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Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:08 am
by Iggy
<alx> yes, it should work all the time
<alx> like our said, our datacenter told us they were working when they in fact were not
<alx> which isn't an excuse, it just means we shouldn't rely 100% on those backups
<14Tammy> so essentially they stopped working as of saturday and the people in charge of them lied to you? is that what I am getting from reading up
<alx> it's not that they lied, it's just that they didn't look deep enough when i asked them to make sure they were working
<14Tammy> is that not what you guys pay them for?
<14Tammy> to actually look when you ask a question?
<alx> yup. and we'll deal with that
<14Tammy> perhaps keith should redirect the angry mob to their email
<alx> i'm just mentioning it so you guys understand where things went wrong ;)
From #subeta, earlier tonight.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:11 am
by FreddyPrime we lost all we did for a day or more because of incompetence. Lovely...

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:28 am
by Sunwolf
I really hope someone gets fired over this. It is just me, or is poor Keith a magnet for incompetent help?

Lowering the Candy Hearts, zombie biting, and Skitters times to 5 minutes would be good. Maybe giving everyone a free week's worth of Gold Account to make up for lost quests and sp? And Free Gift Zombie Sql. And a Battledome challenger that looks like a Sql, so we can beat it senseless for all the downtime. That would be fun.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:43 am
by Wingsrising
I certainly would like some GA comp time, myself.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:45 am
by adi_gallia
Hmm...I don't know what I will have lost but I don't think it will be much. I know at some point on Saturday I got the 25 Hearts and 50 bites achievements which isn't much but I spent longer on the site than I have for a while lately to get those as I thought it'd end that day. I think I got the 1.5 million Skitters achievement on Sunday, so I bet that's gone. But other than those things my Subeta activity has been minimal.

Pet sites are so addictive, they make me feel like a beaten pet with them. Subeta seems to have some drama or a complete mess up every month and I'm starting to think that maybe it's not all that great anyway then I've had to start over on Neopets a couple of times when I felt I didn't deserve to have to and then yeah...I'm still bitter about customisation. But I can't bring myself to quit playing either of them. (though admittedly I literally log-in to Subeta just to log-in lately and on Neopets I wrap myself in cotton wool - avoid the Neoboards, Neomail if possible and play games only when necessary)

Oh my, that was a bit moany. Just thought I'd have a whine instead of sitting back in disaproval like I have been when Subeta messes up lately. :P

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:51 am
by Alicorn
Same here. I have a GA and just remembered the roll back makes me loose GA days. But I bet they will pay us back what we've missed, they have before. It's good to have a bit more info on this. Though it's a bum to hear that the people they paid to keep an eye on things wasn't doing what they were being paid. I have to say I'm feeling bad for everyone (staff and users) and hope everything works out.
Also, I love the idea Sunwolf has about the sql being a battledome challenge. Then you can take some frustration from this whole thing out on that.

Also, I have to get this out of my system. Hi Figment! **glomps** Sorry, I couldn't hold it in. ^_^"

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 02:26 am
by Cranberry
Well, the site's back... for now, anyway. I lost 500 vended items (ugh) and a few items I'd bought from the zombie shop. I'm not angry, just... tired, really. Like many others have pointed out, this just keeps happening .

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 02:35 am
by Seerow
Lost my board and I just don't have the energy to remake it. It was long and tedious and I already did it once damn it!

Lost a bunch of stuff I'd bought from the Zombie Shop which is irritating. At least I still have most of my zombie achievements.

Why does this keep happening? I've never been on another site that has had this many freaking rollbacks. What are they doing right that Subeta can't seem to? Is it their server provider? Should they maybe move elsewhere to a more reliable one?

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 02:51 am
by Ierosbats
The site's finally back up, complete with a new news post that doesn't apologize once.

"Sometimes lightning strikes twice. Thanks for understanding."


According to the news, we'll have "lots of time" to regain the plot achievements we lost. That said, the wait times for candy hearts are still up to half an hour. At this point, it doesn't matter if we have the time, what we need is the patience. I can't speak for everyone but if the wait times stay at half an hour, patience is something I won't have. I've already spent hours and hours mindlessly clicking on hearts and suffering through wait times. I know it's not hard, it's just long and boring. Doing it once already felt like a waste of my life, I'm less than pleased with the prospect of doing it again.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 03:07 am
by Alicorn
And also does this mean it'll go through another weekend? Cause you figure we are in the week now so people go to work or school so they don't have the time like they did on the weekend. So I'm hoping they will give us up to next week to do all the stuff. Also it seems that the wardrobe is back to having the cache problem it did on Valentines day. **makes face**

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 03:34 am
by Usul_Princess
Wow. Just. Wow.

I was just so happy about all the achievements I and everyone else seemed to be getting with the plot: Free bites from other NCers just to get in the zombie shop, people making big purchases and sales, etc. (In the middle of a very fun plot I might add.) Aside from losing all but one achievement (cured), I lost some HTS wearable sales that totalled 15m, but the rollback saved my cure, and the items sold were placed back in my shop (Thank God). I consider myself to be one of the very lucky ones. I only lost 1.8mil-ish in Keepsake box money from the millionaire center and shops. I noticed the rollback when my HA wasn't wearing the Rocks, and I was 100% cured, but not re-entered in stage 2. Then I went to check and see were my Keepsake spaces still there, and some items were "kicked out" but in my vault.

I'm not angry, just really sad that I got back into playing and quickly was reminded about why I quit playing/donating in the first place. My heart goes out to people who lost so much more than me.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 03:47 am
by Saturn
Well FUCK. This just HAD to happen the day after I got a wishlist Subeautique item from the wizard, didn't it? Not to mention all the biting and achievements I got over the weekend, and all the books I hoarded for the Reading Drive, and all the vending I did, and all the zombie den items I bought (because, you know, the weekend is the only time I ever have to actually DO anything on the site anymore)... none of which I'm overly eager to do ALL OVER AGAIN. Especially with all the sqls and glitches I've been getting.

I'm just glad I didn't buy anything from the cash shop like I was planning to do. Ugh.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 04:03 am
by TCStarwind
God damn. D: I just got to take account of what I lost, I didn't think a lot of this would be effected since I figured Friday night was safe.

I have to rebite 12 people for the 100 achievement.
I have to recure 1 shop for that achievement.
I have to rebuy several items from Skitters and reachieve the 1.5 mill achievement.
I have to rebuy over 50 books that I'd started collecting for the future book drive.
And I have to recollect all those damn hearts (granted, I was only at 37 or so).

I know it's not a lot, but it still makes me kinda depressed, especially since it had already taken me about 4 days to get the biting achievement. And the wait between hearts and biting is annoying, especially because I never remember to check. And of course, something like this has to happen on a big event to make it worse. :< Pooey.

Edit: And I gorgot to mention that damn token shop rose I bought and sold. Because that has apparently never existed, I'm not broke when I wasn't before.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 04:09 am
by Wingsrising
Good new is we apparently supposed to all get 500 free CS for our trouble. (If I'd know that I wouldn't have bought any this weekend. Of course, if I knew what I knew now I wouldn't have bought any this weekend anyway.)

Bad news is that the link to get it doesn't work. Neither does the link to report our missing CS credit.

:wanders off humming "Isn't it ironic?":

EDIT: It's working now.

Re: Two day site rollback

Posted: 17 Feb 2009 04:15 am
by TCStarwind
I just checked, and both links seem to be working for me. I've got my 500 CS and I'm all happy about free things from the CS, but I'm still down about the rest of it. :<

I'll be able to get that maid MCT, now. I'll eventually need to shell out another **$20 for the two pirate MCTs and the four DPs I want, though. I'm too broke for this site.

Edit: Nevermind? XD You got to it before me, Wings.

Edit Twice: **Make that $30. I forgot about the two oriental MCTs. Thankfully, all the MCTs can wait.