What music are you into?

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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Seerow »

Yay, ABBA :) Was first introduced to their stuff through A*Teens (I love them too, shut up :P ) and like both versions of their songs.

I tend to listen to "today's hits" I'd guess you call em, though I also listen to a lot of light rock. My favorite bands/artists include Michelle Branch, Lifehouse, The Afters, ABBA/A*Teens, Vanessa Carleton, Yellowcard, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Within Temptation, Nightwish, Panic! at the Disco, and Fall out Boy. Best non-English band is the Swedish band Sarek, which I learned about from some thread awhile ago on NC! Final Fantasy music is always good as well.

I don't have that fm account thingy, but it seems the song I listen to the most on Itunes is "Hollywood's not America" by Ferras followed closely by "Beautiful Love" from The Afters.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by gomababe »

I'll listen to anything that isn't reggae, hiphop or dance music, but I'm most into ballads and just plain music {like soundtracks without words, for example}. Music is a big inspiration to me for writing purposes and often I'll find a song that fiits a particular theme that I'll listen to several times over until i get that scene laid out properly in my head before writing {it stops me having to stop, mull things over for an hour then start again}. I also listen to music for relaxation, either to vent my frustration {Robbie Wiliams is very good for this for some reason} ior just to chill out {in which case bring on songs like Soledad XP}.

My current favourite song right now is This Broken Soul by Rebecca Kneubuhl {it's the ending song to The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night} since it fiits so many scene I'm trying too write at the moment XP;.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Jamie »

I'm all over the place with my music taste, but it seems to favour female vocalists. Especially Gwen Stefani/No Doubt. As you can see on my lastfm. Right now I am loving Lady GaGa and Tegan and Sara.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Spivsy »

Anything that won't make my ears bleed.

my last fm is http://www.last.fm/user/spivvers
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Jessi »

Hee, Jamie, I LOVE Tegan and Sara xD I first got into them way back when I was a freshman in college (so 2001), but I haven't listened to anything new of theirs in ages. I didn't even know they were still around with new stuff!
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by adi_gallia »

Kidnemo wrote:Oh and Adi, you have impeccable music taste! :D
Thank You, but I know that someone with Jennifer Lopez, Victoria Beckham, Fergie and Rihanna in their top 50 artists on Last.FM has bad taste in music. :P

I also agree on the point that it doesn't matter if you listen to music that is popular, if I like what's doing well in the charts, I'll listen to it. I'm not going to try and find some obscure indie band to listen to because it's more 'acceptable'. I really don't understand people who snub commercial music just for the sake of it.

I'm surprised at the amount of people who listen to music from video/computers games. It's just something I've never thought of listening to, whatever floats your boat though. :)
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by mellaka »

I guess my taste in music is pretty embarrassing since I'm too lazy/uninspired to seek out new stuff that I like. In high school my favorite band was The Smiths and I also liked stuff like Jesus and Mary Chain, Stone Roses, They Might Be Giants, Jane's Addiction, Joy Division, Ministry, Lords of Acid and Nine Inch Nails. (Yes, I think I'm a little older than most people here.) I still like those bands though I don't listen to them as much as I used to. I also like some older rap like A Tribe Called Quest and Beastie Boys. I was also into bands like Operation Ivy, Green Day, Sublime and Bouncing Souls for a while.

As for semi-current music, I like Weezer, The Killers, Gorillaz ... and that's all I can think of right now. I'll also occasionally listen to the Buffy OMWF soundtrack or the South Park movie soundtrack for days at a time. So, yeah, I've kind of been stuck in a rut, music-wise.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Tom »

I like pop music, and will dabble in indie if I feel it's appropriate. My favourite band is No Doubt; I have all their albums (of which Return of Saturn is my favourite) and am quite eagerly anticipating their new release. I've been listening to an awful lot of The Killers lately, and quite like The Ting Tings at the moment. Beyond that, I like more 'poppy' artists, like Gwen, Nelly Furtado and Nerina Pallot. I'm not afraid to stray a little bit. I used to have quite a complex about the music I enjoyed, but I got over it when thinking about how silly it was, and thus purchasing an iPod to shamelessly listen to Britney on boring bus journeys. :D
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Huggles »

I like just about everything except for Polka and country. Well, modern country. Stuff like Shania Twain or that Chesney guy or um whoever. However, I listened to the soundtrack of O Brother, Where Art Thou? endlessly when it came out. Light jazz, like elevator music also grates against my nerves. I work at a department store though, so I've pretty much honed my ability to tune out. I had to or I'd never survive Christmas.

I have very eclectic taste. I like rap and hip hop. Yes. Rap. Suck it. However, bad rap is worse than bad country. I'm much more critical of rap than any other genre I listen to. 50 cent, T-Payne, and Flo-Rida can suck it too. I could go on and on about the particulars of who I will and won't listen too.

Overall, I'm poor. So, I rarely buy cds. But I also don't pirate music either. I'm fairly certain it's due to me being too lazy to do so rather than some moral conflict. I really don't care what you do or don't like, as long as I am not put into a position where I am forced to listen it. Like, if we really can't find any sort of common ground on the car radio, then it shall be turned off. Fin. Everyone has ipods and mp3 players now, so I can't imagine any other time when it would matter. Music would be the least of my concerns in a relationship.

Oh yes. Peoples. The Ditty Bops, Immortal Technique(Even though I thoroughly disagree with him at times), The Gossip, Lupe Fiasco, Gym Class Heroes, The Streets, Shakira, System of A Down, Amy Winehouse, and lots more.

Fiona Apple's Tidal is my all time favorite.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Monkeyguy »

I knew who Andrea Bocelli was, but I've never really listened to his music. Anyway, after watching Step Brothers, I've been listening to Con Te Partiro like non-stop. I love this song!
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Alicorn »

I like a wide variety of music. Pretty much if a song hits me just right, I'll like it despite the type it is. Though I do try and steer clear of types I don't like. Like rap, r&b, jazz and a few others. I mostly tend to get into rock and alternative as of late. I do like openings and endings from animes (some of my favs right now is the 2nd opening from Death Note, opening and closeing for Saiyuki and the Opening from The one being sung). I also have random songs sung in different languages. Don't know what they are saying but find the way they sound very pretty. I tend to find songs from watching amvs or listening to yahoo radio now and again.

A few of my favorite groups/singers are Nickelback (my love of the fueled by seeing them in concert, so great!), Linkin Park, Disturbed (though only heard a few of their songs, would love to hear more), Rob Thomas/Matchbox 20 and Brad Paisley. I tend to love one or two songs from groups/singers so I tend not to center around them. Though there are some I want to explore into.

As for music and relationship, lucky for my wife I like country because she's a country nut. Lucky for me she listens to a lot of new country. Though she really likes the old counter (Johnny Cash, willie nelson and such). More of the folk singer types which I'm not really a fan of. But I must suck it up and take it seeing as her dad enjoys that sort too so we listen to a lot of it. I'm just glad she gets into rock and some of the other music I like too or I'd probally go nuts when she'd want to listen to music.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by daisybell »

I have an incredibly random taste in music. Saint-Saëns, Mike Oldfield, the Phoenix Wright soundtrack, Scissor Sisters, Dario G and The Wombles are all things I like listening to. I find that even within genres I wouldn't usually go for- the kind of dance music played in clubs, for example- there are songs I like.

I really want the Gyakuten Saiban 3 soundtrack... I did do some rips myself from my own copy of the game, but they aren't the greatest quality because I hadn't got the settings right. I've found somewhere which has the tracks to download here
but it's not exactly legal and I don't know how trustworthy that site is to download stuff from. If Capcom would sell it to download from their online shop, I'd get it there, but they don't (I reckon they're missing a trick there- it's not as if they'd have to print CDs and end up with lots unsold). If I want the actual CD, I think I'd have to order it from VGM World, which would cost £22.40 including shipping, I think. That's more than I paid for any of the Phoenix Wright games, and about twice as much as the import copy of Phoenix Wright 3 cost me!

... oops. I digressed. Sorry ;P
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Aurinona »

I have fairly eclectic tastes in music, which leads to some very interesting transitions when I put my MP3 player on shuffle. My husband claims that no individual track on the player is that surprising for me, which made me ask him what would be- the answer was "Christian Rap". Fair enough, I'm not keen on either of those genres alone (though there are occasional exceptions), and when you put them together the result is likely to be worse than the sum of its parts. *twitch twitch* I wonder what would go into the Captain Planet of ear-burning horror?

The things I've been listening to the most of lately are JoCo (Yeah, I like nerd music), the soundtrack to Last Exile, and a Celtic band named Clandestine that broke up several years ago, but then I've heard from a friend who knows the band members that some of them are back together and I don't really know what the current status is. I've also got some goofy stuff like Weird Al/ Four Bitchin' Babes / Arrogant Worms/ Veggie Tales "Silly Songs with Larry" , and random music in German (The Comedian Harmonists are awesome, I wish I had better sound quality on those). I also like a lot of "girly" stuff - Dido, Tori Amos, Indigo Girls, Sheryl Crow.

A large part of my collection also came from friends of mine in the form of their "Souls"- someone posed a challenge to my group of friends in college to put together a CD, one hour long or less, of music that represents them in some way. It's interesting to see how different people take it- some rely more on lyrics, some on the overall tone or feeling, and some primarily use music that they associate with different times in their lives. Those go all over the place, and listening to one straight through at the gym yesterday taught me things like "Cake is good excercise music, Lord of the Rings soundtrack, not so much". :D

My car's CD player is broken, so I have to rely on the radio when driving (unless I manage to steal James's new car for the day). It usually stays on the classic rock station, with occasional forays into classical or alternative. I've also been known to go through phases where I listen to a lot of country music, but there are usually a few songs that I cannot stand that get too much airtime and will drive me away from it again.

The classic rock thing kind of makes me wonder if, for the most part, my musical tastes remain a set distance "behind the times"- I used to listen to oldies a lot when I was younger, and have slowly moved forwards. I seriously hope that this doesn't lead me into liking New Kids on the Block and Vanilla Ice in a few years...
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Huggles »

New Kids are current again. At least, they hope they are. The "band" is back together.
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Re: What music are you into?

Post by Usul_Princess »

Good topic! My genre window isn't as large as I thought it was. (Alternative, Classical, 80's Rock, and New Age) But it usually depends on how much I've read up on the artist, and if there is any substance in the song(s) themselves.
"Deep stuff", and/or "Feel Good" music. Basically if the message in the song is negative, agonizing, or degrading, it's automatically dismissed. The same goes for nonsensical lyrics that are poorly composed, or have some rendunant cliché beat, and a pitiful attempt to rhyme. I pretty much hate ALL R&B, Rap, and Pop. I can only tolerate Eminem because my CMU roomate (Who is now my best friend) worshipped him and listened to his songs all night in the dorms. His political songs can be food for thought, which are okay. But yeah. 'Mainstream' music gives me a huge headache. (And apparently I like artists who stopped making music after the year 2000).

I LOVE Fiona Apple. I wish she'd come out with a biography so I could understand her as a person better. (She too has Depression and OCD) E. Grieg, Charlotte Church, Savage Garden, Enya, Lauren Hill, Clay Aiken, <---(Okay, kinda mainstream), Michael Jackson ('Thriller-Dangerous" Era), and Instrumental Jazz.

Huggles wrote:
Fiona Apple's Tidal is my all time favorite.
::SQUEALS:: OMFG 'insert1337here'.

Huggles, I'm in tears. I just skimmed through the post, and saw that one sentence. Another black chick who loves Fiona?! *cries, and hugs you to the point where you feel kinda awkward*. So many people I tell that she's my favorite artist go "Who?". Do you like Extrodinary Machine, or 'When the Pawn'? Neither of these albums compare to Tidal, but I still have all 3 CD's. Weirdly enough, I like her rendition of 'Across the Universe' the best. But out of her original songs, I like Shadowboxer, Criminal, I know, Oh Well, and Red Red Red.

(/end happy-spaz)

Thank you TCStarwind for the lovely signature! ^_^

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