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Posted: 23 Aug 2007 02:33 am
by Strawberry Limeade
danceu4ia wrote: I got paint stripper in my eye, and no one could find the eye wash station. OWWWW. T.T

It's all better now, but that was an unwanted life experience.
I've had photo fixer and spray paint in my eyes, so I know how much fun you had. Did you have to go to the doctor and get the dye + blacklight test to make sure your cornea wasn't eroding? Also fun. And by fun, I mean a terrible, terrible experience that required people to hold me by the neck so they could wash out my eyes. I could never wear contacts.

Posted: 23 Aug 2007 07:24 pm
by danceu4ia
nope, no dye. Just the scary eyewash station, and then the nurse sticking a squirt bottle full of saline water under my eyelids.

Then signing multiple wavers ...blahblahblah....I will not sue...blahblahblah. Which I found kinda funny, "Oh, you can't see? Ok then, read this and sign here, here, and here. See ya tomorrow!"
Monkeyguy wrote:Okay, I read your post while taking a sip of my drink and just saw stripper and work and didn't know where you were going with that. I'm glad your eye is better. :)
Yeah, cause getting stuff in your eyes is an occupational hazard for exotic dancers. :P

Posted: 24 Aug 2007 01:02 am
by Hawk
:) Just got my braces off today! Yay!!

HOWEVER, my major woe is that my brother was biking and got hit by a car two days ago :( He broke both his tibia and his fibula and had to have some kind of metal pin put in. He's fine otherwise though, and I think the driver will have to pay the hospital bills because he was in the bike lane and the car turned right into him.

My sister made him a cake :D

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 05:57 am
by Ellie
Achievement: I just got back from Projekt Revolution. It was amazing.

Posted: 25 Aug 2007 11:25 am
by Jor
I'm new here!
I'm reading this forum for months without register, because I'm from the Netherlands, so it's an English challenge for me.

Today I thought: I'm going to try :P

Posted: 28 Aug 2007 11:33 am
by zebru
I've been on vacation for a week (short sailboat cruise) during which time my uncle and little cousin were taking care of our cat - they'd come to our house once a day and give him food, water and clean the cat box.

Everything looked pretty much in order when we came back yesterday except one thing. They somehow missed the second bowl of food we left before we went (I'm not sure how as it was right there in plain sight, next to water bowl). After a week in extreme heat it was swarming with at least hundred thick short white worms (maggots? I always thought maggots were smaller than that) which were wriggling madly, all 100 of them. I've seen similar sights on TV, but it really makes a nauseating difference seeing it for real.

I think I want to be cremated.

Posted: 28 Aug 2007 04:39 pm
by Strawberry Limeade
I got a job! I got a job! Lalalalala!


I'll be working in Indianapolis, playing with Photoshop all the day long doing image correction for a variety of regional newspapers and USA Today. I get to wear jeans and T-shirts, iPods are encouraged, and one of my best friends from college works there (which is how I got the job). Yaaaaaayyyy!!!

Posted: 29 Aug 2007 10:48 am
by gomababe
Achievement: I went to see the disability officer for the job centre on Monday and we've arranged for me to visit the local CVS office to look for supervised volunteering opportunities for me to do while I look for a job ^_^

Woe {though more of a really inconvenient issue}: There are literally no support groups for adults with dyspraxia in Scotland ¬_¬. All of the support groups are for parents with children with the disability. What do they think happens with children with dyspraxia that had no previous support. I'll give them 'Oh s/he can't have a disability, s/he's doing so well at school/ University' ¬_¬.

Posted: 29 Aug 2007 10:09 pm
by Hawk
Woooooe: I feel awful. I have a fever of 100.5 and it feels like my eyeballs are about to dry up and fall out. And it's the first week of school. Why can't I get sick when I actually don't want to come? And I keep shivering even though it's probably 85 degrees in my room.

Posted: 29 Aug 2007 11:40 pm
by anzuronamin
Achievement!: I found screentones that I can use in the Gimp! And now I know how to make my own...but any time I try, they come out weird. Better practice.

Posted: 30 Aug 2007 08:11 am
by Slugawoo
Yay! We finally got our internet back. :D But I feel so stupid for not realising what was wrong. Damn computer came with a phone cord instead of the Ethernet cord it needed. Damn you, Microsoft!

But it's okey. Probably the wierdest achievement ever, but it turns out I'm the only girl in my Animation class. And only my English teacher sucks. Not bad.

...But there's so little time to eat here. I've lost 4 pounds since I moved in. -.-; Not healthy at all. I have to stock up on Ramen cups when I go home this weekend.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 09:54 pm
by gomababe
achievement: went to the CVS this afternoon and we're looking at being a volunteer at the local youth club foor young carers ^_^. Unforutnately that'll only take up at least one Friday evening a month so we're also looking into swimming with disabled people. Both things htat play really well to my strengths and hobbies ^_^. I'll still be looking foor paid work but at least this should get me out from under my mum's feet a few times a month and give me something constructive to do with my time.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 09:56 pm
by ladynight6
not really neither but: I broke into my own home.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 11:13 pm
by Kidnemo
Woe: Fake Brian won BB8.. the Twinnies were second ;-;

Davina looked smoking though, and the Charley/Chanelle thing was hilarious.

...I need a new sig now.

Posted: 31 Aug 2007 11:21 pm
by adi_gallia
That's a woe for me too, I wanted the twins or Carole to win. ;-;

Now I have nothing to watch, that's why I like BB, it's lasts for ages, so I always have something to watch.