Darigan Kacheek

For discussion of new pet colours- speculation and discussion of colours in general should be placed in New Features or Misc.
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Post by Aurinona »

Between a few DeviantArt pictures, friends' Livejournal posts, and one VERY unfortunate spoiler in a Livejournal community, by the time I read HBP, there was no point in reading it. I felt severely gypped by the book, but I think it was just that every interesting point had already been spoiled somewhere. (I'm pretty sure I stayed away from any threads here.) Grarrrgh.

Back on topic: Darigan Kacheek= hideous. The quality of recent pet art makes me very sad.
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Post by bonecrivain »

Off-topic: I found HBP fairly disappointing overall. I steered completely clear of any livejournals or boards that could possibly contain spoilers, so it wasn't ruined for me in that way...but I felt like pretty much nothing happened in that book. The cave scene was pretty cool, though.

And I'm a firm believer in Sirius/Remus. :) Which is probably part of why the end of HBP irritated me. But whatever. (I also wasn't a big fan of the latest movie.)

On-topic: every time I see this pet, I have a strong feeling that I've seen something like it somewhere before. But I can't for the life of me place it. It just seems reallllllly familiar.
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Post by Lucifer_Apollyon »

Off-topic: Heh...I love looking for the spoilers. I never read books in proper order anyway. XD I often read the last chapter first and then the first chapter and then skip around and then read the book in proper order. O.o I'm weird...

every time I see this pet, I have a strong feeling that I've seen something like it somewhere before. But I can't for the life of me place it. It just seems reallllllly familiar.
Oh...there was a cartoon/plush toy out called (I think) My Favorite Monster...or something like that back in the 80's. The monster was blue with huge grey horns sticking out the sides of his head...*looks for actual title of show* OMG!! I actually remember most of these cartoons. O.O'' Nope! It's actually "My Pet Monster"...

http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/full/ ... aphic1.gif

It's not quite what I remember the monster looking like...I seem to remember the thing being smaller and the horns being bigger. O.o But the colors fit anyway and the Darigan kacheek made me think of this immediately.

I think there was also a made-for-tv-movie out back then with a monster with simular sized horns. Though, I could be wrong...
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Post by Kamil »

bonecrivain wrote:
And I'm a firm believer in Sirius/Remus. :) Which is probably part of why the end of HBP irritated me. But whatever.
Yeah, that bugged me at first too, but once I'd thought it over and talked about it with fellow fen I decided that Sirius would have wanted Remus to go on with his life (so much as is possible, given what is going on around them) and so would, if not approve exactly, would be glad to see Remus finding some peace and comfort where he was able.

Sirius knows what it is to be utterly alone -- I cannot imagine he'd wish that same fate on Remus.

I really liked the book, but I agree in terms of plot movement, it didn't go terribly far.

But it did accomplish quite a bit in terms of character development (I really don't like the little ferret, but I was very glad to see Draco become a real boy at last) and that made me very happy.

And the cave was beyond cool. :)
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Post by Sammi »

The Cheshire Dragon, I would really like to believe that was true! It'd be such a neat twist, and I'm still struggling to believe that character isn't really that bad... okay, pretty evil, but not that bad. ;)

I could see you take on what happened in the last book working for still supporting Sirius/Remus, Kamil. ^-^ Gah, gotta love tragic, angsty love. Or maybe I'm such a big Sirius/Remus fan I'm oblivious to everything else. ^-~

Heheh, I avoided the last Harry Potter thread on purpose. But I still managed to get it spoiled thanks to my friends. :roll: I already knew who the half blood prince was and who died before I'd even finished the first chapter.
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Post by Kamil »

Sammi wrote:
I could see you take on what happened in the last book working for still supporting Sirius/Remus, Kamil. ^-^ Gah, gotta love tragic, angsty love. Or maybe I'm such a big Sirius/Remus fan I'm oblivious to everything else. ^-~
Of course Remus still loves Sirius, but Sirius is dead now, and Remus has to accept that if he is going to be of any use to the movement -- hell, if he is going to have any sort of a life, he has to move on.

And I cannot imagine Sirius, if he is at all cognizent of what is taking place in their world, would be saddened or upset if he saw for himself that Remus had moved on.

Like I said before, Sirius spent many long years utterly alone -- he cannot possibly want that to happen to someone he loves as much as Remus.
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Post by Akerin »

Lucifer_Apollyon wrote:Oh...there was a cartoon/plush toy out called (I think) My Favorite Monster...or something like that back in the 80's. The monster was blue with huge grey horns sticking out the sides of his head...*looks for actual title of show* OMG!! I actually remember most of these cartoons. O.O'' Nope! It's actually "My Pet Monster"...

http://ak.imgag.com/imgag/product/full/ ... aphic1.gif

It's not quite what I remember the monster looking like...I seem to remember the thing being smaller and the horns being bigger. O.o But the colors fit anyway and the Darigan kacheek made me think of this immediately.

I think there was also a made-for-tv-movie out back then with a monster with simular sized horns. Though, I could be wrong...
Maybe you're partly thinking of 'Little Monsters'? :)
Horns aren't exactly huge, but he is blue.

On Topic:
I think this is funny. I wouldn't really care if they released it or not... if they did, and I got it from the lab, I'd probably keep it for a while, just so I'd have something to laugh at every day. XD
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Post by Mesmirez »

Off Topic:
HBP completely ruined my faith in J.K. Rowling. Completely. |< All snog and somehow absolutely no character development what-so-ever. Where were Luna and Neville through that whole book?! We saw them, what, like, 3 times? Combined? And really, shouldn't Harry, like, be wondering where Sirius WENT anyways?!
Spoiler: open/close
should've been early in the book, then we could get right down to the fun stuff, not a 500-page romance novel.

On Topic:
Why the moehawk?! I think I would've liked it otherwise, but WHY THE MOEHAWK?!
Thanks TheLoneTiel for the siggy^^

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Post by Illuen »

To all of you Sirius/Lupin fans, i have seen more than one creepy slash where Tonks uses her powers to change into Sirius for a distraught Lupin.

I loved HBP, but I am a rabid fanboy, so that was certian. I have to say that Slugworth is one of my favorite teachers now :). I also liked Angsty Draco, but i would of prefered Angsty Ferret Draco. And also, the cave will always be great. Only thing I wanted to see was like the LV/Dumbledore battle in OotP. Not DD fighting Voldy, but DD having a chance to kick major ass.
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Post by Marah »

Harry Potter rant:
I join Mesmirez in not liking all the snogging in HBP, I mean I like snogging, but I didn't think ginny/Harry was still plausible after her little girl crush. "Ooh Harry I never stopped loving you!" Gaah

All the romance got in the way of the good stuff! Where was the DA, where where Neville and Luna, didn't they show what they were worth in the last book?
Harry is happy to have them around when no one else of his friends wants or can sit with him and recognises their loneliness but after that never even thinks about them anymore!

I want the DA and no more squeely pink little girlie love.. oh and no ugly Darigan Kacheek either.
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Post by TCD »

Yanno, I actually don't remember most of the icky snoggy parts in HBP. I don't like it, (unless it's Snape/insert character here) so I didn't pay any attention to it.

We'll see what happens in book 7, I'm sure. ... I just hope Snape hasn't been found and mob justice hasn't prevailed. I mean, if he was found and there was a trial and everything that would be okay... but if he was found and strung up that wouldn't be pretty.

What was this topic supposed to be about again? :D
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Post by Marah »

Oh another Snape trial! Goody!
As long this one is an unbiased one!
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Post by Elfwoman99 »

Wow, that is so terrible, its funny. Somebody at TNT is seriously on crack or something. I hope its a joke. But leaving a joke pet up forever, ruins it for people who actually wanted that color.

Its still not as bad as the Darigan Usul, though.

Much more importantly, the Barney Grarrl is hilarious. Thank you, whoever posted it.
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