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Re: Piercings.

Post by AngharadTy »

Wingsrising wrote:One thing NOT to do with tongue piercings: stick the stud just outside your lips and run it back and forth so that you have this silver ball constantly running along your mouth. At least, don't do it in meetings. It's distracting. And, in combination with showing lots of cleavage, looks rather unprofessional... but mostly, it's just distracting. It's so freaky I can't tear my mind away.
It's not too good for the piercing, either; it puts undue strain on the hole in your tongue, hee. That said, it's so much fun.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by oogabooga »

I just have the standard two in my ears, with no plans to get any others (I've always liked the idea of maybe one or two more ear piercings, but that would have to wait until I move out - and nothing really exotic even then). I hardly ever remember to wear earrings, though, even though I have plenty. The place I got mine done at was probably not great, some little tent-thing at the mall, but they turned out all right anyway...
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Strawberry Limeade »

I have my ears and my navel pierced. Given the choice, even as much as I like it, I probably would not redo my navel. It took almost a full two years to heal, even with good care, and I still won't take my ring out for fear it'll close up. I've caught it on my belt buckle a couple times, not realized it, tried to stand up and almost passed out. I'd like to get the top of at least one of my ears pierced. Maybe that'll be something to do on my day off...
FaerieInGrey wrote:I still have distant goals of the corset piercing project variety
Have you read this? I just hope there's a very knowledgeable and experienced piercer in your area (not that I really think you would go to a crap one). Done right, those are AMAZING.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by FaerieInGrey »

Strawberry Limeade wrote:
FaerieInGrey wrote:I still have distant goals of the corset piercing project variety
Have you read this? I just hope there's a very knowledgeable and experienced piercer in your area (not that I really think you would go to a crap one). Done right, those are AMAZING.
Yep yep :)

A while back I had actually started it - I had four surface bars. I was supposed to end up with 16, and then switch out the outside balls for slave rings (for anyone reading - that sounds way kinkier than it is. They're just rings that attach to the end of something as opposed to being loose rings). But that never got finished.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Aqua »

I think I have enough holes as is, so no piercings here. XD Another reason is I don't want to end up like my mom did - she has piercings and says she's now allergic to everything but gold and platinum (wonder why).
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

Aqua wrote:I think I have enough holes as is, so no piercings here. XD Another reason is I don't want to end up like my mom did - she has piercings and says she's now allergic to everything but gold and platinum (wonder why).
Metal allergy is actually very common, but not having piercings won't protect you from it, necessarily -- usually when people develop a metal allergy (all allergies are acquired) it's in response to the nickel in cheap jewelry, but there's nickel in zippers and buttons and all manner of other innocuous things one might come into frequent skin contact with too, bricks and polyester tend to contain traces of cobalt, et cetera. Gold and platinum don't cause allergic reactions because they're both noble (alchemically speaking); titanium is safe as well, though it's not noble, and surgical steel often isn't, because it contains nickel.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by lynmar »

i think the corset piercings are really pretty, i actually considered doing that for prom or something, but i would bet anything someone would try to rip them out, and that is not fun at all.

as for tongue piercings...it's pretty much second or third on my list, i'll always be really paranoid about nerves and stuff though, and i'd expect the piercer to rip my tongue out of my mouth pretty much, it's not that long. XD

my friend i've mentioned before (he has a lottt of piercings) has it done and it always playing around with it, usually his lip piercings as well. as for me, i'm always sitting in class playing around with my eyebrow, or sometimes my earrings. it's going to get infected one of these days, i swear.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Wingsrising »

I developed metal allergies after having my ears pierced, alas. However, luckily it was only in the area right around the hole itself, so the only metal I have to worry about is my earrings. I blame the fact that I was stupid and used 14k gold in the piercing studs. (Well, that and I went to Claire's, a stupidity which probably caused the gold stud stupidity. Someone who actually knew what the hell they were doing could probably have told me not to use those studs.)

Interestingly, although everyone swears that 24k gold isn't supposed to cause allergies, the 24k-gold-plated surgical stainless steel earrings I bought from a well-known hypoallergenic earring company did nasty things to my ears. I can wear gold, it seems, but only for short periods (like to dress up for the evening). Sterling silver I'm much better with, and that was all I wore until I discovered titanium, which is much better -- I always had a little irritation with the silver. I think that's one reason I don't change my earrings much, there just aren't that many that I can leave in for an extended period of time without irritation. Even high-quality surgical stainless doesn't seem to be as good as the titanium is.

Another problem is that, when I do wear different earrings I have a tendency to take them out at the end of the evening (since I can't leave them in) and get too lazy to put the titanium studs back in. Back when I changed earrings more I used to leave my ears earring-less for as much as a week and then it was always painful when I went to put earrings back in again. I don't know if ears that have been pierced for years are supposed to start to close in under a week, but mine sure did and it got annoying. Better to leave the same earrings in all the time and not worry about it.

Honestly, that's the thing that annoys me about my ears and why I wouldn't consider other piercings. When I had my ears done I thought I was getting the option of wearing earrings, but I wasn't -- I was getting the requirement of wearing earrings. I can't just wear them once in a while, I have to wear them constantly or let the holes close. Phooey.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Arviragus »

I've discovered, over the years, that I can only wear white gold, platinum, or titanium. Yellow gold causes me to break out, but not white. It's weird.

I've always wanted to get my eyebrow and the tops of my ears done, but since developing the keloid of DOOM in the one ear that I had pierced, oh, back in Grade 5, I've decided that I can't go through with it :(.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by EofS »

Arviragus wrote:I've discovered, over the years, that I can only wear white gold, platinum, or titanium. Yellow gold causes me to break out, but not white. It's weird.
White gold is plated in... rhodium isn't it? Something like that. Which could certainly explain it.

Can't say I have any piercings myself - I don't like body modification at all. Plus I had to train myself to even remember to wear the necklace I received for my 18th birthday. Although with jewellery I do appreciate it on other people, just have no interest in it for myself.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Twofold Black »

EofS wrote:White gold is plated in... rhodium isn't it? Something like that.
Often, and rhodium is noble. Under the rhodium (which can wear off), white gold is just gold alloyed with some copper and a lot of a white metal, usually silver (this is true of almost all other gold varieties; differing proportions create differing colors), and it's possible it's something about the copper:gold ratio that Arviragus' ears like.

Yeah, I ... know a lot of random facts.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by DamionDarkheart »

Yeah, no no piercings % My lip piercing was torn enough by my cunt of a roommate that it started rejecting. If you were to ask the asshole about it, he denies all involvement and insists that I did it to myself.

As far as I can tell, my work doesn't have a piercing policy; One of the other hosts has a lip piercing sometimes and one of the waitresses in the pub is piercings AHOY. I had been playing around with the idea of getting rid of my earrings for a while before my job interview because I can't take them where I want them. As soon as the money becomes available, I'm getting my lip re-pierced.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Huggles »

I have one earring hole in each ear and have no desire to get more piercings. I had mine done when I was under a year old; as have most of the people on both sides of my family, born at the same time or after me. Even all the little boys have both ears pierced. I thought m ine had closed up when I was 10 or so because I hadn't worn earrings in so long, but one day I just stuck a pair in and discovered that they hadn't. I remember them being kinda sore after getting some studs at Claire's, but that's about it. I probably haven't worn earrings for more than a couple days a year for the past 15 years, and the holes are still there. I don't have any allergies that I know of and I presume my ears hurt after wearing earrings for an extended period of time is because I'm not accustomed to them or the extra weight. I have some sparkly skull and crossbones earrings I wear every now and then, but that's it.

Generally speaking, I'm not a jewelry person, but I got out of the habit of wearing earrings and necklaces because they'd get caught in my braids. I don't wear watches or rings, because I switch the finger/wrist they're on every couple minutes and end up dropping them down a hole somewhere; usually a toilet. I don't even like layered clothing. Tattoos are also a no go simply because I could never decided what to get and I have no desire to experience any unnecessary pain. My body is covered in enough scars and burns from being clumsy anyway. When I was little my friend and I used to keep score and we'd always get to around 150 or so. Funnily enough, that number hasn't decreased much since I've stopped climbing trees and shun the outdoors. I got my first and only broken bone, my pinky toe, by accidentally kicking the leg of a newly slipcovered chair.

Consequently, I don't like fire and can't light lighters. I don't like knives or razors after nearly chopping off my finger as a child, nor do I like chemicals that are harmful to my eyes because they will inevitably find their way to them. I once used my pen to stir some crap in chemistry and then stuck it in my mouth. Oh gods. It burned.
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Re: Piercings.

Post by Aqua »

EofS wrote:Can't say I have any piercings myself - I don't like body modification at all. Plus I had to train myself to even remember to wear the necklace I received for my 18th birthday. Although with jewellery I do appreciate it on other people, just have no interest in it for myself.
I'm like that, myself.. I took a ring off late last year to wash my hands in a public bathroom (don't need to do that, I know now), and forgot to put it back on, and as a result I lost it.. Thankfully it was a cheap ring. *used to actually have a fear of wearing rings, was afraid they'd get stuck* The closest thing to jewelry I usually wear is a wrist or neck watch for work.

Interesting about the metal.. The only possible allergy I seem to have is to hedgehogs, so I might be okay.. Still not all that interested in piercings though. I like simple. XD
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Re: Piercings.

Post by EofS »

Aqua wrote:Interesting about the metal.. The only possible allergy I seem to have is to hedgehogs, so I might be okay..
You... might be ok. I can't help but read that as saying that you think you'd be ok as long as you don't encounter any hedgehog derived piercings. Do you think that's a major concern then?
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