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Posted: 24 Aug 2007 10:51 pm
by Catwhispers
I stepped into the minority and voted for the old version. I kept gazing back and forth between the two and the old version just looked more cleaner and more fluid in shape. Also, I don't like the texture of the material on the new one and also I dislike the pattern on the head. The new style isn't bad at all; I just prefer the old version a lot, lot better.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 10:52 pm
by Twofold Black
Hmm. It's always looked to me like the chibi has a neck and the others have a jabot/goatee. That's weird, now that I think about it.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 11:04 pm
by Saturn
The Ghostly has always been one of those pets I never really paid attention to, but I admit I kinda like this... of course I'm a sucker for gratuitous clothing/fabric folds anyway. >> They're fun...

The only thing that REALLY bugs me, though, is the symbol on its head. I can't put my finger on why, though. I think it's just too big and cartoony, anyway, and kind of takes away from the eerie blankness of the rest of its face, which was one of the few things I liked about the old one.

And I like the floofy neck thing XD Makes it look like the ghost of some distinguished old gentleman or something...

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 11:12 pm
by Seerow
Like Nana said a page back, I always thought of the skull design on its head to be more etched into the mask/whatever its face is. And maybe the smile could be a bit smaller.

Overall though, I am suprised at how much I like this. I may end up morphing one of my pets into one someday if I like some more of the colors. I think the hands are what is selling me to this pet, they are like the ones on the Galactic version which I adore.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 11:20 pm
by Jessi
I always thought that the jabot was also a little neck, with a tear in its shirt. This just looks..odd.

I agree with what most other people are saying. Sometimes, less is more. In this case, less detail was nicer, and more is just way too much.

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 11:26 pm
by Xelio
Revamp is okay, but please Subeta, I beg thee, don't touch the chibi one. I love the chibi and have had plans on getting one when I get around to making it possible to have my 5 extra pets.


Oh and for the record, I like the old Ghostly pose much better and as was commented by others, the overly-large skull just looks goofy. I think I could handle the new pose and the abundance of folds, the over shading on the tongue and the odd ascot, but dear me no, I could never get used to the skull on the head being that large. I'd be alright if they'd just keep the skull and crossbone lines the exact same.

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 01:01 am
by Luxe
FourEyes wrote:I dunno, the "jabot" always looked like a hole in the... cloth-thing. That line always looked like a neck to me.
No one was ever sure what the jabot was. Some thought it was fur. Some thought it was a jabot. Others thought it was a hole. We decided to define it as a jabot from now on. ;)

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 01:32 am
by painesgrey
the jabot is too small.

and it looks too wide around the "torso" - i'd like to see a bit thiner and whispy.

otherwise, the art is better.

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 10:53 pm
by Monkeyguy
I love everything except the jabot which I just think looks ridiculous and I want it to be a neck like it obviously is in the other colors (See Cream and Darkmatter).

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 11:26 pm
by adi_gallia that I look at it closer I don't see how I could ever think it wasn't it's neck, the two lines kind of suggest a neck, poorly drawn at that, but still quite obviously a neck.

But I didn't consider it a neck before, so I don't really have a problem with neckless Ghostlies. I like the Jabot, it makes it look like a more formal ghost.

Posted: 27 Aug 2007 04:13 pm
by Usul_Princess
For some reason the song 'Thriller' plays relentlessly over and over again in my head when I see the new one. :D I'm guessing it's because of the pose. Makes me wanna get up and dance like no one's in the room. Anyways, despite the dancing pose and the nice texutre/hands, I still like the old one better because emotional "circle poses" do it for me. The old ghostly looks very playful/mischevious, but not really "Casper"-like. I also voted in the minority, but I wish they'd update the old one simply because the cloth on the new one is pretty damn awesome.

Posted: 01 Sep 2007 06:14 pm
by Kim-chan
I voted for the old Ghostly, of which I am fond. I honestly think a shading update and maybe clarification on the 'neck bit' would have done.

What I don't like about the new version, besides the oft-mentioned skull (it looks like a metroid to me) is the Ghostly's head. It's smaller and a completely different shape. The old Ghostly had a very boxy head, and this version has a rounded head with softened corners. I also prefer, though perhaps not in coloration, the old mouth. Something about the entire thing is just pointier than the update and I feel the lack of that detracts from the species.

That said, the body is quite nice and while I think the shading doesn't necessarily fit into what I think of Subeta art, I appreciate how three-dimensional it looks, and the more frequent folds remind me pleasantly of those kleenex ghosts that were always a project around Halloween in gradeschool.

You know, if the kleenex ghosts had delightfully creepy mouths on.

Posted: 11 Sep 2007 02:55 pm
by Mesmirez
I woe because I'm posting in a thread so far down, but the Glacier Ghostly got me inspired.

Anyhoooo, I really want to like the Ghostly revamp, I think they did a good job preserving the pet's personality + even the pose, so that's all good, /buuut/...

-The shading is too... I dunno, scrappy? I'm just not partial to the new kind of shading they're using at all.
-I don't like the jabot. I always saw the jabot-bit as, like, the frayed bottom of the bag used to cover the ghosty's "real" head, which remains mysterious and hidden-like. Well, that's how I always envisioned it.