New Pet! The Sage! (Renamed the Mahar)

For posting new and revamped pet colours on Subeta.
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Post by Opinicus »

I'm a little disappointed that the Dragon revamp is staying, but I really do like this one. Though the tail throws the body off, a bit, in my opinion. Couldn't tell you why. xD

I might morph one of my pets into this, after I see the other colors for it.
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Post by shaelyn76 »

a very nice compromise for those of us who were very upset by the dragon revamp. This new pet has most of the features the old dragon had plus lovely gems to boot. I agree that Gold isn't usually a color I like, but it works for this pet. My only complaint/observation is that its shoulders look a bit small in comparison with its head. I can live with that though as the rest of the pet is very nice. This pet comes across as very male to me so I don't think i will be potioning any of my pets into one of these, but the art and the feel of the pet is very welcome. Thank you to Jill for giving us back our dragon with a little something extra.
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Post by Slugawoo »

Jill is so freaking awesome. :D These are wonderful. I love how the belly scales change color and the shinyness and-- I just love this pet.

They need elixirs. Like... now. I can't wait for the redraws! -total glee-
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Post by Xelio »

At first I didn't like, then I did. My only real crit is I'd have liked the far rear paw to be curled up under the body, to explain the arch in the back. Overall though, I'm impressed and find the Sage to be quite lovely. The ridges on the back win me over, and the tail tip.
Thanks Tiel for the lovely set!
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Post by colettecop »

Though its not quite my cup of tea, I really appreciate the look and art quality of this new pet. Its so COOL! :) The jewels embedded in the body are the perfect touch, they really make it look unique. And shiny, which is a huge bonus. XD

And I'd agree that they do look distinctly male, IMHO (I think its the brow area?). Nothing wrong with that of course. I look forward to seeing the redraws, especially spectrum -- if any Sage color looked just a little less irritated or had a slightly softer look, I'd love to own it! ;)
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Post by Chandi »

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Twilight Sage and Cobal FTW.

This would be killer in Hydrus. Barnacles and starfish and sea critters for jewels, and crazy spines and fins... yes please.
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Post by Wingsrising »

Hmm. Add me to the list of the few people who don't really like it. It's not bad or anything, but something about the shading makes it seem like it's melting or wrinkled to me somehow. I can't explain it better than that.

The curved body seems off to me (shouldn't it be flat if it's resting on the flat surface?) and the way the head is turned, the head blends into the body too much for my taste.

I do like the shininess of the gems.
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Post by Skitty »

All I have is love for this pet, since a furry wingless dragon with gems embedded in its skin is THE exact concept of my favorite OC. Right now said character is a Paralix, and his current design is Paralix-based, but I am SO thoroughly tempted to make him a Golden Sage the instant Elixirs come out.

Agh. Dilemma. Well, should the Paralix ever get a fugly redraw (which seems unlikely, as I've liked the vast majority of the redraw art so far), I'll have a very good backup pet to choose from.

*goes back to staring in awe at beautiful pet art... especially the Golden one*
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Post by Kari »

It's very pretty. Or should I say handsome, because it really looks male to me. Twilight and Gold are my favorites.

I agree with those that said it's "another" dragony pet, though.

Of course now I get a name for it since it looks so wise, and I have no pet room. Baaaa *sheeps*
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Post by Figment »

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod. *hyperventilates*



Might say more once WANT! bells stop ringing in my head. Love how the tail and feet look sort of like tree roots. Looooove the jewels. Love the gold, even, and gold is usually one of my least favourite colours! Jill is genius. This is MORE than another dragony pet -- this is THE dragony pet. I am now going to commence pretending that all of the others don't exist.

*flails some more*

Have decided that San is going to be a sage as soon as the elixirs are released and have deflated a bit. I might have to tinker with her description, but it'll be perfect for her. Probably cream or twilight until I see some redraws. Which, by the way, I soooo cannot wait for!
Last edited by Figment on 05 Sep 2007 06:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by klaatu99 »

I love the new pet and am trying to decide which of my pets to replace. But, I showed it to my son and he asked what the hell they did to Falcor. :mrgreen:
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Post by Ierosbats »

Wow, I'm really surprised how well this thing has been going over... I really don't like it at all.

It seems like people are critiquing pet anatomy left, right and center lately, and to me (and apparently only me) this guy looks really... broken. The arms and hands are especially strange; they seem to bend and shrink and fold in ways that creep me out. The hands also seem far too human and not claw-like at all.

While I like how shiny the gems are, and I can tell what they're supposed to be, I don't think they protrude from the body very well. To me, they look like tears in the flesh revealing very shiny muscle, or eyes poking out from the skin. The shinygem belly just looks sloppy and crowded. Oh, and I hate the name and earring. Bleh.

I don't know... it's not awful or anything, and I'm biased because I'm not partial to dragons in general, especially on subeta, but... I'm unimpressed. It does have good redraw potential, though.
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Post by Huggles »


I have to admit, if it weren't for the jewels, I would not like this half as much as I do. Maybe even less than that. But, they're there. Not only does it have jewels, but jeweled scales. It's obvious which one is my favorite, but I also really like the common one. The natural brown and greens always appeal to me, and help in maintaining my suspension of disbelief. Somehow, on some distant rock, there could exist a creature using those colors as camouflage. Maybe...If god plays tabletop rpgs. I digress.

Subeta now has 9 species that could all reasonble be classified as dragons. Although I would have preferred a dragon revamp(why no name change?) that was closer to the orginal, I don't care a single iota if this is what we get instead. My dilemma now is whether or not to use a potion on an existing pet or save up for another mystical plushie. I was going back and fourth between an experiment #84 and a graveyard tutani, and this just throws a wrench into my carefully laid plans.
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Post by Lyria »

I actually don't really like it, the ideas nice, but i find the position it's in to be awkward. Is it sitting on a cloud ,or something else that forces it's body to be like that? Not a fan of the tail either something seems off with the way it attaches.

Overall the art just seems to have a droopiness to it that I'm not a fan of, and really don't we have enough dragon pets?
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Post by gomababe »

This is a wonderful compromise on the dragon revamp. The shiny-ness of the Arid and Gold are lovely and I love the concept of the jewels in it's body ^_^. Depending on how things go for the next few months I may be very tempted to get one of these to make a new guardian-y type pet to go along with my story ^_^. I can't wait to see how it looks in Galactic, Reborn and Angelic.
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