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Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 06 May 2011 06:28 pm
by Alecko
Edit: I am an idiot. Figured it out.

Can somebody whose used the P3 droppers clarify how they're meant to work?

I want to have an easy way of identifying my soliders (without relying on the annoying blue glow when they're all selected). Mine all died today so I went and bought a chocolate dropper. It doesn't let me put it on any of my P3's so I figure it goes on the ground and then I chose what to change. Drop item on nearest tile, one of my nesters turns chocolate (and literally dies five seconds later). Ok. I pack everything bar my soliders away and have another go. The count drops to 8, none of my soldiers changes and a quick look in the nests turns up a chocolate worker. :-/

Is it actually meant to be random?

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 08:03 pm
by Fury
I've just reached level 20!

I think I've done quite well to get this far and not have any of my bugs die on me but I'm bracing myself for the morning where I wake up and find 75% of them dead. I suppose the ones that were born at the same time die at the same time?

Thanks for adding me, fjorab. I've been repairing your resource tiles every day that I've been on. If anyone else needs a hand, add me! I'd like more NC friends on Neo. :D

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 08:06 pm
by Marah
I've tried to add you fury. My neoname is Mare.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 08:12 pm
by Fury
Marah wrote:I've tried to add you fury. My neoname is Mare.
Ah, thanks Marah! I've added you.

I've had a few other requests from people I don't know - if you've added me, give me a shout on here so I know who you are!

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 08:31 pm
by Kari
I think I sent one over, it'd be from firestormchick_52.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 10:48 pm
by Alecko
Fury wrote: I think I've done quite well to get this far and not have any of my bugs die on me but I'm bracing myself for the morning where I wake up and find 75% of them dead. I suppose the ones that were born at the same time die at the same time?
Pretty much. I lost thirteen of my workers earlier.

I added you, I'm mkrow.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 10 May 2011 11:25 pm
by EofS
Fury wrote: I think I've done quite well to get this far and not have any of my bugs die on me but I'm bracing myself for the morning where I wake up and find 75% of them dead. I suppose the ones that were born at the same time die at the same time?
I try to space out my hatching for precisely that reason. Although you do get a lot of tasty XPs when they all up and die at once, so that's some compensation.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 02:07 am
by Jamie
So, I'm a complete newbie at this. I play for a little bit and then leave it for weeks, but I'm hoping I'll be a little bit more dedicated to it this time. I'd love it if anyone would friend me and help me out. I'll return the favour best I can once I figure out how. I'm xylops on neo. Thanks!

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 02:12 am
by Madge
Jamie - most people like me who are high levels have such a RIDICULOUS amount of money that we can buy you anything you want. What buildings do you want? We'll send you some :)

Storages, nests, houses, barracks, hospitals, anything you like.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 02:42 am
by Jamie
Oh, well right now I'm level 6 (almost level 7!, ha) and I have one Storage, one House and two Nests. I'm not exactly sure what I need. I have a lot of nesters though (one for each time I neglected my habitarium I believe), so I think another Nest could be helpful since I need more P3's. I don't think I can have Hospitals and Barracks until later?

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 03:43 am
by Silver Link
Yeah, you can't get them until later but don't even bother buying either of them. Waste of space and resources

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 03:53 am
by Madge
Hospitals seem to heal my p3s faster, and barracks are good places to store soldiers because that way I know there are only soldiers there.

Once you get to a certain point, money no longer matters so you may as well buy things that are convenient rather than pinching every penny :P. After all, it's more economical to buy new storages instead of upgrading, but upgrading doesn't have any fuss to it.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 07:23 am
by Fjorab_Teke
Feel free to add me - fjorab on Neo. If your name or userinfo doesn't point to who you are, just let me know so i can add you to my NC listing and won't reject you. I'm currently level 46 and have hit the "what do i do with all these resources? Eh, just build and level up" point.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 11 May 2011 01:01 pm
by Jazzy
I'm essexweirdo on neo (I friended you, fury!) so if anyone wants to friend me too, go ahead :)

I have barracks and hospitals because I have more resources than I know what to do with. They add a bit of variety.

Re: Professor Milton Clodbottle's Astounding Habitarium (Bet

Posted: 13 May 2011 12:32 am
by Jamie
Thank you everyone who has befriended me and helped me out/sent me something, very much appreciated! I'm a little low of houses and nests now so if anyone could spare either I would love it. ^^