Site revamp/overhaul

For discussion of the Subeta pet site, including new colours and other features.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

Is it just me or are pet treasures un-rearrange-able right now? I thought that for sure it would put me in a better mood to give Rakshasa more zombie-ish treasures, but they're immovable in both Chrome and Firefox.

I give up for the rest of the week. Everything I try is either broken or breaks immediately afterwards. No one let me touch my pets or their code until at least Saturday. Hey, maybe fixing all my pet lookups can be my birthday present to myself. Totally better than cake.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

It does indeed seem to be broken, that sucks. I wanted to go through and rearrange Lindsay's treasure a little, but guess I'll be holding off on that.

With the exception of tweaking the treasures, I got the rest of my pets profiles done. Granted they weren't anything fancier then an overlay and some text, but it's still nice to see their descriptions back up.

Shadowgem, I think I love you :D The fixed-width css is amazing on so many levels and was something I'd been hoping would be implemented as an actual option onsite. Removing the postcard (I no longer feel like I need to scroll up more!) and moving the clock is also great.

Edit 2: Fixed width does some strange things to pet profiles though.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by ZomgethMew »

Thanks, Shadowgem! I tried it out, and I think I like the new layout more now :D I'm still waiting for my Spectrum layout to come back, though :B.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Jessi »

I am here to give my input, four pages later.

Overall, I really really like the new layout... except for all the glitches which I know are getting listed, and which I should probably start listing myself xD

The only thing I hate is how much this has fucked up with pet profiles. I don't necessarily mind having to redo my layouts (...though really, that's selfish of me to say, Rachel has done most of my pet layouts. Sorry, Rachel ;-;) but agh, I REALLY hate how the minion is on the left side of the pet - WHY. It looks dumb ;_; And I hate the way friends and treasures are organized now... though it seems like treasures are at least fixable. Blah, I just don't think the pet profiles had to be messed with QUITE this much. I really hate the minion-pet-stats order. My pet is the center of attention, not its minion. It should be first. That's really irking me.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

I just figure they haven't gotten the pet lookups straightened out yet, because right now it's dumb. But even if the minion is, for whatever bizarre reason, meant to be on the left, it seems (from a casual glance) that most sections are nicely tagged with classes and whatnot. So moving the minion to the right should be possible.

I'm just not going to try until at least All Saint's Day.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Mayhem »

I'm usually the first to bitch about new changes, but whoa. I like this. It's got some faults, I'm not sure I like the widget things to the side being so narrow for one, but overall... I'm liking it a lot. I can't wait to see what people are gonna do in the way of customCSS for it.

One thing I DO really hate: wtf, why is "SUB" the only thing you can see in the header of some of the layouts? Thank god I can switch layouts, since the Delphi Beach one seems to say Subeta completely (the graveyard one, hell, you can't see it at all hardly!), I would much prefer to see the whole name of the site instead of a few letters. It's not cute, it's really freaking annoying. It seems like the top images are overlays of the header bar, and to me when you can't see the entire "Subeta") it looks half-assed. Have the name of the site plain as day, or don't put it up there at all. And some of the headers are overlapping even the clock.
Last edited by Mayhem on 27 Oct 2009 03:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Cranberry »

I really like the new layout. I'm still on an older computer (but not for much longer, yay!) but everything still loads quickly. I use Chrome and the only problem I've run into so far is not being able to order my pets' treasures, but that won't work in FF either, so it's not me. Pet profiles also show up weird to me (the pet's pic is overlapping the statistics), but I'd imagine that will be fixed.

My favorite thing is that we can add what we want to the sidebar. I put my little userinfo box, online friends and site navigation in there -- basically, the stuff I was used to always seeing on my screen. It helps me feel like this isn't a big change.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by AngharadTy »

Hehe, Mayhem, that's the glitch that Seerow and I mentioned before--sometimes the menu bar part gets pushed up under the top graphic area. Refreshing usually fixes that, but mine keeps sneaking back up anyway. It's frustrating and annoying, but it's not meant to be just "SUB." There's more you're supposed to see, but it's not displaying properly.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Seerow »

Removing the postcard image with the css code that Shadowgem posted really helped the top bar for me. No more hiding clock and no more partially hidden words. Plus, you can see even more of the pretty world art. I almost changed to the Shadowglen layout because of the pretty stuff that was previously hidden. I don't understand why'd they want to hide the pretty banners underneath those postcards.

I got my pets profiles back up for the most part. There's a few that I need to write descriptions for and a couple others that could use a bit of tweaking, but for the most part they are good. Can someone who didn't use the width css previously posted go check out my a couple of my profiles and make sure everything is aligned alright? I had to use a different css code so they would be centered for me but not sure how it looks to others. I'll need to fix the treasures once those are arrangeable though.
For what it's worth, I actually like the minions over on the left side. Though it looks a bit odd on the pets that don't have minions. Guess I'll need to get Sundance a minion after all.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Silverevilchao »

For those having problems with the large banner at the top:

Code: Select all

<style type=text/css>
#postcards{display: none;}
...oddly, the old Subeta header still exists, but I haven't figured out how to get rid of it.

The fluid width doesn't help me with my comp AT ALL. I have a 17-inch-wide-screen on this laptop, so as a result, there is a TON of whitespace.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by mellaka »

I like it overall but am going to try some of the fixes suggested in this thread. I'm just forgetting about pet pages for a few weeks, and am hoping they will do something different to them by then. I don't have any kind of graphics or anything special on my pet pages, but they still don't look right to me.

I usually play on the highest resolution available to me, and have all my sites on half of my monitor, so some things do look strange to me, but I'm glad the width adjusts, even if it doesn't always look pretty. For example, the world map goes off the edge for me, and is kind of underneath a vertical black strip. It happens sometimes with my pets on the training page too. But, I can live with that =P
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Kamil »

Three words: Do not want.

I can't stand what has happened to the pet pages; having the names of the items is, for me, in most cases as important as the item itself. Not to mention, the "remove item" text is back, so the pages are full of items crammed together, with 'remove item' text gobbing up what little space was left between the items, and as a result the pet pages are hideous beyond the telling of it.

I despise the new "dashboard" and events system; I think I'm going to have to stop using timers completely because I can't bear the new sidebar. Anything I can do to minimize the amount of time I have to notice it is a good thing.

However, I am so thrilled to have the CSS Shadowgem posted; at least the ugly postcards are gone now; I'm getting ready to try Silver's code with it, to see if I can nuke the ugly banner as well.

I dunno, it reminds me completely of Neopets 2.0. Component boxes out the ASS that remind me of my livejournal layout in 1998. Could be just me, but I'd prefer to go forward, not back to the '90s.

If someone doesn't come up with a way to restore the item names in the treasures, and to add a reasonable amount of space between said items - I'm done. Little by little the site has killed everything that drew me to it in the first place; frankly, I'm getting tired of trying to figure out what's going to get killed next in the name of progress.

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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Wingsrising »

You can also use Adblock to remove the postcard.

I agree that the "Remove Item" under treasures should be replaced with the names. I can remove items in the "edit pet treasures" section -- on their lookup I just want to admire them.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Iggy »

This is what I've done with my pet profiles. I used Mike, the pet with the biggest treasure to test things.

Overall, I am satisfied. I would have been pissed if pet profiles weren't customisable at all, but since they are...and even more than before, I'm actually quite happy.

I would like to see the remove link gone, of course, but I like than I can hover over an item to see what it is. A lot more than the names!

Corgi helped me a LOT with the CSS.
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Re: Site revamp/overhaul

Post by Alecko »

Alicorn wrote:Sometimes when a page loads I go to scroll down then the page flickers and I'm back at the top of the page.
That's happening on pretty much every page for me, and it's driving me mad. That's my biggest gripe with it, although the sidebar reloading each page is making me twitch a little. I've just removed my avatar widget because of that. Actually, I've also just noticed that some of the quest amounts in the sidebar are wrong (Wizard 0/20 for example).

But beyond those, I like it. The top banner and the postcards look really pretty (I'm using the default theme) and drop-down menus don't bother me, although having to get used to them may take a while (I know you can stick the link back into the sidebar, but eh). Removing the log in box if you're logged in would be nice, as would deleting widgets as they're moved around (I have Quests listed in both my Widgets/Add Widgets sections). Pretty certain it's been mentioned already, but a widget that showed your active pet would be neat as well. :)
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