pay 5 million sP for the potion. The redrawn poses are almost expected to have a certain demeanor attached to them and sometimes that demeanor/feeling would be better expressed if small changes were allowed that didn't necessarily "conform" to the basic pet template. Standing out from the colorfills is a good thing imo and I know I wouldn't have spent nearly anything on coloring my pets if all of the colors had the same pose. Different can be good.

So. To sum up my opinions on the matter: I don't want to invest time and money into a pet and its treasures to see it completely changed and feel like I have lost something, but I understand that some changes are inevitable. I would prefer that those changes were minor and strictly for the sake of updating outdated and/or bad art. I agree that polling everything would take far too much time and would essentially put the artists in stalemate on most projects, but there needs to be some more thought put in(by some not all) by the artists before they completely change a pet.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Ierosbats »

Tiki wrote:Woah, woah, woah. I was not intending to be belittling at all, and yet again I feel like we're letting emotions get in the way of logic. I have watched this site for well over 4 years, despite only being a member for 2- and how many of us have played Neopets since 2000? How many have been strongly invested in online games for well over a decade? I'm simply saying that, over the years, I have watched this very backlash happen over and over and over again.
This argument doesn't make any sense to me. It's like saying "You're just going to be hungry again tomorrow so why bother eating today?"

If revamp-bitching has been common across pet sites for a decade, maybe the problem isn't "pet owners are too touchy," but "drastic pet revamps are not a good idea"? The ability to deal with pet revamps isn't something you learn over time. For those of us who aren't site artists (which is to say 99.9% of us, although that stat is actually probably lower on NC...) these drastic changes often come out of nowhere and catch us by complete surprise. It's absurd to claim that being unhappy with those changes is illogical. Having your pet revamped and not liking the change sucks. It will always suck. It's not something that ever gets easier, especially if you play the game in such a way that you actually get attached to your "imaginary pixels."
Tiki wrote:Perhaps nobody here is nearly as upset in real life as they come off to be online, but when observers read many of these posts, it looks like some members are on the verge of slicing their wrists because their pet was redrawn. That is why I am expressing an honest concern that if you know you are deeply attached to the image, and you have played games like this for years, and you KNOW that they will NEVER stay the same no matter how much you fight and claw your way to keep them that way... then why are you putting yourself in a position to be this upset in the first place?
To me, that's a very sad, sad way to play any sort of game. I've enjoyed Backstabber, my angelic kora, for over three years now. Are you really suggesting that because this revamp was, according to you, destined to come, I shouldn't have played at all? That I should quit RIGHT NOW because my nightmare pherret (that was drawn only a couple months ago) will be revamped in a few years, and so, in order to make sure I won't be unhappy with his "inevitable" change, I should walk away from him completely rather than enjoy him while I can and get attached to him over the next couple years? That's not the "logical" solution. That's a very cowardly way of dealing with change.
Tiki wrote:Again, think logically. What pet has ever remained identical on a site for years? Every single person here knows change is coming, it is inevitable, and yes, bitching is allowed. It's more than allowed; bitching or happily raving about new colors is the very basis of this community! :P But at the same time, you have to understand that once it begins to stress you to the point where you claim you want to quit after every revamp, or that you "hate" what the site has become... it's time to find a different hobby.
Oh, give me a break. Like I said, I've had Backstabber for over three years. I've looked at him nearly every day for those three years. When I get a pet, it's because I really like that pet. I assume that's why everyone does it, though perhaps I'm wrong. I get pets because I like looking at them, adding treasure items, coming up with personalities... all the things you're supposed to do with virtual pets. All in all, I like getting attached. That doesn't make me illogical, it makes me a devoted player. Those pet attachments are what keep me playing every day, and what keep encouraging me to support the site. I put a lot of time into my pets, thereby supporting the site, and so when the angelic kora revamp happened and I didn't like it I decided to voice my unhappiness. As someone who paid real money for the old angelic kora and then enjoyed it for three years, I felt I had the right not only to complain, but to genuinely be disappointed by the sudden change. Again, I don't think that's illogical, I think that's a way of showing what a committed player I am. I hate the change because the pet and the site still mean something to me. Am I upset about having to change one of my favorite pets? Absolutely. Am I threatening to quit because of it? No way. No one is, as far as I can tell. I'm bitching, sure, but I'm invested in keeping Backstabber enjoyable, and that makes me a loyal player, not someone who needs to quit.

In short, I don't think it's players who make a big fuss about revamps they don't like who need to quit the site. It's the astonishingly passive players who accept revamps before they even happen who need to "find a different hobby."
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by AngharadTy »

That's a very clever little bit of coding, Foghawk. I'll test it in Chrome sometime tomorrow-ish.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Jessi »

I've been avoiding this topic because it was long and dramatic and I'm in the holiday spirit, but I thought I'd make a quick post about it today.

Bon and I had a discussion after the Angelic Kora was released - she hated it, I loved it. And we knew that part of why she hated it and I loved it is because she feels so strongly for Topher's pet, Backstabber, that it felt like one of her own pets was changed. I adore Topher's pets, but I didn't associate Backstabber as _THE_ Angelic Kora, so I didn't have that connection - so i fell in love with it instantly.

Something opposite happened with the Reborn Kumos. I am very, very attached to Ty's pets and visit them daily. When that revamp went through, I was heartbroken because it wasn't Bonechewer. Bon, who loves Ty's pets but isn't as obsessed with them as I am (;D) was able to see the new, gorgeous art and fell in love with it.

Peoples' opinions of revamps I think have a lot to do with how emotionally attached they are to their pets (or in this case, someone else's). Now, I've never really hated a revamp of my pets - the biggest revamp I had was the Reborn Wyllop and I loved it. I've been more emotionally invested in Ty's revamps - the new GY Keeto was awful to see. In fact, a lot of times with a revamp (like the Angelic Keeto) I've thought, "Is so-and-so going to be disappointed?"

There's been revamps I've hated, or that have freaked me out, or that I thought were just bad, but there's also been new pets I thought were just bad XD Maybe it's because I'm married to a Subeta artist, but I know revamps are something that has to happen. I DO like the consistency within a species (ie how old wyllops have been revamped to no longer have bulging cheeks or freaky flat feet), so that part doesn't bother me. But it does bother me when a pet's entire emotion seems to change or the feel of the pet seems to change.

That being said, I DO hate how restrictive the color pallets the artists have to use are. I was another who had an old pastel colored Sheeta - Sun. Luckily, cream was close enough and like Cyro, I've now gotten an overlay to the old Sun colors through the wonders of Photoshop. But I think it'd be nice if the artists could have a LITTLE leeway with the pallet colors.

But! Rah said that she thinks Andi and co. would love to do new flat colors, and I'd personally love to see them! The old sheetas really did have lovely colors and I think they'd make for fabulous colorfills.

On a final note, the Sheeta revamp is probably what affected me the most too - but not the final product. The first polled one had me absolutely terrified because it took away EVERYTHING i loved in a Sheeta. Jill/Nyx ended up making it look perfect, to me at least - but I get the feeling if that first polled version had gone through, this might be a very different post for me. It would have been the first time a revamp made me go, "This is not my pet anymore. What do I do?"
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by mellaka »

This thread is timely for me because I just finally changed one of my pets due to a revamp. My favorite pet on the site used to be the Darkmatter Kumos. It was pretty much the pet that drew me to the site in the first place. While the revamp was very nice and kept the overall idea of the pet, it just wasn't the same for me. It's been a few months now, so I definitely gave it some time to sink in, but it still no longer felt like my pet. And I'm not someone who creates characters from my pets, or even gets much into treasure chests or personalities. But I still do get attached to the idea of my pets and they way they look. (My pet, Ecko, is now a DM Cadogre.)

Another one of my pets that got changed was the Graveyard Magnus. My very first pet on the site was a common magnus and I liked how GY was close to the old pose up until the revamp. I think the pet is OK but I'm still not as attached to the pet as I used to be. But, I didn't give it away or change it either. The art matches its name even better now (Innocents), so I just look at it now and then and think I should change it but I don't know to what. But, I don't like the magnus, in any pose, much at all anymore.

My favorite revamp to this day is a pet that I didn't own, so maybe that says something about me. However, I had always liked the original pet and liked the revamp even more - the Graveyard Devonti. I quickly changed two other pets so I could change one of my pets with the name I thought was best suited to the color.

But, I think partially from being someone who battles on the site, and just from being a member in general, I've learned to expect change on the site (damn the BC changes a lot) and I try to not let the changes bother me too much, or at least not for too long. Whether I like or agree with the changes, I know that staff believes that they are improving the site, and I can't fault them for that.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by AngharadTy »

That code to replace pet images works in Chrome, and also in IE8, and it's pretty wonderful. All of the pets that really alarmed me when I visited my pets page (like the graveyard keeto, or seeing Siyafa instead of Bonechewer) are just lovely now. Thanks for that help, Foghawk.
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Re: Discussion: Your thoughts on revamps?

Post by Fuzzy »

Seerow wrote:Another somewhat related point: I don't get why some pets try to go back to their roots (such as the recent Irion with bird talons). Honestly, how many current users were around to even remember that version?
Someone that only remembers the old Irion is still in a bit of shock when presented with the newest flavor.
One of my first pets was a Telenine, but then I stopped playing for a while. When I did come back, I was shocked to find this:
Image instead of this: Image

I remember saying to myself, "Where did my Telenine go?" I feel no one ever remembers the original Telenine. The current version did "go back to it's roots" by having a standing pose, but it's still not the same.

As for more recent revamps, there are only a handful (or two) that I do not like. I like to pretend that only a handful of Keeto and Clawsions exist. I greatly dislike the pudgy bulldogs the Clawsions have become. To me, they were always sabre-toothed bears with wings and cool accessories. I honestly fear the eventual revamp of the Galactic Clawsion. Knowing that the Keeto was revamped, the Clawsion is surely not exempt. Another eventual revamp I dread is the Bloodred Charlie. With how the more recent Charlies have been, I really, really don't want to see Stay change. He was my first pet after comming back to Subeta and the first pet I potioned myself.

It's hard to please everyone. Someone WILL find SOMETHING to complain about. As others have said, revamps are necessary, but not always pleasant to think about.
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