Mutant Uni

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Post by Nogitsune »

It's WRONG in so many ways... The leg is missing part of the shoulder, which is why it looks so wierd. It's too smooth, it looks too plain, the head looks... deformed in the wrong sort of way.... Two thumbs down.
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Post by jeti »


You're kidding, right?
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Post by Silverevilchao »

roger9614462 wrote:I think this is at the same level of the Darigan Kacheek
No. Not even the same level as the Darigan Kacheek.

At least the Darigan Kacheek was funny.

<img src= ... n_baby.gif>

I mean, how could you not laugh at it?
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Post by Wysteria »

Actually, I wasn't talking about the medusa. It was this horse-plant thing I ran into in an old book of mythical creatures. Medusa would have been fun, though, wouldn't it?
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Post by Happy »

The artist who drew that monstrosity cant draw. It definetly doesn't qualify as a mutant.
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Post by Akjara »

Another though came to me: What if this isn't the mutant Uni, but an Altador tainted one? This would at least explain the kind of greek drawing style. But not the bad drawing. And I really hope it isn't one.
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Post by Happy »

Akjara wrote:Another though came to me: What if this isn't the mutant Uni, but an Altador tainted one? This would at least explain the kind of greek drawing style. But not the bad drawing. And I really hope it isn't one.
'cause the URL says: uni_MUTANT_baby
Grey Cloud wrote:Actually, I wasn't talking about the medusa. It was this horse-plant thing I ran into in an old book of mythical creatures. Medusa would have been fun, though, wouldn't it?
Do you mean the vegetable lamb? Those are really cute. ... e_Lamb.jpg
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Post by Marah »

Ooooh I have seen one of those in a garden museum in London, very funny. Lovely story too, imagine little lambs growing from plant. Some-one should make a pet personality out of that!

As for the uni: bad art... 'nuf said.

Post by Guest »

It's absolute crap. As someone said, the horn for the mutant uni could have had so much possibilities, but no, it's a half-arsed last minute piece of crap, it's worse than the Darigan kacheek and that thing's a monstrosity.

I like the tentacle man and tail, but that's it. Just because it's mutant don't think you can get away with making it badly-drawn that it's deformed, make it INTENTIONALLY deformed.
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Post by Trick »

Just... wow. I put off commenting on this for a while as I just still can't believe this is for real. It looks like something from a few years ago on neopets, or as someone else said - a shopkeeper. A bad shopkeeper.

Quite apart from the idea of the mutantness the art quality is deplorable. The colours are also dull and boring - mutant doesn't have to mean dull! And after the Mutant Gnorbu this just looks laughable.

This uni makes my mutant tonu cry ;_;
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Post by Sparrow »

Booooo-rrrring. Really, I was expecting a much more exciting mutant, one with fangs and sharp cloven hooves and maybe gaunt and rotting like a threstral. Like others have said, the tentacle mane and tail are great, but that's all... :evil:
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Post by Kuroro »

Well.. I love drawing animals, I studied them for years, particulary horses, dogs, wolves and cats. Usually when something is off, I see it quickly. But so many things are off in this one...

On top of that, I don't like it when the poses have different sizes. But that's ok, more pets have it. But, when the shape, f.e. of the head is inconsitent thorough the poses, that's over it.

Like said before on the topic, I see this and then think of what it could have been. The tentacles are a good idea.. it has many good ideas, but bad drawn out. Too few detail (f.e. the wings), too many errors, ... The errors are the worst part..

Well.. no mutant uni for me. I'm a horse lover, it's kinda saddening.
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Post by KasiTL »

There's so many great concepts for horse-beasts out there that they could have had at least ten brilliant ideas, if not many, many more. But this? What the hell? It's extreemly uninspired. The head kind of reminds me of the initial Kougra revamp (as do some other elements that I can't quite place my finger on).

Actually, it looks kind of like a very bad rough-draft for a monster from Star Wars, to me. I don't know why, it just does.
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Post by Guest »

I would like to point out to everyone that this has a definate greek/roman art look to it...What else do we know of that has a greek/Roman theme ALTADOR!! This is obviously modeled off one of the characters in the upcoming plot...
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Post by Angelique Elf »

Happy wrote:
Akjara wrote:Another though came to me: What if this isn't the mutant Uni, but an Altador tainted one? This would at least explain the kind of greek drawing style. But not the bad drawing. And I really hope it isn't one.
'cause the URL says: uni_MUTANT_baby
I would like to point out that for the latest desert plot the characters were painted HALLOWEEN, even though it had nothing to do with the haunted forest, quite clearly this is in fact altador related.
Grey Cloud wrote:Actually, I wasn't talking about the medusa. It was this horse-plant thing I ran into in an old book of mythical creatures. Medusa would have been fun, though, wouldn't it?
Do you mean the vegetable lamb? Those are really cute. ... e_Lamb.jpg
Mmmm, vegatable and lamb together? Sound like dinner to me
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