So, how do you make your neopoints?

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Post by Wysteria »

Dailies, stocks, and refreshing the advent calendar for christmas paint brushes (I've found two, plus assorted codestones - easy 200k if I hadn't given them both to friends). I've been playing the stockmarket about a year, and have a bit over 2 million invested in it.
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Post by Kantark »

Oh, I forgot to mention that by far and away the single most profitable thing I have done on Neopets in the 4 years I've been playing is to have completed the Lost Desert Plot. 4 million NP was well worth the trudgery of Anubis Toxicology.
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Post by Anza »

Stocks, and I'm just starting playing-NQII-for-profit. I'm in the middle of my first game of evil, so I haven't made any real profit yet but...
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Post by dunx5000 »

What about the 10k from completing normal Anza? :P

Madge, you rock. I bookmark'd your links page =D
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Post by Kari »

I play three games a day, more if I have time. If I feel like it, I restock at Bakery, Chocolate, and Pharmacy. Otherwise I shove the money I have in my bank into stocks and wait for it to go up. Oh, and dailies help if I get codestones or something like that.

And...I hoard items. I have a small medicine collection, and I'm sitting on my LDP prize (that insanity book)
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Post by Anza »

dunx5000 wrote:What about the 10k from completing normal Anza? :P
And the 10k for selling the charm bracelet I got, and the few thousand k I got from beating the bosses...

But for something as long as a game of NQII 20-30k isn't really profit at all *pokes it*

Now if I got the book for evil... that would be profit. Tooth, not so much :D
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Post by Fjorab_Teke »

NeoQuestII, TCG codes, selling off stuff I don't use from random events, buying up things that I see going WAY cheap when looking up stuff in my own shop, games (I'll get back into those soon if my computer gets back online, back to WC when I get on an even better one), and I'm trying to be so very patient with stocks waiting until any hit the triple-digit mark value to sell (though I haven't cashed-in yet, they're generally growing). I tried restocking, and I'm just not cut out for it; I don't know item values well enough, and I don't have the direct patience to stalk them.
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Post by Cheese »

At the moment my only source of income in interest on my...700k in the bank.

And also, antiques. I have a cyodrake that I bought the day after they were retired for 100k. ^_^
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Post by Strawberry Limeade »

Stocks, hands down. I started with 250K to invest, and I've spent 2.8 million in profits. That doesn't include what I've spent from my LDP prizes or the mootix I found. And I have 1.8 mil invested right now. It's insane. I wish I would have started in on it earlier.

I try to play games, but lately I've been horrendously busy. Luck helps too.
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Post by Moonstruck »

I play three games. That's maybe 4 or 5 thousand a day.

There's also dailies. I try to make 25,000 a week so I can add to my bank account.

I've been thinking about the stock market, but I'm super paranoid about losing money. I don't know if my nerves could take it.
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Post by Kamil »

dunx5000 wrote:I'm interested, how do you make your neopoints for day to day neopian life? :)

For me at the moment, restocking seems to be the best way, considering I suck at games, and the stocks I have're devalueing >.>;
And if you're a restocker, where'd you restock? =D
I can't restock on my laptop (too slow) but as soon as my main computer comes back, that's what I'll be doing again.

Early on, I played endless games of NQII for a living - and it's a decent living if you have a bit of luck and can finish a game a week or so. With that luck, you'll make between 650k-1million per week, again, assuming you can finish a game per week and don't get stuck with the Tooth of Terask all the time.

And if you have a slow computer/connection, it's probably the best, if not only, way to make that kind of np weekly - if you can stand playing it over and over.

And I'd still recommend playing it all the way through at least one time, because the prizes for the InSaNe level are all worth between 900k - 3.5 million. And the trophy is quite pretty. =D

I restock in main foods; snow foods; and jelly foods.

The main food shop restocks in large enough quantities that you'll almost always get something worth having, and it's the very first shop to restock, which means you can nab one or two things there then switch tabs and try for a item or two in snow foods or jelly foods.

Snow foods is kinda busy, but every now and then you can get lucky and jelly foods has the advantage of not many people competing with you.

If you have a decent computer you can make embarassing amounts of np a week restocking - easily two or three times what I could make playing NQII. And I say this as someone who can't get the really good restocks because my connection isn't fast enough (pokey DSL line *stabs it*).

There are several good restock guides out there, but all you really need to know is that main foods is the first shop to restock and it always restocks at :00 seconds. So you don't have to sit and refresh endlessly (and in fact, doing so will get you restock banned for a bit), just keep an eye on the clock and at :55 seconds or so, hop over to your main foods tab and start refreshing. If you see it start to restock, either start buying (if that's your chosen shop) or run over to the shop you've picked and start refreshing there.

If by :05 nothing's showed up in main foods, there's no restock and you can go back to whatever it was you were doing.

Stuff that is good is usually (but not always) towards the bottom of the screen and there's almost never more than just a few restocked at any one time.

Main foods is an exception - you can find a good quantity of stuff there that you can resell for about twice what you paid for it restocking in bulk there. So it's a good store to learn in, in my opinion. You'll be able to practice on those items and soon enough you'll be able to nab the better items that you'll pay 1777np for, then turn around and sell for 25k.

And if you've got a good computer, and a better connection than I do, you'll soon be able to get the stuff you buy for 5 or 10k and then sell on the trading post because it's unbuyable.

The best bet, with any shop, is to sit through four or five restocks and see what goes the most quickly and what lingers until the bitter end.

As far as haggling, don't try fancy stuff, just look at what the shopkeeper is asking for and if s/he wants 1595np for it then offer 1555. If the price is 1799 offer 1777.

If Meagan toddles by I'm sure she can offer more details - she's very very good at restocking. =D

I've started investing in the stock market - but even at its best, the profits people who praise it talk about making in a year are about what you can make in a week or two of steady restocking.

So it's a nice sideline, but you can make far, far more restocking.
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Post by Settingshadow »

Stocks, stocks, stocks. The best thing about stocks is that it doesn't take gigantic amounts of time. I made about 100k this month (my stocks were mean) but well more than a quarter of a million last month. And I only have around 850k invested, so it's not bad. By the time you have that much, it seems that stocks can more or less support themselves -- I have plenty of NP to buy 1000 shares every day without doing anything else to get NP.

There was this plan, once upon a time, to play neoquest for profit, but that requires a lot of free time. I certainly did profit off of my Normal NQ game, though -- two lab map pieces and a mootix from the refreshing!
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Post by Huggles »

Can this possibly be stickied somewhere, again?

Don't forget Food Club. I think they've drastically altered the odds of winning since I started, there's many more days where I choose not to bet at all, but it's still earning me profit.

I spend my money about as fast as I earn it. I have zero patience. At this point in time, I can hold on to what I've earned for 4 days, tops. I wasn't able to get a cable modem soon enough to prevent me from being burnt out on games and Neopets in general. I restock and play games only when something shiny grabs my attention. I've just barely managed to sell my stocks when they're profitable, regardless of how little gain it may be. I could have bought a grey paint brush, minitheus, and a handful of magical poogle toys by now if I really wanted to spend the time restocking.

Anyway, I usually play my 12 favorite games for 20k. That takes about a half hour. After that, I go crazy nuts and waste it on stupid crap. I usually restock at the chocolate shop and make about 5-20k profit each restock, but the biggest money maker for me is the Igloo Garage Sale. I've gotten avatar pinatas, mysterious valentine's cards, hordes of petpets, and tons of new items. Even items that haven't begun to stock in their designated shops yet can stock at the Igloo. I've yet to restock an unbuyable chocolate, I've only seen one chocolate peach, but I've gotten plenty from the Igloo. I'd like to try something other than chocolates, but it'd have to be something that didn't interfere with buying junk from the Igloo. For about 2 hours of solid restocking I can make 100k.

This page has a guide and a list of all shop restock times.
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Post by AngharadTy »

Misc. already has two stickies (though the world map one is fairly dead); do we want a third here?

I do agree that I'd like to see it stickied, because I can only see this topic recreated so often before I go utterly mad.
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Post by Seerow »

Restocking is my major source when I actually feel like earning nps. I restock mainly at the Furniture shop, but I've recently started at the Chocolate Shope also.

I play a few games now and then. The quizes mostly cause I lack patience for 99% of the other games.

And yes, can't forget Food Club! I made over 30k twice this week, and 15k one other day. And since I have a rather old account, I get a nice little profit.
Wanna donate towards my drink gallery, the Golden Goblet.
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