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Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:11 am
by la snutty
Monkeyguy wrote:
Nobby wrote:There's an awesome petpage that tells you how to earn ~30k a day. The pets name is Pigglletta.
This site really is great. I've been working for about 15 mins and I'm already at 10,850 NPs.

I ended with 24k, but I didn't do all of the things on the list because I got bored. But I just made more than I have all month in just about an hour.
Isn't it the best? I make 30k in 40 minutes, every day. I just neomailed the person to express my gratitude. Without it I wouldn't have made my first 1,000,000np today. Go me yeah woo!

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:21 am
by Wingsrising
It is pretty impressive how many of those "visit this website for X number of Neopoints" things are kicking around still active. I've never really done them, but I have now seen the error of my ways.

Most days I can't be bothered to spend 40+ mintues a day playing Neopets anymore -- one of the reasons I love stocks and would be tempted to quit if they ever ceased to be profitable -- but I may have to start making it a habit of doing the "click here" things when I'm bored at work or something.

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 04:28 am
by Sagrei
I'm still stuck in the part of stocks where I'm buying and buying and not making much profit yet.

This ends, eventually, and it's all sunshine and lollipops and obnoxiously fancy weapons afterwards... right?

Posted: 19 Jun 2006 01:29 pm
by Madge

I have an infamous chart that I bring out at every opportunity that no-one understands but it OBVIOUSLY MUST BE CORRECT!

(I jump from side to side and whisk my tail when I read out about how much richer everyone is! Also the dogs growl!)

I've also taken to Pigelletta's site. I find if I open them all up in tabs and copy and paste an email address I can get 20k in 20 minutes, which buys me my daily stocks without eating into my bank! Yay for all! :D

Posted: 20 Jun 2006 03:07 am
by Sagrei
I can be patient. In the meantime, I'm learning about the tedious, and yet addictive, thing called Neoquest.

Already I think I'm making some profits. Haven't been keeping track of it, but the amount of NP I've sunk into stocks is bigger than my highest bank-balance. My sellpoint is 30 right now, since my portfolio is fairly small and I haven't got much NP to hand.

*wills COFL to hit 30 tonight, cos that'll make my daily buys for the next two days*

Posted: 25 Jun 2006 07:41 pm
by Wingsrising
I've actually become a daily visitor to Pigelletta's site as well. I don't do any of the game or challenge cards (except the one hot wheels one that pays a lot of NP) because I can't be bothered doing all that typing but I do the "find the hidden NP ones", most of the trailers, and the "visit X website Y times a day" ones.

I've found that doing it efficently (in blocks of about 5-6 using "open link in new tab" in Firefox, then "close all other tabs" when I'm done with the block) one can earn about 20k in round 10 mintues, which is pretty appealing (and as Madge says, gives you enough for stocks with some to spare).

So if 30k in 40 minutes doesn't sound appealing to you (it doesn't to me: no way I'm spending 40 mintues clicking on links) I thought I'd pass on that you can still earn a fair chunk of change in a lot less time by being efficent and concentrating on stuff that's fast.

Oh, and while the site says the links are every 24 hours, I'm wondering if it doesn't reset at Neopian midnight. At least, I don't do them at the same time every day and still get a good payout when I'm done.

Posted: 27 Jun 2006 11:07 pm
by Xiub
Most of my neopoints come from donations games and the ever so popular random events! Whenever I get a decent one I sell it :P

Posted: 05 Jul 2006 01:29 am
by Sodapop
I play one game I don't make much but I play one game when needed. Sometimes more than that,.

Posted: 15 Jul 2006 11:08 pm
by tigerlilyleah
I make my neopoints by restocking, and stock market. I restock in desert petpet, anubises and setis are quick easy profit and are easier than games for me :) I'd enter the art gallery if I could draw, but, I can't so... xD

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 12:26 pm
by EarwenAncalime
recently sold lab map peices and made 200k. (4 peices) sot here goes my lab ray dream. But alas i now have half my cloud pb fund so its all good ^^

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 08:53 pm
by bonecrivain
Question about Pigglletta's page; it says her last update was on July 12, so not that long ago, but all of her numbers seem to be off. The Hot Wheels one, for instance, she says you get 2k from; the game itself says you can get 1k one time a day. The numbers are similarly off for most of the other games I've tried so far.

I sent a challenge card three times for the Hot Wheels game and think I might have been able to do more, but I started to realize that it might be a glitch or something, and then I got a bit frightened. If you're really only supposed to send the card once a day, shouldn't it limit to and not give you points every time you send it?

I've made 5k from the first 6 games, which isn't too bad. I'd read through the FAQ on that page, but I started to and they didn't make a lick of sense to me.

I also never get np for clicking on the "view website!" links. Am I supposed to do something besides just click on the link and then close the window? I even try clicking around on the sites sometimes, but I still never get the np.

Posted: 17 Jul 2006 09:33 pm
by daisybell
The np for site visits aren't working at the moment, which is crap :/

As for the other stuff, I just do as it says- I don't think the Hot Wheels game will give out more than 2000nps, but they just messed up when they wrote it. Some of the cards say completely the wrong amount in the text. The first time you send the card you get nothing, the second time you get 1k and the third time 1k, after that I don't think you get anything.

Of course, I get told I've sent too many cards after the first ten or so links, which really limits the amount you can get from it.

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 03:39 am
by la snutty
Yeah, if it says "NA" or "o_O" next to the game, under the site row, it means you can't get neopoints from it. Which has been all of them for a while now. Total crap.

And if you're sending the cards for the very first time ever, you get to send it 3 times. After that only twice.

I think 30 cards a day is the limit.. but I only get the limit on some days, others I can get through the whole list with no "you may not send anymore cards today".

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 03:40 am
by bonecrivain
But it stops you after the third time, right? So it's not like I can keep sending over the limit and get my account flagged for cheating or something?

Posted: 18 Jul 2006 04:05 am
by Fullmetal Dragon
la snutty wrote:Yeah, if it says "NA" or "o_O" next to the game, under the site row, it means you can't get neopoints from it. Which has been all of them for a while now. Total crap.

And if you're sending the cards for the very first time ever, you get to send it 3 times. After that only twice.

I think 30 cards a day is the limit.. but I only get the limit on some days, others I can get through the whole list with no "you may not send anymore cards today".
I don't know, I only get the 'you can't send anymore' thing if I've accidentally been visiting any other parts of Neopets at the same time or in the middle of doing all the stuff from that page. Basically if I interrupt it even to refresh the main page or put away the money I've made so far, it doesn't like it. XD;