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Posted: 22 Feb 2006 10:04 am
by Jamie
Sezlly the Royal Girl Mynci.

Well, not yet. But in a few days, if not tonight =-D

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 10:08 am
by Happy
I like the concept but they didn't pull it off very well.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 10:16 am
by gidget
I usually despise Myncii, but I'd think about keeping the RoyalGirl if I got it from the lab ray. Wow, a Mynci colour I don't hate. I'm stunned.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 10:16 am
by Kantark
Best Mynci colour ever... and only a day after I was moaning to someone at the recent lack of Royal pets. They're watching me! *puts on tin hat* :P

I like 'em, good concept reasonably well executed. Now I have to go eat a lot of words about TNT not doing any decent redraws this year...

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 10:45 am
by Garrett
I love the Royal Girl Mynci. What a great concept. It! I want one now....the only mynci I've ever wanted.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 11:16 am
by Kamil
gidget wrote:I usually despise Myncii, but I'd think about keeping the RoyalGirl if I got it from the lab ray. Wow, a Mynci colour I don't hate. I'm stunned.
You can't get royal from the lab ray. Nor baby, plushie, pirate, or usuki.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 11:16 am
by Jamie

After running straight out and buying a Royal Paint Brush uhhhhhmmm.... I mean, after trying my best not to cave in and buy one. I present Sezlly, the Royalgirl Mynci!

[edit] Lookup coming soon I swear ^^

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 11:18 am
by Kamil
Jamie wrote:Sezlly

After running straight out and buying a Royal Paint Brush uhhhhhmmm.... I mean, after trying my best not to cave in and buy one. I present Sezlly, the Royalgirl Mynci!
She's gorgeous, Jamie, congratulations! *admires*

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 12:05 pm
by Figment
Jamie wrote:Sezlly

After running straight out and buying a Royal Paint Brush uhhhhhmmm.... I mean, after trying my best not to cave in and buy one. I present Sezlly, the Royalgirl Mynci!
*has an incredibly sappy moment* Oooh, it's terribly exciting to see a former lab rat of mine do good like this! I really liked that name; I created her. She looks absolutely fabulous. I find most myncis weirdly anthropomorphized and I generally hate royal pets, but these ones are nice and creative, and Sezlly looks gorgeous. Congratulations!

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 01:18 pm
by Scythemantis
I would've expected MUCH happier responses. Myncis are the most obvious pet to get an oriental know, because. Because the orient likes monkeys and HAS monkeys is why.

They're well-drawn, totally reposed, they're uniquely colored, and come on, people...for a monkey neopet, the Mynci is a great design.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 01:21 pm
by Happy
Scythemantis wrote:I would've expected MUCH happier responses. Myncis are the most obvious pet to get an oriental know, because. Because the orient likes monkeys and HAS monkeys is why.

They're well-drawn, totally reposed, they're uniquely colored, and come on, people...for a monkey neopet, the Mynci is a great design.
How about kougra? Tigers are from Asia! The Nimmo is also very much associated with that sort of stuff. A South american theme sounds better to me for the monkey. The mynci, if for an oriental theme, I would've liked makaks, ya know, you always see them in japan in the hot springs red faces and the snow and stuff. I think that the clothing is chinese.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 03:30 pm
by Crimsonmon
I'm tempted to get the Royalboy, but I don't really go on Neopets enough anyway to justify the cost of the paintbrush. It is a damn nice colour though.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 03:49 pm
by Slugawoo
I just thought of something. T.T If they wanted to do oriental they should've done it on a draik. There are tons of draik owners(including me) who happen to have/want an oriental draik. >.<; Of course, I love the royal draiks the way they are, but still. D: Eastern dragons would've been awsome. I suppose they could always make it a species/lab/FF color. :\

And to stay on topic. I still don't like monkeys. :D

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 04:43 pm
by Marah
I like the royal girl allthough she looks a bit human. But what a pretty dress!
And Sezzly is very pretty too! (Obviously, will she have a custom design?)

PS Jamie, your NC pet-chain loops. Sezzly goes back to your grey kau.

Posted: 22 Feb 2006 05:17 pm
by Kidnemo
These should be great but they arn't.