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Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 10 Feb 2010 10:49 pm
by Faun
I want that pokemon. I Like it so much I am going to have three when I can get them. :)

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 10 Feb 2010 11:39 pm
by Jessi
OMG it's adorable xDD I really like it, hee! Especally Zorua, the little pre-ev... -adorable-.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 04:37 am
by Fjorab_Teke
How come the pre-evo has a tail and the badass version doesn't?

The left limbs' positions are messing with my perception too. :P

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 04:01 pm
by Larkspurlane
it seems to me that with every succeeding generation (post G/S maybe?) the pokes get less interesting as they scramble for new ideas. The legendaries especially. @_@ With a few notable exceptions, the creature designs are just not as exciting! Is it just me??

I mean, G/S's three legendary dogs sent me on a super fangeeking pokeart spree that hasn't happened since.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 18 Feb 2010 04:59 pm
by Aqua
I dunno, I find that the pokemon designs are more interesting, personally.. My most favourite pokemon are from the gen 3 and 4. But then again I think first gen pokemon are kind of boring for being mostly based on real things. :x

I kind of wonder how many new pokemon there will be though. I'm guessing over 500, which is going to be a lot and I've given up on catching all of then. :P

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 02:26 pm
by Nogitsune
If it's really a pure Dark-type I will be deeply disappointed. The way that it's tuft of fur appears I would have thought it'd at least be Dark/Fire.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 05:03 am
by Alicorn
With all the generations I've loved some and disliked some and was in the middle on others. I can't say I like one generation over the next.
That being said, I'm real excited to see a 5th generation coming out. I always love seeing the Pokemon they come up with. And this preview is great! I just love it and really want to have one. I hope it's not a hard to get one. I already have a name planned out for it and everything. **wiggles** The pre-evolution is quiet cute but the evolved form is the best. **stares** Good thing I will have gold/silver to keep me busy for awhile or I'd be going crazy waiting for this generation to come out. XD Wonder what stone/gem/metal the game will be named after. **rubs chin**

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 03:24 pm
by Saturn
Hey, the gen V games have NAMES now:

Black and White
And the Japanese site

Kind of unexpected as far as the names, but the logos sure look cool.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 09 Apr 2010 03:27 pm
by Iggy
Ooooh, I DO like these names. It's simple.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 12:02 am
by Tiki
More information from magazine scans:

The girl sprite, which I actually quite like: Click

Bizarre new 3D perspective, not sure if I like it or not: Ehhh? I guess I just enjoy the old-school overhead view too much (or at least the nostalgia associated with it), because if the world looks like that all the time.. it will just be... weird.

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 03:29 am
by Jessi
I agree, Tiki. The 3D perspective really throws me off. Also, I'm a bit sad to see that there are no... Pokemon sprites following around the trainer sprite. That has been the best part about SS with me. I never ride my bike because then my Pokemon can't follow me! I'd be really sad if they took that away...

Also I think the names are ridiculous :P Ty and I spent the other night coming up with a million jokes about it... like everyone else seems to be, haha!

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 13 Apr 2010 05:56 pm
by Larkspurlane
In HGSS there are moments when you get a similar 3D perspective (at the top of the lighthouse for example) and I had fun running around there just because it was such a cool POV. So I'm all for the 3D element. But I agree that it'll be really lonely without the pokemon sprites following us. I traded some pokes from Diamond and walking around alone in the Diamond world was sad -- you get really used to that second presence behind you picking up bits of fluff off the ground and giving them to you :D

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 01:55 am
by Alicorn
First, yay for new pokemon and new pokemon game! I'm already foaming at the mouth. XD
I actually quiet like the names myself. Kinda a throw back to the first few with just naming it after colours. And I'm another one who would be sad to have no pokemon following me around. It's one of the best new features. I'm going to be optimistic and just say there is no sprites behind them because they aren't ready to let you know about any of the pokemon yet. Though it could just let the pokemon you do know about follow....but I'm still hopeful! And I think the 3D perspective will put me in a bit of awe when I first see it then I'll get use to it and think nothing of it. And I like the new look of battling. I like being able to see my whole pokemon.
I bet they are making this so it'll go with their new 3DS. I just hope you don't need the 3DS to play it. I don't want to buy a whole new DS. I'm very happy with my red and black lite. **snuggles it**
That said, I can't wait to see sneak peeks of new pokemon. **wiggles**

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 02:03 am
by Madge

These are some FAKE pokemon that somebody made up, I think over the course of a long time. They all look really realistic, and have realistic names, and some of them are really awesome.

So FAN pokemon sprites ... -146730886

Aren't they cool? It really makes me optimistic for the new games, since they can make some really cool type combinations - psychic/electric, steel/fire...

Re: Pokemon Generation V Thread/Discussion

Posted: 14 Apr 2010 03:13 am
by Larkspurlane
Those are completely awesome! They got the replication of Pokemon evolution naming tendencies down to an art. @_@

Oh... I was kind of wondering this in a moment of pokenerdism, why /aren't/ there combos like fire/grass or psychic/electric? Are there some kind of rules governing the pairing of dual types? Like do only certain types become secondary types (/ground, /flying, /rock, /normal)?

I'm not sure if my question is clear but I'm going to post anyway in the hopes that someone somewhere understands it.