RL Achievements and ToW

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by EofS »

I'm so sorry to hear you're having such a difficult time at the moment Jamie. That's a truly awful set of things to happen even individually, nevermind all in such a short space. I hope life is kinder to you soon.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Iggy »

Well, our golden retriever haven't been so well. Tuesday, when I was at work, my dad noticed she was not so well and he went to the vet. He got meds for her,.

Tuesday night, she was barely able to walk and I had to bring her inside myself, since she wasn't moving on her own.

It all went downhill from here. She's not fine at all and can't walk at all, according to my mom. Called my dad at work and he was in tears over the phone. Like, "unable to talk to me" tears. I mean, we all love our dogs, but I'm pretty sure my dad is the one that spend the most time with them, by a landslide.

It's highly possible she have to be put her down tomorrow. She's at the vet right now. I'll see if I can use my lunch hour to get to the vet with my parents. Unlikely, but I'll ask them. :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

I had a fried computer and not everything has been put back yet but I went and found my password so I could (finally) come back and sent some cyberhugs to all of you!

Jamie: I'm so sorry to hear about your sad times, it keeps piling up, doesn't it? I can only hope the universe makes it up to you at some point and you get a better streak soon.
Kali: Good to hear the move went great, lovely to hear that Ali and you are having such a good time in your new place. hope your pinky heals soon (and hope that Ali is a good cook? :D )

And general hugs for all the pet troubles and losses :(

As for me, I will possibly be joining the ranks of the unemployed in January. Hopefully not, if I can find a new job. It isn't funny, but I hope it will turn out to be a good thing. Time to re-evaluate what to do with my life and such... I really hope it will turn out to be a good thing in the end.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

whoo hoo!!! So happy to see you back Marah!!!! *missed you* Edit: Good luck with finding a new job! Being out of work is seriously scary....especially now a days!

Ali is a good cook....for somethings lol. She is the oven cooker (baker) and I use everything else. So if we are having roast chicken, she's the one to do it. A beef roast or a park roast goes in the slow cooker for 8 hours, it turns even a less than gran cut of meat incredibly tender! Anyway....my pinky is feeling much better, still sore but I am good with some types of pain lol.

Iggy: I am so sorry to hear that, putting Sandy, my old dog down was so hard. We got him when i was 5 and he lived to be a few months shy of his 17th b-day, so we were lucky. But it was so damn hard. I wish you peace and closer.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Madge »

So... I went for a meeting with a bank people and it turns out me and Paul have enough savings, earnings, etc to be able to afford a home loan for the sort of place we want ($400,000).

wtf... I guess we're gonna have to go house hunting or something o_o
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jazzy »

I have a job! I've got a year of university left, but pharmacy students here look for a job a year before graduation. I was made an offer by a pharmacy shop and a hospital, and I've decided to go with the hospital :)
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kantark »

Yay, congrats Jazzy! And congrats on the mortgage offer, Madge.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

helped my neighbors/friends can apple butter this afternoon. It was the most social I have been voluntarily in um....years??? It's really nice to have someone I get along with to hang out with while Ali is at work/busy :D

She played The Sims while I hung out next door lol
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Huggles »

I just got back from Tim's show in Detroit. I wish I had stayed to get a picture, but I was white knuckle driving all the way there, and it was cold and wet and I had to pee the entire time. I also managed to go into the Men's restroom by mistake. The lack of door and the urinals somehow didn't dissuade me. I just thought it was a really crap(excuse the pun) bathroom setup. Tim was great though! Next time I'll have to go with an actual human instead of Rachel the gps lady.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fury »

I got a promotion at work today!

I feel so pleased and privileged. I work for a family company that's slowly expanding and I thoroughly enjoy my job. I work with the best bunch of people (and it has been previously discussed, I fancy my boss and flirt with him just a wincy bit haaa) and for the most part I enjoy what I do. My biggest downfall was dealing with customers - I can do it and I'm fairly good at it but my strongest point is paperwork and computers. Unfortunately a good friend is leaving for personal reasons but I was honoured to be offered her position as Office Manager!

The family were very complimentary about me so I am chuffed to bits. I will be more busy (which I like) and I won't be on the shop floor with the people I love quite so much but it's a step up! And of course it means a pay rise, my second of the year. I put it all down to the flirting.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Marah »

Congrats fury!

I have a heating woe. For days now one of my heaters wouldn't turn on. So procrastinator that I am, toady I finally called and a guy will be coming by on friday. So tonight I gave it one more swirl and behold... it worked.
So grumble, grumble I made a mental note to call the company tomorrow to cancel the guy. Except 15 minutes ago I try to turn it off. And it won't. It isn't even slowing down, it is turned to off and still blasting heat full force! I'm contemplating finding my bikini for tomorrow. Stupid heater.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Jessi »

Lindsey has been super busy lately between jobs so I am posting this achievement for her! Yesterday she had a job interview with Nintendo and they liked her so much they hired her right on the spot! We are SO excited and went out to celebrate and things have been very hyper around here since yesterday afternoon xD Part of the reason we picked this area to move to is working for Nintendo was one of Lindsey's dream jobs! Now she has her foot in the door and will hopefully go onto awesome things there!
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Woohoo! So much awesomeness for you all!! (except the heater of course, hope that gets fixed for minimal damage)

I don't have anything major to report for myself, just a "one major change that shouldn't be a problem" and continued indulgence in the entertainment this area has to offer. I have 3 or 4 more concerts to go to, and i plan to visit Las Vegas with my husband soon.

We don't know when we'll be moving yet or for certain where, but it's supposed to be in the next several months. Yay military? We've really enjoyed California, but it's not home, and the most likely next destination has me excited.

I was hoping to go see some friends compete at the Tevis Cup (major endurance horse race in the western States), but i didn't have enough fore-planning, and a lot of minor things interfered. Two of my friends completed the 100-mile ride with their horses deemed fit enough to continue, so they got awards for that, a major bragging right for them. One was riding an Akhal-Teké, a rare breed from Turkmenistan and part of my online name origin. Another person completed on a Fjord, and most of the other riders were on Arabians (my other friend included), so there were my 3 namesake breeds to have bragging rights.
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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Kali_Lupine »

congrats Fury and Jessi/Linds!!!!

achieve: I was bored/restless the other day and needed a haircut. I had decided to get a Mohawk based on my utter love for a friend's hairstyle (Sui on Subeta) but truthfully, I hate going for a haircut. I feel very vulnerable sitting in the chair feeling like I have no way to escape if needed. So long story short, I did something I had been wanting to for a long time:


ha, I look kinda sad about it in the pic, but I loved it! It was very freeing. Its grown in a bit since then, and is back to the peach fuzz buzz cut that Alicorn loves.

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Re: RL Achievements and ToW

Post by Fjorab_Teke »

Ah, nice, very easy cut to maintain. :-) I was all sad that my husband had to get shaven/buzzcut for the Army since i like neck-to-shoulder-length hair on guys, but for some people it's a real turn-on. If you can invest in a semi-cheap trimmer, that makes it super easy. And Alicorn can let you know if there are any uneven/stripey bits that need evened out. And most trimmers have different length guides for whatever length you prefer.

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