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Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 10:19 am
by Joey
I know they can't skip the anniversary or anything, I'm mainly just annoyed that the Omen plot is still dragging on. Hopefully they'll finish before the Halloween stuff starts.

So randomly, I noticed that all the pet trophies are all pets in the top 3 of ratings here by colour. I wonder if it's based off our rankings or if our rankings reflect actual trends on the site. Either one is pretty cool. Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 01:51 pm
by TCStarwind
Joey wrote:I know they can't skip the anniversary or anything, I'm mainly just annoyed that the Omen plot is still dragging on. Hopefully they'll finish before the Halloween stuff starts.
Ye gods, that's starting in 10 days or so, itsn't it? At this point, I'd be happy for any closure. Mr K drops kid into ocean to her death (because apparently no one knows how to swim? or riptides) and that it? The pirates don't try to kill him? Nothing? Gah! But, yay, halloween! 8D

And I have gotten one star so far. :3 Haven't opened it yet.

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 02:11 pm
by Iggy
Morostide is in one month.

It started around the 15th last year.

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 02:54 pm
by Seerow
Halloween started the 11th last year, assuming the Trick or Treating board here was made the day it started which is usually the case.

It looks like the event really is over? That sucks. Previous celebrations tended to last two-three days. I'm so very glad I bought up the items last night before they retired. Or not. I just got a star after posting this, even though I hadn't gotten one all morning. *Shrug*

Subeta really has no time sense does it? Omen island plot going on for months and this over in a day.

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 11:30 pm
by lavender
Does anybody want to trade anniversary items? I have (some are in my trades):
Fifth Anniversary Lime Cupcake
Knee Stars: Blue, Lime, Green (2), Cyan (2), Pink, Purple, and Red
Blue Fifth Anniversary Fatty Panda Plush
Ghostly Toys: Golden and Field (2)
Red Party Streamers
Yellow Fif Anniversary Shirt (3)
Orange Five Earrings
Pet Matryoshka Dolls

And I need: lots of stuff still

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 11:35 pm
by Mistress Morbid
I'm wondering if I should open all the stars I have, or hoard them until they raise in value... >.>

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 05:01 am
by Alicorn
I'm so glad this seems to be going on for the weekend. I just got back home yesterday and would of been crushed if I missed it all.
They have some cute things you can get but I'm mostly aiming for the hair clips. I see myself useing them more then anything. Though the more I look at the earrings, the more I want all of them. ^-^' And speaking of finding a star within a star, at one point I swear I open a star to find another star 3 times in a row. It so helped my star opening count. XD

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 06:28 am
by Enriana
I, too, am aiming for the hair clips. I'm waiting for them to deflate a little, then will probably just buy them all with sP - it's the best way to get them, better than opening all the stars (which are pretty!). I considered getting everything for my set gallery, but think I'll just stick with the hair clips for now. They're so pretty! I don't care for the wearable versions, though.

Re: Subeta 5th Anniversary

Posted: 20 Sep 2009 04:19 pm
by Iggy
I opened all 100 items from stars. Chibi Devonti Trophy and the Mono Hairclip were pain the ass to get!


I really wish there would have been higher tier for the opening stars achievements, though. I opened close to 500 to get to my goal, though.