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Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 05:16 pm
by EofS
I also snuck in right under the line for the last post to the US, getting all of my non-UK ones out. Woo! Slightly annoyingly I was sold the stamps for <20g cards instead of <10g cards (she didn't ask which I wanted, I didn't say) so I was overcharged by about $6 :0P Oh well, you're all worth it :0)

Also I'll forewarn anyone who is a bit oogy about these things - the Christmas stamps in the UK are religious this year (it alternates - one year secular, one year religious. Last year we got Father Christmas on the loo a chimney, so this year it's angels).

In much happier news, I got my first card this morning :0D From Seerow. And it's absolutely perfect! Yays.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 06:50 pm
by Seerow
Glad you liked your card EofS :D
I got my first card today too, from Kari. I love it Kari!!

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 10 Dec 2007 08:05 pm
by daisybell
EofS wrote:
Also I'll forewarn anyone who is a bit oogy about these things - the Christmas stamps in the UK are religious this year (it alternates - one year secular, one year religious. Last year we got Father Christmas on the loo a chimney, so this year it's angels).
I don't think the angels are that religious- compared to nativity scenes, anyway. They aren't that recognisable as angels to me, either. And if you don't celebrate Christmas, then Father Christmas is just as problematic- moreso, as angels aren't specific to Christianity. The Christmas stamps are prettier than the usual ones, though- the Queen's head isn't very exiciting, or the Tudor rose type thing on the 78p stamps, which is what most people will get from me.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 12:20 am
by nanabobo567
I got my cards from Seerow, Kari, and Enri today. All very nice, they're going on my door with any other cards I get. I've gotten mine out, but I'm not sure if you'll all get them before Christmas, since my post office isn't exactly known for being the best. Considering we've gotten mail from completely different cities, I would'nt be surprised if they somehow sent them all to China or something.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 01:08 am
by FaerieInGrey
I sent out all of my international ones, and they promised that they'd all be in on time.

However, it is the campus mail center, so if they're not, I'm sorry. My school is all kinds of lose with things.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 01:09 am
by Enriana
Ooh, yay, someone got one of mine!

I got Kari's and Seerow's today. I excitedly (but carefully) opened them and now they live on my desk.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 01:44 am
by Seerow
Heh forgot to mention that mine are probably a pain in the ass to open seeing as I had to tape them shut. Either the generic envelopes that came with the cards had crappy sticky-stuff or my envelope licking skills are just not up to par because I couldn't get a single one to stay closed so I eventually just gave up and pulled out the tape.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 01:55 am
by Enriana
I didn't have any extra trouble opening yours, Seerow.

I'm loving this exchange! It makes checking the mail particularly exciting. If anyone's interested in having an all-year-round card/letter/small shiny objects relationship, send me a PM. ;)

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 03:02 am
by Kari
I got Seerow and Enri's cards today, it really made me happy. Both were so cute ^^

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 05:16 am
by FaerieInGrey
We got Kari's and Seerow's today! Thank you! Jay says they're great (I'm still at school)

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 05:29 am
by Joey
I recieved Kari's on Saturday, and Seerow's today :D

With all luck mine should all go out tomorrow. There are ink drying issues. I'm not sure if they'll be on time for you guys abroad, but they'll at least get there!

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 05:45 am
by Monkeyguy
Joey wrote:With all luck mine should all go out tomorrow.
Ditto here. I actually went to the post office this morning but the line was very long and I don't have much patience at all, so I left and went to work. Hopefully it won't be so bad tomorrow, or I'll just force myself to wait.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 06:01 am
by Slugawoo
Well, I've finished the cards themselves, but I still have to write stuff in them and address all the envelopes. Hopefully I'll finish tonight... Even if I do, I still wont be able to send them out until this weekend.

Turns out I didn't have enough stamps, so now I have to wait for them to get here, which shouldn't take long. I just hope I bought enough for the cards going overseas.

Eeee. I can't wait to get home and check my mailbox.

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 04:32 pm
by Monkeyguy
I got Seerow's card yesterday, it's so cute. I love green. Today I got Enri's card. It was really neat. Took me a minute to figure it out lol!

Re: NC Card Exchange

Posted: 11 Dec 2007 05:44 pm
by Iggy
I got Enri and Seerow's this morning.

All of mine will be sent by WEDNESDAY, because my last big final is this afternoon. The two others I have are easy-peasy.